pulpo is crazy

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After toni had told us what's happening we missed quite a lot but we're all on route to grab pulpo before he splits
Rolling up the house where he was last identified at me and toni and a roman started walking for the door as it didn't seem like a big thing we was just gonna check out "so I heard Jay stayed with you last night ?" I chuckled opening the door "yea he passed out on the couch nothing happened if that's what your worried about !" I said laughing toni and roman started walking to the door I heard the radio go off ""GET OUT NOW SUSPECT MAY STILL BE IN THE BUILDING GET OUT NOW !!!"" Hank shouted through the radio and (BANG) "shit ROMANN!!!!OFFICER DOWN ROLL AMBO TO NOWN ADDRESS I REPEAT OFFICER DOWN !!" Toni shouted over the radio me and toni dragged roman out of the way and carried him down the stairs opening the door I seen everyone running at us helping us apart from Jay and at water and olinsky I guess they went after the suspect getting outside I heard the Ambo roll up I nodded at gabby and shay "he's been his in his shoulder he's bleeding pretty bad he's been in and out of consciousness but his heart beat has spiked !" I said to gabby she nodded Erin climbed in after shay and gabby closed the door "help him !"I said and she nodded getting in the Ambo and rolling away turning to toni I nodded to tell him I was okay "Halsted where you at ?" Hanks said on the radio "were south bound going east on 87 we need back up guys he's running cars of the road !!"he shouted down the radio grabbing my keys out of my pocket I chucked them at toni noting he's fast then me "let's go !" I said running to the car and we was off driving as fast as he could we caught up to the guys pulling in tandem with Jay we raced to pulpo in front of us I put my gun out of the window and tried to shoot the wheel but I couldn't get a good shot unclipping my seat belt I made a move to climb in the back "what are you doing sit down put your seat belt on now !!!" Antonio shouted "I need a better shot just keep driving !!!" I screamed and climbed into the back pulling the skylight open and standing on the seat I got my gun into position and stayed as steady as I could glancing to the side I seen Jay looking at me shaking his head closing one eye I kept my gun steady on the left tire squeezing the trigger (bang) the gun went of and pulpos car flipped and landing the right side up holding on toni stopped the car and I jumped out of the skylight and jumped down from the car running with my gun up "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS PULPO NOW !!" I screamed at him I heard him cough his guts up "SHOW ME YOUR HANDS NOW !!!" I screamed at him and he put his hand up laughing getting him out and in cuffs Hank patted my shoulder and smiled at me "you did good kid !"I nodded toni pushed me "what the hell was that !!!" He shouted at me "you could of got hurt you idiot! !!!"he screamed even more "I was doing my god Dam job !!!!"I screamed back pushing him back "doing your job does not involve getting killed don't do that shit again do you hear me !!!" He screamed at me "go to hell Antonio! !!!" I screamed pushing past him and walking towards al "can I ride with you please? " I said to him he nodded

Getting back to the district I opened the car door while it was still driving but slowing down and Jumped out slamming the door behind me walking up stairs "hey Demi " Kim said to me but being in this mood I ignored her storming up the stairs getting to my desk I sat down and put my head in my hands why's he gotta be a dickhead for hearing everyone walking up the stairs they was all happy that we caught Pablo I was happy but pissed off coz toni treats me like a child but I'm not he's just a knob looking up I seen burgess running up the stairs she got to toni and passed him the phone" your gonna wanna take this " she said to him he put the phone up to his ear and his face dropped dropping the phone he shook his head and walked to the stair even though he's a Dick but I still love him "toni what is it !!" I said everyone following us down stairs "someone took deiago! " he said my face dropped getting in Antonio car with him everyone else followed behind in their cars pulling up to the bakery I thought Laura and the kids was out of town maybe this is what Antonio wanted to speak about walking inside she was shouting laura and she came up to him not hugging him on anything she was sobbing tho I guess they really are not together anymore toni walked towards her and hugged her then she past him the note we was all waiting for toni to say something "pulpo realised by tonight or your son's dead !" Toni said and my hands went to my mouth nonono he can't do this "SON OF A BITCH!!!!! " I screamed pushing the door running to the car I got in the driver seat toni didn't take the keys out of the car starting it up I drove away as everyone started running out the shop to stop me

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