Job Hunting

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*Jimmy's POV*

I woke up the next morning and didnt feel my arm wrapped around anything. I sat up and saw that Max was gone. I sighed heavily. I must have messed up bad this time. I looked over to the side she was laying at then saw a piece of paper on the little night stand. I picked it up to read and realized it was from Max.

To Jimmy:

Sorry I left I needed to head out and try to find a job. Please dont think you did anything wrong. Oh I also um borrowed some things- shirt, sandals, and sunglasses Love you text me when your done readin this :)

I set the paper down and thought to myself How in the Hell is she supposed to fit my sandals? And what was she wearing for bottoms? I shrugged it off then went to get ready. Once I was done I called Max. I waited and waited and then I heard a familiar tune go off through the other end of the phone. It was the chorus of Lost. I smiled then left a message saying "Max call back!" I went to my front door and grabbed for my sunglasses. I didnt get anything. I looked down and saw Max took my favorite pair ! So I was stuck with my aviators that Matt gave me as a gag gift on one of my birthdays. I mean they were good glasses but I didnt wear them often.

I went out to my car and got in. 'You had my heart atleast for the mo-' "Max! where are you?!" , "I'm somewhere looking for jobs. You gotta find me though." , "I'm not searching all of Huntington looking for you!" , "Hehehe then you'll never find me." dial tone. I sighed and smiled to myself and revved the engine. I mean I shouldnt be to worried it was going to be super easy finding her. I mean she is a tall woman with candy purple hair for Christs sake!

---------------------2 hours later------------------------------

Yeah I scan corrected. It was very hard trying to find her! I couldnt believe it!!

*Max's POV*

I sighed to myself as I didnt land another job. I was wondering if I would have to become a waitress at starbucks! I sighed and decided to take a load off and go to the beach. There werent many people there surprisingly. I went and layed down on the warm sand then kicked Jimmy's sandals off. Man he had huge feet. I pulled the shorts I was wearing down so my butt wouldnt hang out then closed my eyes. Jimmy must be having a hard time trying to find me its been 2 hours!!

I layed there for who knows how long then I heard a familiar voice say "Job hunting huh?" My eyes shot open and I sat up and saw Jimmy through the sunglasses. I smirked and said "I was taking a break." he laughed a little then smirked an evil smirk. He knelt down then took the glasses off my face. The smirk not even leaving his handsome face. His lips brushed against mine then he fully kissed me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He picked me up then I wrapped my legs around his torso as he walked somewhere. I started hearing waves and I pulled away then looked at him with wide eyes and shook my head frantically. He smirked again then threw me into the ocean water. I stood up then glared at him as he ran away. I ran after him yelling "JAMES OWEN SULLIVAN!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!!" I ran after him ignoring the strange looks I got from people. I finally stopped chasing him and sat down then crossed my legs and crossed my arms across my chest and just glared at him.

He came over too me and mimicked me I pouted at him and he did the same then said in a 5 year old whiny voice "This no fun!!" I laughed and then got up and said "Well then lets walk around and have fun!" he smiled and said "Yay!!!" I smiled as he ran back to me. I stopped in my tracks then said "Jimmy I need some sunglasses!" he smiled then handed me his aviators and said "I love Maxeronii but you cant have my favorite pair of glasses." I laughed and put the aviators on then we walked around hand in hand.

We got alot of weird stares maybe because I was soaking wet and not in a swim suit but in a Pantera shirt tyed in the back with short shorts on and mens sandals plus guy glasses or that me and Jimmy just look weird in general. I looked over at Jimmy and he was quiet for some reason. I sqeezed his hand a little and he looked down at me then asked "Yes?" I looked at him and his eyes were sort of saddened. I was worried I soon said "You seem sad. You're never this quiet. Are you ok?" his eyes widened a bit and he said "I need to tell you something but not here. Later." I sighed and nodded my head and we finally found our way back to his car.

We drove to my apartment and I changed into some short shorts and another Pantera shirt and my own flip flops, I gave Jimmy his shirt and sandals back then he looked at his short and said "Hey this my favorite Pantera shirt!" I smiled then said "Sorry." he smiled then kissed my temple. I smiled then said "Ok we have to get serious now I need to find a job." he sighed and said "No you dont have to get a job I'll pay!" I shook my head and said "Not only no but Hell no!! You have done enough for me I can support myself with my own money." he sighed then nodded his head.  I smiled then kissed his cheek. He looked at me and smiled back then said "I got a perfect idea the studio is looking for a new secretary! You should go apply I'm sure I can help get you the job!" I smiled then jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He hugged back and said "Now lets go have more fun!!" I smiled then shook my head and with that we left for an afternoon around town.


Ok so yay another chapter!! I hope you guys like it!

Her clothes that she stole from Jimmy aside from the shorts-

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