The Boy Who Ran Away

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Chapter 1
Bluerose had molded into the family as if she was already theirs. With the knowledge of how much her body had suffered, they all assumed she was running away from an abusive life and wanted a new beginning.

It took a while for her to get use to the new lifestyle of Zack and his family. They all worked together and supported each other with as much as they could.
Zack would come home from school and tell Blue of all he learned.

The bond between her and Zack seemed to grow. They would fight, brawl, and joke. Zack got along with her and treated her like she was his blood sister almost immediately.

Sadly, as everyone would experience sudden changes in their life, this new one didn't last long for Blue. The wonder and imagination of Zacks mind grew, and he would soon become a man of his own. He would decide what he would want to do with his life. However, she wasn't expecting him to decide so soon...

In the early morning of autumn, Zack went to awaken his sister and say his final goodbye. She laid still, covered in her warm blankets on the wooden bed frame. The room was only lit by the full moon, visible through her glass window, and Zack could feel a small cold draft somewhere.

Bluerose at the time wasn't a morning person. She would usually get grouchy if she didn't get her enough hours of sleep. Zack stood next to the wooden bed frame with a large bag of clothes on his back, nervous like a prey about to confront their predator.

Knowing how she is, he takes the chance and shakes her awake.
"Rose. Rose, wake up!"
He called her by her personal nickname, but as expected she groans like ferocious beast "What... is it?"

He gulped "D-Don't worry nothings wrong" his voice cracked a little from being nervous.
"But I just wanted you to know, that I'll miss you okay?"

She sits up from her bed with her hair in a floofy mess. The air suddenly got warm from her disturbed slumber "it's too early for this..." and takes a look over to her clock that reads three a.m.

Zack felt his soul leave his body as he tried to tell her for the twentieth time this week... "I'm going to do it! I'm going to become a Sephiroth!"

He watches as she tried to remember who that even was "Sephiroth?...the hero from the newspapers?" and lays back down to turn the other way. "Go back to sleep Zack...those are only stories. Besides your only thirteen, they wont take you" She pulled the blankets back over her head and went to sleep.

Zack felt hurt, this was the only way for him to tell his sister goodbye with out the possibility of her going after him. He tried twice before and she stopped him with only giving him a stare. It didn't feel right to just leave with out saying goodbye, so he took advantage when she was less functional.

A couple hours later Bluerose is waken again, but this time by her mother. She comes in her room in a panic and violently shakes her awake.
"Rose! Rose! Where is he?" She asks while still shaking Blue.

"What? Where's who?" the girl questioned her as she sat up ready to be mad.

"Zack! He's not in bed! I had a bad dream of him going to war! I thought I'd best to check on him, but he wasn't there! Zack's missing!"

Finally awake and sitting up Blue realized Zacks intentions and jumped out of bed. She ran all over their small house looking for him. Then grabbed her jacket and ran out of the house to search the village. She checked all of Zack's favorite places around Gongaga, but no luck. Then she remembered the place where they were recruiting... "The new reactor!"


The sun was barley peaking in the horizon and his young name was written in ink. Zack Fair now belonged to Shinra, and
Dozens of other young men waited in line to also write down their lives. Most of them laughed at Zack's small skinny thirteenth year old body, as he looked to not last a day in training. No matter to him, as long as he given a chance, he will take it.

The land of Gongaga covered itself in sad green fog, as if it didn't want it's true spirit to leave the village. Zack had a small thought of regret in the back of his mind, but before it could grow into a loud action, the sound of a large dark truck interrupted the gloom.

Cool bright lights struck through the thick fog and into the men's faces were Zack and the others almost went blind from the brightness. A man came into view and stood in front of the lights. What stood out besides his first class uniform was his giant sword that made the others assume he was a leader.

"After this time you all are going to be taken into training. Be aware that you might be taken to battle. We are in the time of fighting, so know you might not make it. Anyone who knows they are going, get in the truck now. I will only be kind this time"

Zack felt his heart pounding, unknowing if it was fear or excitement. When everyone around him started to load into the back of the truck, he had the realization that it was first step to fulfilling his dream.

First step, meaning he had to somehow get his ass in the larger than the average vehicle. At first the other men made it seem easy to jump inside, but when it was his turn he looked like puppy trying to crawl his way into a large box.

The man with the large sword on his back didn't look surprised to see him struggle.
Truly a dump puppy the man thought to himself.

As the truck slowly made it ways through the endless view of white, Blue ran as carefully and swiftly her feet would allow her. Always the long distances made it impossible to make anything on time.

Her body wasn't use to running this long and the air started to feel like needles. When she decides to take a slower pace a rather large vehicle came her way.

She steps aside knowing it wasn't going to see her in this fog, but as it passes by the face of Shin-ras' Logo was as big as the unnecessary advertisements that appear on side of the road.

A spawn of energy boasted Blues body as she ran right up to the moving military vehicle, and started banging on the sides to get someone's attention.


Fear struck in the heart of the young man when he heard his big sister running after him. When he finally got the courage to look over, he saw her in tired distress.
"Zack, you come...come home! Right now!"

The driver didn't seem to care of what was happening and kept on moving. This gave him the realization it was his moment to decide what he wanted. "I can't! I made my decision!"

Bluerose most of the time was able to make her brother do what she wanted in a glance, but now that he had an advantage, she was put in place that there was nothing she could do to stop him.
"NO...Don't do this! You know there's a war going on right?! So many have left and never came back! Don't be an idiot!"

"Don't worry Sis...I'll be fine. I promise to come back!"

Time was ripping away the expected moments and wanted years to be with Zack. It was unfair and she realized that he wanted to grow up so fast.

Her blinded fixation made her miss the hazardous rock that laid in the middle of the road. In an instant the truck was no where insight and all that was left of her bother was the parting gift he had thrown down to her. His favorite pocket knife.

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