The Final Test

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The game of chicken was an intense 5 seconds. I veered out and Zelda flew past me. I produced a shotgun and began to blow holes in the side of Zelda. I even busted the windshield, but she just kept going. Meanwhile there was another fight going on inside Wesley's head. He was having to decide between his best friend and his car. His car had been the pride of his existence but his friend had put up with his oddities for several years. He was so conflicted that he sat, waited, and watched. Zelda began to go on the offensive. she charged me but I was on the stick and managed to avoid her charge. She missed and careened off into the pond. Dead as a door nail, But to be ceartian I removed the gas and oil And pulled all the wires. For good measure I poured the gas and oil on the seats and lit it on fire. The car died for sure...

Or so I thought.

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