part 1 (all texts)

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Louis: you fucking prick.

Harry: you won, didn't you?

Louis: p r i c k.

Harry: (:

Louis: proud, aren't you?

Harry: lmao I might be

Louis: proud that you're such a fucking slut ?

Harry: proud that i'm y o u r slut.

Harry: and a lil bit proud that other boys have a problem with that

Louis: you're insanely daring tonight, haz.

Harry: horny is another word

Louis: that's clear, too.

Louis: but don't worry

Louis: I'll take care of that soon enough

Harry: lmao liar

Harry: you'll tease me until i'm throbbing and crying and then leave me with a blowjob and some collarbone hickeys so I can get grounded

Louis: okay first of all is that a complaint?? bc you don't seem to mind it when you're panting and begging for a round two (:

Harry: don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to, lou.

Louis: you're so fucking mouthy tonight

Louis: drives me crazy honestly

Harry: just like me in nick's lap tonight drove you crazy?

Louis: so we're back to you acting like a prick, then?

Harry: y o u r prick.

Louis:  w h y do you text like t h i s

Harry: for a e s t h e t i c

Harry: also for emphasis

Louis: wow!!! you're so gosh darn edgy!1!!1!

Harry: lmao are you done

Louis: teasing?

Louis: nah. never.

Harry: well yeah that too but I meant are you coming out of the locker room yet

Louis: oh

Louis: so i can cOME in your mouth??? haha

Louis: also no i'm waiting for the showers

Harry: l o u

Louis: h a z

Harry: please omg i'm so bored

Louis: I don't think boredom warrants a need for me to jizz in your mouth, baby.

Harry: i meant please come out here

Louis: ok but would I or would I not be allowed to come in your mouth if I did that?

Harry: i'd let you throat fuck me anywhere and you know that

Louis: wow

Louis: i love it when you sweet talk me

Harry: (;

Louis: you're the w o r s t

Louis: (that actually works for emphasis omg)

Harry: (:

Louis: okay anyways

Louis: ten more minutes?

Harry: i'm actually going to kill myself if i have to sit in this fucking car doing nothing for ten more minutes

it starts with sexting.(Larry Smut)Where stories live. Discover now