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Enjoy random photo! I'm sure you guys have realized that something is up with this story. I should have written this on the first chapter but oh well, I didn't really like what I did with this story so I'm rewriting it. Chapters will appear back shortly, but they will be changed so I suggest reading it again.

"You're still upset, aren't you?" I asked Steve as we walked home.
"Of course I am." Steve replied sulkily.
"It's okay we'll just go for ice cream and you'll try again." I said reassuringly.
Steve gave me an incredulous look, "ice cream can't solve all the problems of the world."
"But it can make things more enjoyable." I countered. Steve just shook his head. There was silence for a while.
"So you're going to tell Bucky?" Steve asked finally.
"Of course, why wouldn't I tell him?" I replied slightly taken aback. Steve scoffed slightly.
  "Katie, you aren't exactly an open book."
  "Well there's only one thing I haven't told you guys, besides it's not really important."
  "Exactly, what i mean secrets. Besides do you really think Bucky will be happy about this?" Steve argued.
  "I'm infinitely sure." I replied confidently.
  "You sure? You're his girlfriend I don't he'll be to happy his girlfriend is going to war." Steve argued more. I just rolled my eyes. I was still very sure Bucky would be happy.
  Boy was I wrong.
"There you are." Bucky said happily as we entered our apartment. He wrapped me in a tight embrace and kissed my forehead.
  Steve blushed madly. He always got flushed and uncomfortable when me or Bucky showed affection for each other.
  "I'll be upstairs." He said before disappearing upstairs.
  Bucky led me over to the couch, I sat on his lap. "So where were you?" Bucky asked again.
  "Recruitment." I replied unconcerned.
   "Did Steve get rejected again?"
Bucky sighed, "you're gonna have to keep an eye on him when I'm gone."
  "No can do."
Bucky looked at me in complete shock. "What?"
  "I feel terrible for leaving Steve but I'm sure he'll be okay, Buck I also applied and I made it. I'm in the army!" I exclaimed happily. I did feel horrible about leaving Steve but he'd be fine. I hoped.
  Bucky jumped off the couch. I got up slowly. I had no idea what was wrong.
  "Bucky?" I asked cautiously.
  He took a deep breath calming himself. "I'm sorry I thought you just said you were in the army."
  "That's exactly what I said." I replied.
  Bucky immediately tensed again and raced to the door. He was scaring me a little. He'd never done this before.
  I ran after him. "Where are you going?"
  "To get you out of the army." Bucky replied a little venomously.
I grabbed hold of his arm. "No, don't."
   Bucky turned to me and placed his hands on my shoulders gently. "I have to."
  "I thought you'd be proud." I said I was starting to panic and feel scared.
  "I am proud, really but I can't let you do this." Bucky replied, I could see tears in his eyes.
   "Why not?" I snapped furious at his reaction.
  "It's dangerous."
  I rolled my eyes, "really? I didn't notice!"
   "You don't understand! This isn't a back alley it's war!" Bucky shouted this. I flinched. I wasn't usually scared easy but Bucky never has yelled at me once. Never. This frighten me and I didn't feel safe with him at the moment like I usually did.
  "I know that, I know what the difference is and I can handle it. I fight all the time! I've seen people die, I know danger!" I shouted back.
  Bucky looked uncertain, "what the hell are you talking about?"
  "How do you think I learned to fight?"
"You're joking, what- Katie why?"
  I didn't really have an answer for this so I stayed quiet.
  "Katie? I love you but I'm not letting you fight in a war." Bucky said no longer yelling.
  I glared at him.
  "I thought you'd be happy! I thought we'd fight side by side protecting the world!" It was taking everything I had not to break down and cry.
"I'm sorry Katie it can't be like that."
"What do you mean? I thought you supported me! I thought you weren't sexist!" I shouted.
"I'm not, I promised Steve I'd never let you get hurt. If something were to happen Katie to you I'd never forgive myself." Bucky said softly with a heartbroken look.
"How do you think I feel? You're going to war! But I'm not stopping you from doing your job!" I shrieked.
Bucky looked ready to burst to tears himself. Normally I would have cared and done anything he wanted me to if he looked at me like that but I was furious. So I stormed out. Bucky called my name but I ran.
I ignored the curses and shots I got from people on the street. I ignored everything.
Some how I ended up at the pier. I plopped down on the edge dangling my feet above the cold and angry waves of the ocean. Tears fell down my cheeks softly leaving me with a salty taste in my mouth that I disliked. I longed for Bucky to come comfort me like he always did.
But I quickly chastised myself remembering that I was angry with him. Wasn't I? Or was this my fault?
  "Ka-Katie." A voice panted behind me. I quickly wiped away my tears and put on an emotionless face. I had perfected doing this with all the fights I get into.
  And plus it's for the army.
  I knew immediately that it was Steve. I couldn't let him see me cry. I've only ever cried one other time and it was after I overheard my mother talking to a doctor about Steve's condition and I was five.
  Afterwards however I promised myself I would never crumble emotionally and cry. For Steve I had to stay strong for him. Clearly I had failed, but he didn't see me cry (or at least I think not.) so not entirely.
  Steve sat or more like collapsed next to me on the smooth wooden surface of the pier.
  "You ran after me?" I asked with more acid spewing from my voice than intended.
Steve gave me an 'are you kidding me?' look. "No I'm still at home trying to ignore my sister and my best friend fondling." He replied sarcastically.
I glared evilly at him. "We don't fondle it's called affection it's not well dirty or- I refuse to talk to you about this any further." I snapped.
Steve smirked, "thank God for that."
This only made me glare harder. To which Steve just chuckled, "what are you trying to use your eyes to burn holes through me?"
I stuck my tongue out at him. "Do you have your medicine?" I asked changing the subject.
"Then you should go home." I said like a know it all.
"And you should come home with me." Steve insists.
  "No I'll stay here for a while." I snapped.
  "He hurt you didn't he?" Steve asked his face flushed with anger.
  "Nothing happened I'm fine." I insisted. 
  "You can say that but I don't believe you." After that Steve went quite and we just sat in silence watching the sun set.

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