part 2

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//Dom louis/continuation of "all texts" chapter.

Lots of smut but no actual sex.

(Minor rim job is as close as it goes.)

This is like 6300 words. The writing gets better the further you go, even tho it kinda sucks in the beginning.

Pinky promise (://


"What the fuck did you think you were doing, Styles?"

Louis was shoving Harry against the wall a bit too harshly before even considering giving him a chance to open his mouth and defend himself.

"Do you think it's funny? Is it funny to distract me like that, while I'm trying to lead my fucking team to victory?" He questioned.

The adventure through the foyer and up the stairs was the most rude and uncomfortable experience Harry had ever had with Louis’ family.

"Lou, I wasn't think-"

The fact that Harry was trying so desperately to now back out of this was almost laughable.

Louis quickly cut him off, pressing his waist against Harry's own, an exasperated moan slipping out of his mouth at the pressure of the equally-frustrated boy.

Harry was holding back a pathetic whine.

"You don't get to just sit on Nick's lap like that, Harry. I don't care if the bench was running out of room, you know he got hard with you on him," Louis scolds, releasing Harry's arms to tug the hem of his jersey over his head.

"But that's not my fault, Lou-"

Louis clenched his jaw, slamming Harry's jersey on the ground beside him, "So you confirm it? That prick got a fucking hard on, because you wiggled your nice little ass all over his nasty dick?"

Harry slowly nodded, dropping his head in shame of his mistake, sinking his front teeth into his bottom lip, a desperate attempt to bite back anymore defenses.

Louis shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm going to have to beat the shit out of him, Haz. You know that, right?" Louis seethed, biceps tensed as he used either side of the wall surrounding Harry to hold his weight, lips inches from the younger boy's.

Harry quickly shook his head, genuinely upset.

"Lou, no, I-I'm sure he wouldn't have done it if he could've stopped himself if-"

Louis only shook his head again, deciding to cut the rambling boy off again by pressing their lips together, his shaking hands cupping either cheek of the nervous boy's face.

Harry intensified the interaction, tugging at Louis' bottom lip with his teeth, nearly smiling when he felt his boyfriend nearly physically cave against him.

He pulled away very soon after, hands gripping either of Louis' wrists in an unsuccessful attempt to pull them away.

Louis only huffed, nearly pouting, in response to the termination of the interaction, hands remaining in defiance and protest.



"I love you," Harry grinned, completely crooked, dimple-y, and dorky, earning an eye-roll and quick kiss on the tip of his nose from the older boy who was awful at staying angry.

Louis dropped his hands from Harry's face, draping them around the smaller boy's waist, instead, sighing, "Then don't give ex-fuckbuddys partial lap dances when I'm not around."

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