Oh Shit...

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"Fuck no. This can not be happening. It can't be him. There has to be someone else! Is there? Please tell me there is someone else. Anybody else, just not Gunner. He'll make a fool out of me! He'll take advantage of this... This... This disability!", Orion was hysterical in panic, fingers running through his mess of hair. The nurse sighed and let him have his moment of panic. He finally calmed down after a good few minutes.

"I'm sorry darling but there's no one else to assign you to and your blindness is not a disability", He nurse touched his hand lightly and rubbed her thumb in circles on his palm. "He'll be here in roughly 20 minutes, we attempted to contact your parents but they didn't pick up. He'll take you home I believe". Orion nodded and faked a smile to the nurse. She unhooked him from the moniters and handed him a pile of clothes. "A friend brought you these. They should be your size. Your other clothes got shredded in the accident". He nodded and got dressed after the nurse left. Everything was a little too baggy to be his own, must be someone bigger's clothes. Wait... He smelled the collar of the shirt. Pine trees and dirt. He only knows one person who smells like that, Gunner Black. No fucking way he was actually getting help from him.

After a very long 20 minutes the sound of a low voice and the nurse talking filled the silent hallways. The curtain opened and Gunner stepped in, followed by the nurse, who were both quietly looking at Orion who was now asleep in one of the chairs, Gunner's way too big football jacket wrapped around his shoulders like a blanket. The nurse smiled softly and whispered, "I'll wake him up and get him his belongings, you should go up front and finish filling out the paperwork you need to. I'll take care of bringing him out to the lobby". Gunner nodded and left the room. The nurse gently shook Orion's shoulder, whispering him coaxes to wake up. Orion whined but woke up, going to rub his eyes but only winced. "Good morning again, let me change your bandages and then you can leave. Your caretaker is already here waiting for you in the lobby", The nurse in a cheery voice, moving around the room as she talked and grabbing the supplies she needed. He sighed and nodded, this is going to suck. The nurse changed out the bandages over his eyes and helped him up, helping to lead him out of the brightly lit hospital room and into the lobby.

Gunner waited quietly for the nurse to help Orion out. Though Orion doesn't know this, he volunteered to be his caretaker. It was his fault after all that Orion lost his sight and almost his life. He sighed and fiddled with the edge of his leather jacket. Soon enough a very scared looking Orion walked out, clinging to the nurses arm. They walked over and the nurse was the first to speak. "Here you go boys, you seem to know eachother so there is no need for introductions. Gunner you have all the paperwork filled out correct?". Gunner nodded and she smiled, carefully delatching Orion from her arm and letting his grab onto Gunner's.

"Thank you ma'am. We'll be leaving now", Gunner said and walked out to his car, Orion trailing behind. He unlocked the car and Orion managed to jump in, buckling and distracting himself with his hands. Gunner of course jumped in the driver side and started up the car. "So Orion, what's your address?". Orion muttered it and they set the GPS, following the instructions to a crappy little neighborhood. They pulled up infront of a small 2 bedroom home, the paint chipping from the outside walls and the front window was more just a hole that some tarp covered up. Gunner looked a little shocked at the home then at Orion who was looking down in embarrassment. "Wait... Is that seriously where you live? Yeah, no way I'm letting you stay there without someone to watch... This neighborhood has to be a health hazard in of itself". Gunner started the car up again and drove off to somewhere unknown to Orion. The car stopped again as they pulled into the driveway of a nice 2 story house with white walls and a little garden. Orion sighed, here comes a new life

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