Part One: Shadows and Ice - Chapter Seven

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The next morning, I awoke bright and early, before the sun was even beginning to colour the sky, and quickly got dressed. I paused at the door before I returned and grabbed my sword belt from it's pegs above the bed, crouching slightly to give my sleeping mate a kiss. With that done I made my way to Kat's room where she was snuggled up to Shawn in her sleep. Shawn had decided to sleep with his sister and I could see that this was going to be hard on both of them since they'd literally grown up together. Since he was still fast asleep I quickly went down to the front of the Pride House where Sergey was finishing packing my old Ford Raptor with Shawn's things, as well as a few things that I would need. After tossing my sword in the back seat of the truck I went back upstairs and gently gathered my sleeping cub into my arms before I woke Sampson and headed downstairs.

"Dad do you want me to come with you?" Sergey asked before I shook my head.

"Take care of your mom and sister for me Sergey." I told him as Altair and Sampson jumped into the back seat of the truck where they curled up and yawned, neither of them was really ready to wake up and like before I'd used various items to create a flat area for them to curl up.

Since Shawn was still sleeping, I carefully leaned the seat back and belted him in before placing his clothes beside him before climbing into the driver's seat and starting the truck before my dad came up to the Pride House from House McEwan.

I rolled down the window as he walked up to the truck, "Dad I want to you get Anna to lock the Pride down and keep everyone close to the safe areas while I am gone. Make sure that all of our Protectors are close to their weapons at all times." I told him before leaning out of the truck and handing him a collar, I'd sensed he was coming and had picked it up off of my desk before collecting Shawn.

"Mark..." Dad stammered and I could see the surprise and gratitude in his eyes.

"Dad you're my right hand now, and that means in my absence you serve in my stead, with the permission of the Matriarch." I told him before I closed the window and pulled away.

Heading out this early in the morning was almost guaranteed that we'd reach Wild Valley before the sun set that evening, though being cooped up in a vehicle wouldn't fun for our cats it was what was needed.

We'd been on the road for maybe two hours when Shawn yawned and stretched out before opening his eyes and looking around. "Dad?"

"Yes kitten?" I answered, looking for a place to pull to the side of the road.

"Where are we?" He asked, fidgeting slightly as I pulled to the side of the highway, we were somewhere between Quesnel and Williams Lake and I informed him of this before he jumped out and took care of his needs. He took a couple minutes to properly dress before climbing back into the truck and getting himself seated.

He looked at me as I got the truck moving again and then I could see him figuring out what I meant before he'd jumped out to relieve his bladder. After a moment he smiled and took one of my hand in his, "Thank you dad, I know this is hard but... I can't feel them and it's hurting my cat." He said.

"That's why I am letting you join them Shawn, I can't pretend that this will always be easy since I won't be there to help you if you have a problem, but you need this." I replied giving him a gentle rub on the back of the neck before returning my attention to the road ahead of us.

"Thanks dad, I will try and call you as often as I can but I will miss being able to come and cuddle with you." He told me before I heard his stomach make a growl of hunger. "We have anything to eat?"

I gave a rueful laugh and pointed to the cooler at his feet. "There are some cold cut sandwiches in there that your brother made for you." I told him, "Kat and Sergey will miss you Shawn, but they both know that this is for the best."

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