The next day was Friday, a school day.There should be a free pass for kids whose parent's just died. I slide from under the warm covers.The Shampoo and body wash lathered and rinsed off smoothly. I put on a simple outfit: a lilac tee with black skinny jeans. Meca is still asleep,snoring. I go downstairs and grab a bowl of non-bran name cereal. As I finish Tess honks to let me know she's outside. I grab my bookbag and jump in her truck:"Hi."
"Hey."She answers. The ride to school was filled with short answer questions, because neather of us are morning people. A thought comes to me that makes me roll my eyes, as we get to our lockers.
'I'll smile through the day.'I think takeing books out of my locker.'No matter how much I want to run away.'
"Please don't curse anyone out, Cass." Tess staresat me pleadingly.
"No promises."I smirk, she smiles bright. Me and Tessa, who are basicly joined at the hip, partways. I walk into history class. The seat next to mine has been taken up by the boy from mother's funeral. (She never allowed me to call her mom or when I was smaller mommy)
I couldn't control my heart from skipping. He grin's, the same devilish, cocky, handsome grin. Heat rises to my face as I take my set beside him. Mr. Cardier starts off class with an essay question, as always. I'm half-way done when I notice he's stareing at me. I sneak a glance at him,he has a curious look in his steel grey eyes."What?"
He tilt's his head to the side,like a puppy's.A very hot puppy."You didn't cry."
"Excuse me?" I stop writeing to look at him fully.His grin turns seriously childish, if that's even possible.
"You didn't cry at your mother's funeral." He doesn't look away once."Why."
I sever my glaze from him and drop my head. Mr.Cardier saves me from haveing to answer the hardest question of my life, because he goes into full lecture mode. But the boy isn't done, he leans into my hair and ear and whispers:"I'll figure you out."
LobisomemIs it true that the most horrible people collect more tears, than good-souled people? Because people didn`t get a chance to have revenge on the evil? But no one cries for good people because they know they 'wouldn`t want you to cry'? Are there even...