Session: 2

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Patient: Doctor why can't I have a perfect life with a perfect partner.

SHRINK: What is perfection? What is perfect for you might be mediocre for someone else. If you want a perfect life than try to be a perfect and ideal version of yourself.

Patient: But what about my..

SHRINK: Do you mean your one true love?

Patient: Ye..yes?

SHRINK: I don't know who started the ridiculous concept of 'one true love', but let me tell you something. You might fall in love a lot of times, you might break your heart a lot of times. You just need to love yourself enough to forgive yourself. When a person is in a coma, then a true love's kiss doesn't wake her up, the will to live and the will to fight for her life brings her out of COMATOSE. 

Patient: What are you saying?

SHRINK: you know what I am saying. Everyone knows this. You love you mother don't you?

Patient: Yes I do.

SHRINK: Do you love your father?

Patient: Yup.

SHRINK: Your niece?

Patient: Yeah. What is your point? 

SHRINK: Well if you can love so many people at once, then why can't you fall in love with more than one person in your lifetime. With time you will love your children, maybe if you live long your grand-children. Don't be shocked, it will happen.....but yeah I am getting off topic.

Patient: Yes, you are.

Shrink: Ahem, anywhoo...the point is, we are made to love and to get love in return. God has made us that way.

Patient: You believe in God. That's a first.

SHRINK: Yeah, sometimes it is easier to believe in god and hope for good things in life. Though I don't believe in the stupid rules and regulations that people follow and force others to follow, in the name of God.

Patient: Then?

SHRINK: We all have a soul, that soul is a part of God. So all of us have a part of God in us. We can follow the path of righteousness, but we also have a seed of devil inside us, and if we follow that then...

Patient: Then we are capable of causing great damage.

SHRINK: See you are getting a hang of it.

Patient: So, what is right?

SHRINK: There is no thing as right or wrong. What may be right to you might be wrong to others. So just follow your heart. If it seems right then do it, don't let the rules of the society define who you are as a person. Just be true to yourself and remember -


OHH...looks like the session was over!

Hey there Detectives and Psychos!

Who do you think the SHRINK is and WHO DO YOU THE PATIENT IS? ;)

Tell me in the comments! Though I know it's a bit early! But meh..    -__-


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