Chapter 1

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I sat on my phone in the living room of our small run down house.

"Are you kidding me mum?" I said raising my voice.

I was not about to get ANOTHER step parent. My parents got divorced when I was 7. Dad found a new wife 2 years later and well, my mom never really found somebody... until now. She had some stupid doctor boyfriend. All I knew about him was he would "help the income" and "he makes her happy". Ugh. As far as I knew it was just him and I was glad. I didn't want ANYMORE little brothers or sisters. I already had a one and she was SO annoying.

"Sweetie you don't even know him. Why won't you just trust me?"
"Just please go to dinner with me tonight! And meet the rest of his family!"
"The rest..?"

I raised one eyebrow. No, this was not happening.

"Well, yes Andrew has an older son. About your age actually!"
"An older son?" I said in disgust.
"Fine ill go tonight but if he's moving in with us, I'm definitely not sharing my bathroom."
"Don't worry, our new house will have 2 master bathrooms once it's all finished!"

New house..? I never agreed to any of this. My mum was making me mad now. I groaned and ran up to my room.

I angrily hooked the chain on my neckless and stood up.  I slid my hands down my dress to wipe off the powder that fell while I was doing my makeup.  I knew one thing, and that was that I was NOT looking forwards to meet this "step brother" I already have 3 on my dads side and a little sister.  Another one would just be a pain in the butt.

"I'm getting in the car!  You better be too in less than 2 minutes Lynsey!"  My mum shouted from the bottom of the steps.  I ran down the creaky old wooden steps and pulled the door shut.

"Aren't you excited Lynsey?"

I just rolled my eyes and fastened my seatbelt.

"No mum.  I'm sorry but I don't wanna meet your dumb boyfriend and his son!"

I have to admit I felt a little bad after I said that.

"Honey he's gonna be your father.."

I stopped her.

"Mum shut up! No he's not!"
"Okay whatever Lynsey but I'm sure you'll get along with Luke he's only a couple years older than you."

I acted like I had no idea.

"Your step broth.."

I interrupted her again.

"Yeah yeah I know.."

When we pulled into the restraunt I opened the car door and stepped out.  I saw a gray haired old man with ugly scruff standing beside an oddly attractive young man.  Okay maybe this won't be so bad if there's a hottie I can look at while we eat.. I thought to myself.

"Sooo is he here yet?" I asked my mum.

I was surprised to see my mum walk over to the two I just pointed out in my head.

"Lynsey, this is Andrew."  She smiled.
"Hi, I've heard great things about you, you must be Lynsey!"  I fake smiled and shook his hand.
"Yep that's me!"
"And Lynsey this is Luke.." my mom said pointing.
"Hello.." He said and I awkwardly shook his hand as well.

Luke's voice sounded extra Australian.  I liked it.  His blonde sorta curly hair swept across his forehead swooping up a little bit.  And.. don't get me started on his eyes.  But no.  I couldn't be thinking these things.  We're gonna be step siblings! I kept repeating over and over in my head. 

We sat down at a booth and I sat by Luke.  I sat on my hands and swished air around in my cheeks with my elbows on the table.

"Can I get you guys some drinks to start?"  The waitress asked.
"Uh ill take a your finesttt champagnee" I said jokingly. 

Andrew just looked at my mum with a concerned.

"She's just joking". My mum said laughing but then she looked me in the eye with a straight face. 

Luke didn't laugh either.  Disappointing...  I thought to myself.  First he's hot but he's gonna be my step brother, then he has no sense of humor?  Sounded boring to me.  All through out the SUPER awkward dinner I tried to make jokes.  My mum would start to chuckle then look to Andrew or Luke and they would just be confused.  What kind of dumb family was this?  Finally I just decided to say something about it.

"Can you guys not take jokes?" 
"Lynsey!" My mum said shocked at what I said.
"I'm serious.  You guys are boring as heck.  Like serious don't u have any sense of humor?"
"Umm." Andrew mumbled.
"Sweetie I think you should go. Ill come home with Andrew.." my mum said handing me the keys.

I felt unwanted and disrespected.  Luke stood up out of the booth and I scooted out and walked out.  The whole way home I was just thinking.. how rude was that.. my mums the one who wanted me to go SOOO bad.  I got home and finally settled in.  The door opened and there my mum and Andrew came WALKING IN.

"Your baaaack... Andrew."  I said disgusted.

Then, my luck, Luke came walking in as well! 

"Why don't you guys go upstairs and play some games or something.." my mum requested.

Me and Luke just looked at each other and slowly walked up the stairs.

"Can't you guys get that fixed or something?"  He said replying to the sound of the squeaky steps.
"Maybe you should just shut up.  You're so rude ya know."  I was done trying to be funny and nice.

In the end, we both ended up just sitting upstairs on our phones scrolling through Instagram, texting our friends, doing basic stuff.  Finally at like 4am Andrew decided to get the heck out of my house and take Luke with him.  I definitely wasn't ready for a new family, at least not this one.

Word Count: 1021

Step Siblings // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now