Chapter Three

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~A week later~

"Alright team, all of your designs have been received and looked over. Next week is finally when you guys to meet the team bringing this all together and bring your designs from paper to reality." Parker stood tall in front of the crew standing in the almost finished hotel we were designing, dismissing us all after another hard week. 

Parker had not even attempted to talk to me since that night we had our fight. Honestly I kind of missed him, I found myself not being able to sleep at night without him in bed with me. 

I've been staying the last week in a hotel across the street front this one until I could find a more permanent place. I didn't have very much of my stuff, it was all still back at the apartment. The little bit I had I had taken when I went to the apartment on my lunch break a few days ago. One of the things being my dog that I left when I stormed out in a hurry. 

Which when I got my little Miniature Pinscher back, I noticed that he had a slight limp and suddenly found his left eye extremely hard to keep open. I knew Parker never liked Cooper but I never thought he'd hurt him, which made me regret not taking the time to grab Cooper before leaving last Friday. 

The sun was still high in the sky when I stepped out of the hotel after clocking out. 

"Look who's finally done work Coop," I heard Matthew say obviously to Cooper who was chasing his tail and winding the leash around himself and Matthew's Pomeranian, Abby.

"You know I could have come to pick him up from your house, my truck is out of the body shop now." I turned around to see Matthew leaning up against the brick wall of the hotel with one foot planted on the ground while the other was flat against the building. 

Every time I looked at this man he seemed to get hotter and hotter, in his leather jacket and skinny jeans that just fell perfectly on his hips.

Gosh, Laya, get a hold of yourself. You've known this guy for what a week? He's your friend, that's it. 

"Yeah, okay Lay. But Abbs needed to go for a walk anyways plus now you are going to feel obligated to continue on this walk with me and just maybe grab dinner." Matthew smirked before handing me Cooper's leash and grabbing my hand to pull me along with him. 

Matthew seemed to have nicknames for everyone, he rarely called anyone by their actual names, not even the dogs. 

"Fine, but only this once because you've watched Cooper every day while I was at work." I smiled and took my hand away from his.


Matthew and I walked for about another hour and my feet were killing me in my high heels I was forced to wear for work. 

"Okay, where are we going to eat? I'm starving and need to sit down." I whined while stopping and leaning on Matthew. 

"Fine, Princess. There is a great place up just a little further with outdoor dining so the dogs are allowed. I was supposed to meet some friends there but you should as well come too." He once again started pulling me along almost making me lose balance from the sudden movement. 

The little cafe bistro he drug me to was cute. It had sort of a 1900's vibe with the red and white stripped umbrellas and the juke box in the corner. 

I was too busy being mesmerized by the design of the place that I didn't notice who Matthew's friends were. 

"Woah Matt, didn't think you'd bring trash to such a nice place." I heard a familiar voice mock behind me. What was he doing here?!

"Ry! God damn that was years ago? Let it go man. Now fuck off, or fucking leave." If looks could kill, Ryland would be dead ten times over.

With one last glare my way, Ryland huffed back into his chair trying to talk to the rest of the guys there.

"You know I can just go if it's that big of a deal." I looked from Matthew to Ryland and back. 

"No. He is just being a baby, he can bitch all he wants. I want you here." Matthew grabbed my hand and led me to a chair he pulled out for me and sat beside me. 


1 hour later

"Matthew, can you hold Cooper's leash? I need to find the washroom." I whispered into Matthew's ear before he sent me a small smile and took the leash.

The bathroom was a small room with barely enough room for one person yet it was still well kept. 

As I walked out of the small bathroom I was abruptly slammed into the wall with enough force I was sure there was going to be a bruise there in the morning.

"You leave my friends alone. I never want to see your ugly face again." A slightly angry voice was heard right beside my ear, their breath fanning my right ear.

Ryland stood pressing me up against the wall looking as if he wanted to snap my neck.

Though I wanted to tell him to fuck off, I couldn't bring myself to speak. As if my voice was hiding from the man standing in front of me, making me mutely nod and slide from between him and the wall rushing back to the table.

"Matthew, I forgot I have something to do tonight. I'll talk to you later." I pulled a twenty out of my pocket and set it on the table before grabbing Copper and rushing away from the small bistro.

I felt as if my legs were going to give out on me as I made my way from the bistro. Still not one hundred percent sure what had happened but knowing if I ever saw Ryland again, it would not end well for me. 


7 p.m.

I could hear my cell phone ringing from across the hotel room as I stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a big fluffy white towel around myself and ran through the small hotel room almost tripping on all of Cooper's toys laying around. I really needed to find an apartment of my own. 

"Hello?" I huffed, completely out of breath. Wow, I really need to go out for a run real soon. 

"Babe! Oh my god, I missed you. Where have you been Babygirl?" Parker slurred obviously drunk out of his mind. 

"What the fuck do you want Parker?" It concerned me that this was the first I was hearing from him since that night. 

"Awe, Sweetheart, why so cruel? I love you and I miss you." Parker slurred as I heard a female voice calling him back to bed on the other line. 

Why am I not surprised that he has a girl over there? In my apartment. 

"Shut up! I am trying to talk on the phone you stupid whore." I heard Parker growl at whoever was with him. 

"Wow Parker, found a fuck buddy already? How long did it take for you to call her over? A day? Maybe just an hour?" I felt tears fall down my nose and onto the counter in front of me as I asked this. 

"Oh Baby, don't worry. It was one of the sluts I had behind your back. But I don't care about them, I only want you. Please Babygirl." Parker slurred, trying to sound as serious as he could. 

"Fuck you Parker, lose this number." I hung up the phone before throwing it across the room shattering into pieces against the wall. 

I walked over to the land line in the hotel room and punched in the only number I bothered to commit to memory. 

"Hey Girl! What's up?" Olivia squealed through the phone. 

"Get ready, we are going out." I hung up the phone and walked to the bathroom to get ready. Parker wasn't the only one who could fuck whoever he felt like. 


Hey Guys! 

I'm back! I know it has been a little bit since I last published but I should be back for a while now. 

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Please vote and comment if you'd like. 

Until next time, I love you all, 

Bella B

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