Well after the big fight between Javon and Marco. So Shawn was thinking about someone special in his life. Vick said well well Shawn who is the lucky girl huh bro. Shawn said can you keep a secret huh bro. Vick said why sure I can bro. Shawn said the lucky lady is Suszy. Vick said woaa and wow I will keep this for life my bro. Shawn said oh okay my bro. Javon walk down the hallway with a bust lip and a black eye. Tray said you fought marco huh. Javon said yea man. Tray said why doe. Javon said cause he dated my ex Mariah. Tray said you too fought over a girl really really come on now yall was like bros. Javon said we use to be bros now we ain't so I don't care no more about him. Tray said at least talk to him about it. Javon said heck no I ain't talking to him. Tray said okk then. So Shawn stop Suszy in the middle of the hallway and ask her to be his girlfriend. Suszy said yes I will be your girlfriend. Shawn said I love u baby ok. Suszy said I love u too
Love At TRCCA by mark Williams
Romanceit's all about the love and relationships between friends