Run kitty Run

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I grabbed my coat, hearing my Mom yell about...Blah 'No matter where we move, under my roof you obey my rules!' I zoned out listening to 'Talk' by Daya. I rubbed my hand down the cream-colored fur coat. The snow was even brighter. Living in Florida all my life, I've never even seen snow.

I was walking to my jeep when I felt a presence quite odd I looked up from and removed my earplugs "Hey Bitch," he smiled at me devilishly "'This where you live?" I discarded his question "Good morning Sexless." I said very joy-like his smirk disappeared being replaced with a scowl "You really are a bitch, Ya know?" I nodded. Duh...
"Mhm and I suppose you're sexless?" he rolled his eyes he walked towards me "No, I get tons of sex, and you?" I looked away actually I'm a virgin don't even know what the boy privates even look like, I'm pathetic.

"Of course I do." I lie.
He snorted "Whore," I gasped. He continued, "You must get a lot of belly aches, or maybe you're super loose." I cocked my head to the side confused "What do ya mean?" he chuckled "Yep you're a virgin, have you ever had that talk with your parents, how old are you? Ten?" I felt face my heat up with embarrassment "No my parents didn't feel the need."
"Your parents sound like they suck," I snapped my head up to meet his gaze, "You don't know a thing about my family, so I suggest you mind your god damned business." he grabbed my hand and threw me over his shoulder. "Sorry bitch, you're 'skipping school today."

You know how in those cute romance movies, where the guy has the girl on her shoulder, and she's laughing and giggling and it looks so romantic, well it's not. His shoulder is digging in my stomach, I'm pretty sure my Batman boxers are showing, my hair is getting messed up, and you know what I got the perfect view of? His ass.

"Let go of me you idiot!" he chuckled,
"Sexless Idiot, I like it your insults suck though." I rolled my eyes


What Up I'm a new writer guy's I will update as much as I can but I have other books and I help a lot of my friends with Covers but...I swear to you and my shoulder mole I'll update asap. I love you guys. Hasta Luego

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