Three Boys fall for Ciara part 2

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Shawn said okk dude. Ciara said what going on here huh? Javon said my three best friends / cousin have a crush on u. Ciara said who? Javon said my two best friends marco and shawn and my cousin Vick. Ciara said is the true. Marco said actually for them two it is but me it's not. Javon and Ciara and them said what. So Marco started to sing a song called my crush about Mariah. Everyone including Mariah was shock that Marco had a crush on her. Javon said well well you like my ex huh. Marco said yea I do. Vick said yall would make a cute couple. Amanda said I agree with Vick. Gamer and Javon said go and talk to her ok .Marco said okk. So Marco and Mariah talk for the rest of the night

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