First day Continued

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"Hello class!" Professor Slughorn said cheerily "Welcome to potions class! I daresay, you will not need your wands for this class as much as some of your others, but there is magic, yes yes, powerful magic in potion making! Now why don't we divide into pairs?"

I swear to god I jinxed it. While everyone else found a partner, I found myself sitting alone, and Lily gave me an apologetic face that said "sorry, but I never see him anymore"

"What do we have here?" Slughorn said coming over "and odd number? Well, you can work with another pair or by yourself, Miss..."

"Stelletta Sir," I reply and quickly add "I can work by myself, if that's alright"

"Fine! Fine! You will have to get used to working by yourselves every now and then anyways, it should be no problem"

I pulled out my potions equipment and set it up while he wrote the ingredients and steps to a simple potion that would heal burns. Ironically, I was one of the few students who knew how to light a fire under my cauldron, and I smiled, remembering the disaster earlier in charms class. Huh, maybe that spell was worth learning, I just have to know when to use it. Potions turned out to be a lot like cooking, and since I'm a pretty decent cook, it wasn't too difficult for me. I actualy enjoyed it, what with the clockwise stirring and all the ingredients which, by the way, I had already memorized. By the end of class, my potions was a light shade of green, just what the board said it would be. When Slughorn came around, he looked at everyone's potions and commented on them.

"Potter and Black, am I correct? Yes, it is very close, good work for the first day, very good try..... Pettigrew and Lupin, yes, I daresay this could use quite a bit of work, but no worries, we have many years to perfect this... Evans and Snape, oh my! This is almost perfect! Five points each! Both of you will be very good, yes yes, very good..."

I sat by my own potion, waiting for him to comment, but when he peered into my cauldron, he just stared. Did I do something wrong? Maybe I accidentally made a poison that would combust and kill everyone. Maybe they were going to kick me out...

While I was thinking these bad, and pretty stupid thoughts, I jumped a foot in the air when Slughorn finally reacted

"Merlin's beard! Never have I ever seen this potion brewed so perfectly! Even I don't think I could have done so well! Ten points to Gryffindor! Miss Stelletta, this is fabulous!"

As I sat there while he praised my work I felt relieved. But then I felt a little nervous again. I hated having unnecessary attention drawn to me, and that was exactly what he was doing. I smiled back and said "I must have gotten lucky, Sir"

"Indeed, indeed, we will see" He left chuckling while we all filed out of class on our way to the last class of the day, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"How was it over there with Sev, Lily?" I asked her once we were out of the classroom.

"It was great, thanks, we caught up on what's going on, and Sev's really good at potions, so that's good. Your potion must have been pretty good"

"I probably just got lucky" I said shrugging

"Lets hope you 'get lucky' a few more times" Lily said laughing "or maybe every time"

"That would be nice" I said grinning

We navigated our way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classrooms, and even used a secret passageway that the prefect girl told me about, which was hidden behind a tapestry of a witch surrounded by frogs. We got there in no time at all, and honestly, I was super excited. This was the class that I really wanted to do. I couldn't wait to learn how to defend myself, well alright I'll be truthful, I want to learn how to fight. Something about it just makes me really excited. Lily, on the other hand, looked slightly apprehensive as we slipped in and sat down near the back. That was the big indicator that she was nervous about this class, she usually insisted that we sat up front. When Potter, Black, Remus and Peter walked in, they went straight to the front. Looks like I'm not the only one who cant wait to get started. The door flew open and Professor Renigold stepped in, wand already raised.

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