Chapter 2

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Yay, Two chapters in 2 days

Chapter 2:

Before I really get into my story, I should tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Marianne Saideh, but I prefer Mimi. I am 17 years old but I am very matures for my age, both physically and mentally. You could mistake me for a 21 year old.

No need to brag, but I have a body that all girls would die for. I have a 36D bra size and a nice but.

I am Australian and part Lebanese (Lebanon is a country in the Middle East). I have a very ‘exotic’ look, according to my old friends. Olive tone skin, dark brown hair and blue eyes.

I had just moved to Bel-Air from Australia, Melbourne to be exact.

I come from a wealthy family. My Dad became wealthy not long after he married my Mum by starting a pizza business. It became popular quick. When my older brother George and I were born, they slowed down a little.

After I turned 10, my Dad expanded his business and now it is popular all over Australia. We moved to America in hopes that the business will go international.

I am, without a doubt, the BIGGEST tomboy you will ever meet. I have never worn make-up in my entire life and the dressiest I get is jeans and a top.

My normal attire is tracksuit pants, t-shirt, and a hoodie. I usually wear a pair of VANS to go with them.

There is still a lot more to know but you will find that out a little later. Back to the story.


“Can’t you get out of my face for two seconds?!” I yelled at the guy in front of me.

He took a step back and held out his hand, “I’m Jake Turner, nice to meet you.”

Instead of shaking his hand, I stepped around him and walked to homeroom. To my disappointment, Jake just grabbed my arm and spun me around. Well tried to, because when he touched me, I just grabbed his hand and flipped him. I may look small but I can bring a grown man to his knees… or ass in this situation.

“Don’t. Touch. Me!” I spat at him with so much venom in my voice. “I should probably tell you that I am a black belt and have done kickboxing for four years. Touch me and I will snap you like a twig! GOT IT!”

You should have seen his face; it had a look of pure horror on it. The look on his face made me so happy that I skipped down the halls to homeroom.

The people that witnessed what happened stared at me as if I were crazy. They must think I’m bipolar or something.

When I walked into homeroom, guitar in hand, everyone stared at me. Wow gossip goes around quick at this school. The same look was on every ones faces. It’s like they were waiting for me to snap or something. I didn’t really about what they thought, so I shrugged it off and went to the teacher.

I came in the middle of the semester so I didn’t really know what was going on, but I’ll catch on. I gave the teacher the slip that said I was new, and he signed it and gave it back to me.

“Okay everybody! We have a new student so make her feel welcome. Tell us a little about yourself.” He said to me.

I turned to the class and noticed Jake was there, great. “Hi everyone, my name is Marianne, but I prefer Mimi. I just moved here from Australia, as you can probably tell from my accent. I tend to be friends with guys more than girls. I love music, I play bass, guitar, drums and I sing a little. My most prized possessions are my instruments, my snake and dog, my car, a Nissan R34 Black Skyline, and my beautiful L115A3 AWM.” I heard “ooh’s” and “ahh’s” coming from the boys. The girls just looked at me with dumbfounded expressions. “It’s a gun girls.” I heard “OH’s” coming from the girls. “Any questions?” I asked.

“Busy Friday night?” Some random guy asked.

“Haha, nice try. No I am not busy, and no I will not go out with you. Anything else?”

“Can you play something for us?” I heard a girl say. A lot of people backed her up.

“Yeah sure.” I said as I took my baby out of her case.

I started to play out the opening cords of ‘Lady Marmalade’. As I started to sing, people’s eyes and ears were focused on me.

He met Marmalade down at old Moulin Rouge,

Strutting her stuff on the street,

He said ‘Hello, hey Joe, you wanna give it a go,’ Oh oh

I continued to play, sing and rap. When it came to Christina Aguilera’s part, I belted out the lyrics.

Touch of her skin feeling silky smooth, hey,

Colour of café au lait,

Made the savage beast inside roar until he cried,

More, more, more

When I strummed the last chord the whole class erupted into applause. “Thank you!” I smile a small smile. I wasn’t much of a smiler. “Any more questions?”

“Yeah, you said you had a snake, what type is it?”

I knew that voice, it was Jake. This is gonna to be a surprise. “Well my sexy baby is a poisonous snake, but I had the venom taken out of her system. I have trained her very well so she doesn’t bite unless I say she can. My snake is,” I paused for dramatic effect, “The world famous King Cobra.” I watched in amusement as jaws dropped and eyes bulged out of sockets. I burst into a fit of laughter. “You should see your faces!” When I calmed down I turned to the teacher and asked, “So is there anything I need to know?”

“Actually,” He replied, “Thursday is bring your pet to school day, so you can bring you dog and snake.”

The bell rang as soon as he finished. And like that, I was out the door thinking about Thursday.

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