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Thea walked into the class panting.

The teacher had not come in yet, she drew a breath in relief and walked in.

A short but curvaceous girl waved her hands in Thea's direction.

"Hey partner!" Kathy said.

"Heya, back at ya!" Thea said fist bumping her.

"Ohh you look happy today!" Kathy said...yeah she was really Chatty.

"Yup, you would be too if you met your idol." Thea winked at her.

"No way! Are you serious?!" She looked at Thea unbelievingly.

"Yup I met her. Yesterday just after you left. She came in the café." Thea updated her.

"Oh I hate you so much right now but I am also very happy for you....god this is too conflicting! Wow...I mean Wow! You met 'The Dr. Bertha Sawyer'." Kathy squealed with excitement.

"Yup I did. And she has offered me an internship with her this summer.' Thea smiled quietly.

"Okay! Good for you!" Kathy said silently. She looked dejected.

"Hey, I have another good news!" Thea said trying to control her laughter.

"What now?" Kathy said looking irritated.

"Well, she needed another intern, so I told her about you and she has offered you a chance to come to her office for an interview!" Thea grinned at her.

"Are you for real?" Her head snapped towards Thea in a second, her expression changing from gloomy to delighted.

"Yeah, summer vacations start in 1 week, If I were you I would give the interview as soon as possible. Here take her card and give a call to her office."

"Really! You are the best." Kathy said hugging her, her face was happy again.

People were so predictable, Thea thought.

"Phew thank god! For a second, I thought that you were gonna kill me!" Thea mocked her behavior a few seconds ago, laughing at her.

"Obviously, I was so jealous!" Kathy said laughing with Thea.

"Winston and Evans stop laughing." Mr. Sawyer said, looking at the pair of them, his eyes screaming murder.

"Sorry sir!" They said in unison and started paying attention in the class.

Thea was walking towards my car when she heard footsteps behind her.

'Not again! This guy was becoming dauntless day by day.' Thea thought irritably.

"Give up already, Theo. I won't fall for the same trick twice!" Thea whirled around to face him, only to be shocked.

"What are you doing here?" Thea said completely annoyed by his existence.

"I need to talk to you!" Dhuv said trying to make her understand his point of view.

Thea couldn't believe that this guy, once used to be her bestest friend ever. They inseparable when they were children. They used to share their dreams and aspirations with one another.

Now she didn't even know this guy. He was a stranger, a mystery for her.

How could she not know all the evil that lurked inside his mind?

This was one of reasons Thea wanted to be a psychiatrist, she wanted to be able to read people, so that she could never be deceived again.

"I need to get away from you!" Thea shouted at his face and started jogging towards her car.

Thea heard his footsteps quicken and he caught her arms again and turned her face towards him.

"What do you think you ar-" Thea was cut off abrubtly and violently with his lips crashing into hers.

She gasped at the jolts that ran through her skin and this made him explore her mouth, while his hands dug into her thick locks. His thumb made circles on her cheek and her entire body became awake with excitement.

She remembered the first time this had happened. It was 4 years ago, they had kissed at the exact same place.

He used to drive her and Sheila to school at that time.

Thea lost sense of time as all the memories that she had blocked for years came rushing back to her like a flood of water and knocked her off her senses.

Only he could make her feel like this, and she hated it. She hated herself for feeling like this.

He was a monster! Memories of Sheila's scars and her swollen eyes flashed before her.

And just like that her conscience came back to her. She pushed him away with all the force she could muster in her body.

"How dare you!" She shouted at him. "How dare you do that!"

"Don't you remember this place Thea? Old habits die hard I guess!" He said smiling at her sadly.

"You have a girlfriend. Sheila loves you so much." She spat at him and he flinched as if he had tasted something bitter.

"I don't love her. It was a mistake." He said angrily. "I have always loved you, Thea. And I am done being afraid. I will not let that witch come in between us."

"You are such a despicable human being. She was with you even after everything you did. She suffered through your torture silently, and now that you done playing with her you are moving on to me. Do you think I am that selfish? Do you think I would let all happen to me?" Thea said with all the hate she could muster. She felt weak, the world was spinning around her.

"What are you saying? I never did anything that she did not want to happen." He said with confusion.

"You cut her, beat her, scarred her body and her soul. Do you think that she wanted for that to happen to her? You deserve to be in jail, for what you have done to her." She despised this human being, and he needed to know what he did was wrong.

 "I hate you Dhruv, you are a MONSTER!!" with that she walked towards her car and slammed the door shut.

When she looked back at him from the rear-view mirror,he staring into a blank space with a shocked expression on his face.

'It was too late...everything was wrong.....nothing could be fixed now.' Dhruv thought.

He should have never agreed to be with Sheila, but he loved Thea too much to lose her and now he lost her anyway.


So isn't Dhruv a complete  Psychopath!!

I mean....I bet you hate him right now...

And What about Theo...isn't he very irritating??

Well....let me give you a hint....people always have two faces in the that they shoe you...and other that they never show to anyone.

So dear Comatosians never judge people based on first impression.....always dig deeper.

Rhyeaa signing off.. :)


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