Chapter 3

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"Bye mum love you!" I said waving off to her as she rolled off with cans making a commotion from the back of her car.

I was taking everyone home that night. Luke, and Julia. A babysitter was coming to get her in the morning for the week my mum and Andrew were gone. When we got to the new house everyone was surprised how big it actually was on the inside! I couldn't believe my mum trusted me alone in a brand new house. Bad decision. Leaving me alone in a house and thinking I wasn't gonna have a party? Luke really helped me come out of my shell that night and I felt like I could do anything at that point. We didn't have bed frames yet so our beds consisted of mattresses on the floor... and that was basically it. I started opening boxes looking for my old sweatpants to wear to bed. I spied a box of Luke's and he was down stairs at the time. It was labeled 'pictures'. I couldn't help but look at a couple. He never talked about his family and it was kinda strange. As I started looking through his old childhood photos I oddly saw a lot of them with that blonde, Liz girl in them. Could she be... no I thought to myself. Okay.. if Liz was his mom... no.. I kept saying to myself. Maybe she was just visiting Luke.

"What are you doing?!" Luke said.

Shocked, I dropped everything.

"Are you kidding be Lynsey? Why are you looking through to stuff?" He shouted.
"Ugh you're so childish.." he mumbled under his breath.

Not again.. I thought. We were just starting to get along.. I put everything back and went into the walk in closet in our room, turned around and slipped down my tights from underneath my dress.

"Gosh it feels good to take those off."

Since I didn't find my sweats I just found an oversized t-shirt that was lying on the floor.

"You know that's mine right?" He said.

I kinda forgot Luke was there. I wasn't used to sharing a room. I cross my arms and pulled my dress over my head.

"Hello there!" Luke said laughing.
"Oh gosh I'm sorry I forgot" I said turning back around towards Luke.

His eyes just fell down looking at my boobs.

"Oh lord Luke can u not!" I giggled throwing my dress at him.
"OH MY GOSH STAHPPP!" We were cracking up together.

Still in my bra and underwear, I ran across the room and tried to snatch the dress but Luke pulled it away.

"Give it to me!" I insisted.

I tripped over a hanger and fell onto Luke's chest and our eyes met. I was practically on top of him. For some reason it wasn't... uncomfortable. He wrapped his arms around my small waist and his hands even touched back together. We kept making eye contact and he started to lean in.

"Okay okay!" I laughed quickly getting up off of him.

I threw on his big shirt and starting putting the pictures I had gotten out away.

"I just have one question Luke.."
"Yes..?" I felt like he knew what I was about to ask.
"Who really is that blonde girl?"
"Um.." he hesitated.
"She's... she's my mum."
I sighed.
"And why was she in your house? Is she remarried?"
"Uh.. well... she never got divorced."

My heart sank.

"What..? Wait is she your step mom? Is.. is Andrew your step dad?" I pleaded.
"Nope. They never got divorced."

This can't be happening... I thought..

"I have to tell my mum!" I said aloud with Luke still sitting on the bed.
"No please don't! Lynsey my dad would kill me! Please!"
"Lynsey shh!!!" Luke said putting his finger to my lip.

There it was again. Eye contact. There was something about it with Luke that made it so... powerful.

"Luke... you can't look at me like that.." I said blushing.
"Just whatever you do... please don't tell your mum! I promised my dad! There getting a divorce soon!" Luke said as he sat on the floor facing me.
"But I feel like I'm hiding it from my mum then!" I said sighing.

Luke pulled his body closer to mine and took both my hands. They were sweaty. And so we're mine.

"I don't know Luke.. I mean.. I don't think there's anything you can do that will make me not tell my mum!"
He stopped me.
"Not even this...."

He placed his soft hands under my chin and his fingers by my ears and pulled me closer.

Whispering in my ear he said..
"Please Lynsey... don't do it. I won't let you down."

I closed my eyes and I felt his bottom lip close onto my top lip.

Deep breathes Lynsey.. I thought. In and out... I breathed. If felt so good.

I opened my mouth a slight bit and breathed into his. Kissing him, I scooted closer to where he was sitting on the ground and wrapped my legs around his body. He stroked his fingers through my long brown hair and he got more aggressive. With my hand on his chest i pushed him down.

"Will you tell her now?" Luke asked with his breath heavy.
"Definitely not." I replied and quickly got back to kissing him.

I knew it was wrong.. but I couldn't help it. As long as nobody found out about us, everything would be just fine.

Word Count: 941

Step Siblings // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now