Make Sure They Never Take You Alive Chapter 2

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"Oh, that sounds delicious- oof." Lexi's face was smashed into the wall of wood planks. She pulled back and rubbed her nose.

"Ow..." she muttered, sitting up slowly. She blinked a few times, and her cabin came into view. Bare wooden walls, a simple desk and chair, covered with scattered papers, and a storage area for my clothes. Her hat sat on top, just waiting to be put on. All around the floor, were piles and piles of books, some half opened, waiting to be read, others gathering dust, and others worn down from being read so much. A dress hung on her wall, a marvelous blue and white dress, with an A-line skirt and bell sleeves. It fit like a glove, always had. That was the girl's old life.

Still rubbing her nose, Lexi carefully stepped down from her hammock and trudged over to her mirror. Blue-gray eyes, copper colored hair that tumbled to mid-back, and a disgruntled face gazed back. Running her long fingers through her hair, she slipped off her nightgown, tripping over it in the process, and pulled on her clothes. A thin white blouse, tight trousers, and a dark blue waistcoast. Lexi buckled her leather belt around her waist and slipped on her boots, which she... confiscated from an annoying sailor a town or two back. Bloody idiot tried to sail away with her ship. HER. SHIP.

The thought of the annoying man made Lexi grumble several profanities, one a 'proper' lady should never utter. She's unusual, a newly recruited captain of a pirate ship. A female.

She flipped her hat on her head, sheathed her cutlass, and stepped out of her private quarters. The sun was high in the sky and nearly blinded the girl, which told her it was about noon.

"Bloody hell, it's bright!" Lexi remarked, tilting her hat down to shield her eyes.

Her crew barely noticed her entrance. They were obviously slacking, and she huffed indignantly. She was their captain, and they need to learn some respect. Lexi already realized she was new at this, but honestly, she thought irritably, they should listen to her. 

She stepped back into her quarters, grabbed her pistol, and stepped out. Lexi pointed up to the endless sky and pulled the trigger, the boom ringing through the air and startling her own crew. Many pairs of eyes turned to her, and she flushed, setting her hand on her hip. The young boy who was sitting up on the mast with a telescope screeched as he lost his balance and almost toppled over. Lexi reached out a hand, fearing for a split second he'd fall, when he regained his balance. She let out a sigh of relief and turned back to her crew's questioning eyes.

"Why are you not working? We need supplies, and so be it I will NOT let any lazy, bumbling idiots let us starve to death!" Her voice rang loudly, undoubtedly reaching every pair of ears that resided on this ship.

"Cap'n, we need to rest!" One of the older men, a self proclaimed 'womanizer' spoke up, a smirk playing at his lips.Lexi turned her head, her eyes narrowing at the man. "Do you dare defy your captain's orders?" She drawled, her temper flaring. For someone who cared so much about certain things, she had a hell of a temper.

"Actually, Cap'n, he's right. We haven't had a decent sleep since..." another boy, a younger one, with short hair and muddy chocolate eyes, spoke up. Lexi almost FELT his eyes travel down to her chest, and she pursed her lips, extremely annoyed with the lot of them.

"Well, if you men haven't been up drinking the night away, we wouldn't be in this mess, would we?" She snapped loudly. "Any other men who DARE to object will be preparing for the night underwater." She seethed, her eyes flashing towards each and every one of her crew members.

They quieted immediately. She glanced up to the boy with the telescope.

"Oi! Any luck in finding land?" She called up. He shook his head, and she sighed. Great.

"I bet you bunch of swines drank all the rum, didn't you?" The men shuffled their feet, and Lexi blew at her bangs in frustration. What idiots.

Trying to keep her temper from seeping into the tone of her voice, she called "Alright, get to work! I want that wood to gleam by dusk!"

Everyone hurried off to their stations, a few grumbling along their way. No matter, she wasn't going to deal with simple-minded perverts this early. She stepped up to steer her ship, the Ocean's Mistress, and concentrated solely on finding a port.

However, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed it. There was a ship, coming their way. She eyed it suspiciously, thinking "Well, this could be a good opportunity for supplies..." She whistled and alerted her crew of the approaching ship, and told them to wait for her command.

"Let's see if they disturb the peace first, then we'll fire. Let the games begin." She murmured.

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