Part One: Shadows and Ice - Chapter Ten

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It was around midnight when I called together all of those who'd be taking part in the morning's adventures. In the yard in front of the Pride House, were a scant thirty-six hours before there had been a battle there were about forty cats, each one was an experienced Protector as well as almost eighty wolves, from a variety of different Packs. I saw some wariness on the part of the guest wolves and our cats, but under the circumstances that was easily understandable.

By in large the cats were taller and broader than the wolves with powerful frames that did little to hide how strong they were. Even our females exuded a raw power that was greater than that of most of the wolves.

"Everyone, I'm glad we could come together this morning," I started before giving a rough chuckle at the looks on each person's face. Most of them looked like they still would rather be curled up in a nice warm bed. "We have a job to do, some rogues to put down and a territory to secure for the Pride. I know that most of you are worried about the security and safety of this place but we still have plenty of Protectors and wolf Enforcers here to make sure that the ones who attacked us before will not be able to carry out another attack without serious consequences. Now while we're on the road to Shadow Valley I want you to get some rest, because we are going to be hitting them when it's still dark." I finished before I stepped back and saw my father and Zane standing near one of the two buses that we were going to be using.

When Zane saw me approaching him and my father he had a wry look on his face. He held up his hands as I approached in a gesture of peace. "I might be stubborn, occasionally too stupid for my own good, and somewhat irritable. However, I'm not dumb enough to demand that I go with you. Adam would hand me over to Brook, and I ain't cleaning the sewer system for anything. Just want to tell you good luck, and I hope it goes smoothly, though in combat nothing can be assured, as we both know."

"Thanks Zane, I was worried there for a second, after all you were shot some thirty-six hours ago, and you should be, by all rights, still sleeping to recover from your injury." I gestured to the gun that was slung over his shoulder, "Is there any reason you brought that cannon with you?" I asked and I could feel my cat cocking his head slightly in curiosity.

Zane laughed slightly and his eyebrows wiggled slightly, "Not a cannon, I wanted to get a .905 but Adam frowned at me. For some reason, he thought that paying upwards of forty dollars a round was a bit excessive. Now that rifle lets you know that you have been touched by somebody who cares, assuming you survive."

I laughed as I knew what he was talking about, I'd seen the video of that thing on YouTube more than once and the size of the damned thing made my cat wince, though there were other weapons on there that also made me wonder, such as the .700 Nitro Express.

"Just be careful, I would offer to let you to borrow, but you have your own toy." He gestured to the weapon I was carrying now, it wasn't the HK417, but rather a bolt rifle similar to the one that Alex carried, though mine wasn't a sport version but rather a Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk1 T with a more modern optic on it. "Besides earlier today, after that meeting at the council your mother chewed my ear off, something about amputations being done by doctors not Enforcers."

I got even more of a laugh as Simone walked over to him and smacked him on the shoulder. "Yes, mom also chewed me out about that, Ilya isn't really a bad cat, a bit young, but the reason he was here was because he had the misfortune to have parents who were in Fedor's House, and like his mate Jerome, he'd do anything to get out of Shadow Valley for a bit." I told Zane and then smiled "In fact look behind you now,"

Coming up behind Zane and my father were Jerome and Ilya. Ilya was using a crutch and leaning heavily on the shoulder of his mate. His foot was bound up in a heavy tensor bandage that was helping his ankle and shin heal. Most of the more serious damage had been healed by my mom, but the remainder was something that Ilya's own healing would have to handle.

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