Mission Impossible

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We stood once again in front of Colonel Pines. Agent Lizzie Atwell was no where to be seen. That was disappointing cause I really liked her.
"Greetings ladies, once again you are here except this time in England and this time there will be pain." Colonel Pines barked.
"So nothing has changed. There was pain last time." It was John Filch. Jeez I hated him.
Colonel Pines had heard him. He walked over and stopped. "You thought last time was painful?" He demanded.
"I knew it was painful." John Filch sassed.
"Well then this is gonna suck for you, you stupid weak cupcake. Last time was nothing. That was simply training. Everything was rainbows and unicorns. This this is war. Agony, pain lots of pain, blood, gore, no escape. The only way out is in. And to get out we have to win the war." He snapped.
  "And what if we don't win?" John Filch asked.
  "Nothing, because we must and will win." Colonel Pines snapped.
  "Now thanks to Private Filch your training will be Hell, NOW 12 HARD LAPS AROUD THE CAMP!! MOVE! MOVE!"
  We all groaned. We ran the twelve laps lucky for me I had been running a lot this past week, then there was 100 push-ups and then we had to jog with heavy boxes to the cabins.
   Colonel Pines had us line up again. "Right, good. Now our division the 107th has a special mission. We are to defeat a nazi-science division called HYDRA. They have a base about 30 miles from here. It's our job to take it down. Some of you probably will die, and this will be incredibly difficult. On that note it's time for dinner. More details later."
  "He's just as cheerful as ever." Ryan Maze joked.
  At dinner I noticed a group of new soldiers. Ones I've never seen before.
"Who are those men?" I asked.
"They're new recruits. Dum Dum Dugan, Jim Morita, Montgomery Falsworth, Gabriel Jones, Jacques Dernier, Happy Sam Sawyer, Junior Juniper, and Pinky Pinkerton." Quincy Downs explained.
I looked them over. "Where'd they all come from?"
Quincy just shrugged. "Don't know, all I know is they're all crazy."
   "I've heard they're all idiots." Bucky said taking a sip of water.
   I lightly punched his arm, "are ya gonna knock 'em into shape, Serg?"
   Bucky laughed, "of course."
One week later

I sat under a tree in the camp. Training was over for the day, so I was just enjoying the day.
   "What are you doing solider?" I suddenly heard a commanding voice bark. It was feminine. Which confused me cause as far as I knew I was the only woman on the premises. Looking up my jaw almost dropped. But I covered my surprise with a genuine smile.
Lizzie Atwell stood in front of me. I stood as well. "Sorry Ma'am I felt I should get a break so I came here." I joked.
She giggled, "there are no breaks in the army." She said with only halfhearted sternness.
  "I thought you weren't coming here?" I said.
   "Well my fiancé was killed in action I had to sort things out. I didn't make it public cause I didn't want to make hubbub."
   My face fell. I felt horrible for her. I couldn't even fathom the pain and longing I'd have if Bucky were killed.
  "I'm so so sorry." I said giving her a hug.
   She quickly wiped a tear away, "it's alright I'm going to get better."
   I nodded, "you wanna talk?"
   She shook her head, "I've gotta stay strong and not cry to whip these boys in shape and strike fear."
  I laughed.
A few weeks later I stood in the front of the line next to Bucky. Today was the day.
The day we'd infiltrate HYDRA. Bucky looked down at me.
"Are you scared doll?" He asked.
I laughed, "is that a question? I'm terrified. Any man fighting a war who says he ain't scared is either stupid or a damned liar."
Bucky smiled reassuringly, "that's my girl and don't worry I won't let you get hurt."

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