1. Kiss

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First book!!! Don't judge if it's horrible! Thanks for deciding to get my book! If you didn't read in the description, this book will probably have slow ass updates... I have school so #sorrynotsorry


"Jungkook. Are-have-uhhhh... Do you ever imagine what it's like to kiss a guy?" Taehyung stumbles over his words - trying desperately to sound casual.

The two Korean pop singers had been lounging around all day - at least that's what it felt like - , waiting for their hyungs to come back with food. They had been watching movies and dramas but because of their starvation, they couldn't pay attention. So, they did what friends do to distract theselves, they held a - somewhat - intelligent conversation. Who are we kidding? They were talking about food! But then... Tae brought up a certain topic...

"Jungkook. Are-have-uhhhh... Do you ever imagine what it's like to kiss a guy?"

"Well-uh-I-umm. Yes." The younger's answer shocked the alien-like boy.

An awkward silence was held. It seemed like minutes, but was mere seconds. Jungkook thought it would be best to leave, so he grabbed his phone and made his way to his room. He looked back at V who was staring at the wall. So, the maknae continued his journey to his room. All of a sudden, his hand was warmed by a hand. The hand was smaller than Kookie's but it strangely fit perfectly in his. This hand was familiar. He had held it many time before. The warmth and comfort the hand gave him made his heart tingle with joy.

Jungkook turned around to face V, the one who owned this perfect, warm, comforting hand.

"Please. Kookie. Don't go. Please. I... I really like you. I like-like you." Taehyung blushed as he mumbled those words. Jungkook - even though it was a small, quiet mumble - had heard his hyung and he couldn't be happier. Jungkook leaned towards Tae and placed his lips upon the older's but then quickly pulled away. A small peck, but it felt magical. Cheesy. I know. But, that's how it felt. And that's a fact.

"Hyung. I feel the same way. But. It's wrong, you know that. It's shamed upon to be gay. What do we do, hyung? What if we got into a relationship and our hyu-' He was cut off with a pair of lips. V's lips.

"Don't worry about them. Let's just focus on...us. Jungkook, will you be my boyfriend?" V questioned his younger.

The unsureness was there but - forgetting about his other hyungs - the boy said yes.


Ugh. I know. The end of chapter one already. If you think they are moving too fast, I want you to now, they have like each other for a while (in the book) and yeah. Also, this book is about trying not to get caught by the other members and the vkook relationship. So...yeah. I hope you enjoyed! Uhh. I don't know when I will upload chaptr two so...yeah! BYE!!!

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