Chapter Four.

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Yesssss! I am updating, jump out of your seats and Twerk of excitement. No,No! I was completely kidding, I do not want my readers to be long tounged Miley Cyrus.


Eve's POV.


I slowly open my eyes making sure Flynns asleep.

I look around the reef to see if anyone us there.

Okay time to go.

"Bye Flynn" I whisper with an almost smirk.

Yep, that's right I'm going back home. Flynn may be completely gorgeous, but there is no way I am finding a freaking 'heart of the ocean'.

He must think I am completely crazy to believe all this stuff he told me.

I'm just gonna go home to- wait I can't.

My mom let me leave, so why should I go back? To beg for her mercy? Sleep on my rock hard bed? Stay with the murderous Jenny?

Umm no.

I just can't stay here anymore.

Flynn could be a murdering rapist for all I know.

He could brainwash me to find that heart thing and kill me on our way.

Yeah not gonna happen dude.

But, where will I go? No one wants me, what do I do?

Crazy aunt? Murderous Jenny? Evil mother?


The only choice I have is to flee from anyone who pretended to care for me.

I quickly swim as far from the reef as I can.

The water flows through my long black hair as I speed up.

After a while I slow down.

Looking around I see nothing but black.

My heart beats faster as I swim toward the surface.

Where am I? What is this?

The light burns my eyes as I near the surface.

I start to stick my head above water.

I screech as something pulls my leg.

I claw at it, still screeching.

The slimy thing pulls me further and I feel it wrap around my wrists.

It slithers around my body squeezing tightly. I gasp for breath.

It wraps around my neck before everything turns black.

I feel tears in the corners of my eyes.

A stinging pain through out my right leg makes my head hurt.

I hear a loud siren type noise before completely fainting.


I gasp for breath as I open my eyes.

I look around and see I am on a beach.

Trash litters the ground and trees are knocked over, pieces of wood here and there.

No evidence of anyone on the beach.

I scream slightly as I feel a pain in my right leg more than before.

I look down and see colors varying between, dark red, light red, black, blue and purple.

Bruises, dry blood and scratches everywhere.

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