From Afar [Scerek]

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Derek Hale wanted to hate Scott McCall. He wanted to get irritated whenever the teenager spoke, he wanted to get pissed off at him, he wanted to snap at him— but he could no longer bring himself to.

There was something about that puppy-eyed brunet alpha that had slipped past Derek's once well-guarded walls.

Derek fucking hated it.

He hated how whenever he wanted to shoot Scott down whenever he spoke, he felt like he couldn't do it.

So he pretended like he could. He made himself seem like an ass to Scott. He wanted to scare him off. Correction, that wasn't what he really wanted, but that's what he thought he should want. He pretended like he didn't care when Allison and Scott got together– He acted like he didn't wish that was him. Now, he definitely didn't hesitate to show his dislike for Allison, but merely used the excuse that it was only because she was a huntress. Sure, that was part of it, but another part was that she had something she wanted: Scott.

His hatred against Allison grew even more when he had to save Scott from her psycho mother. The fact she practically put Scott in danger (wether meaning to or not) pissed Derek off. Then again, he figured he couldn't speak. When he had been trying to push his feelings away, he had done some pretty bad things to Scott– attacking him at the skating rink and such.

He had felt hurt when Scott hid the reason Derek had killed Victoria Argent. He had thought the brown-eyed werewolf would have at least defended him given he had saved his life from the murderous woman. He felt betrayed knowing Scott could let Allison and others think he was a murderer– Derek Hale was many things, but he didn't kill innocent people. Victoria was not innocent, and she was after Scott. He had every reason to kill her.

Of course, pain was never something new to Derek. He was used to all sorts of pains inflicted upon him by other people, intentional or not. Most of it was certainly intentional for him, but he felt Scott hadn't meant to intentionally hurt him. Even if he had, Derek wouldn't have really been surprised. Scott probably wouldn't have been the last to intentionally hurt him if it was that case.

After Derek's short "death" and his affair with Jennifer, Stiles had let it slip to him that his temporary death had fucked Scott up badly. Derek just figured he meant that he thought it was just his fault because he always felt responsible for everyone around him. After thinking about emotional connections with werewolves for awhile, he suspected it may be something more. Werewolves don't just stop healing when someone dies– and it wasn't like Derek was his pack member.

Scott had to feel something for Derek like Derek did to Scott, right? Even after hearing this and coming to a probable conclusion that Scott may like him, he made no move to ask about this. He felt like if he pressed, Scott would get defensive and distant with him again. He didn't want to have to restart his trust boundaries with Scott again.

You see, Scott and Derek always had a rather complicated relationship towards each other. One moment, they could be "hating" each other, but then the next, they could be saving each other's lives in battle. It had always been fully of twists and turns from the start. Derek was spinning and confused. He just wanted to stop having feelings at all. They were too much of a hassle in general.

As far as Derek was concerned, he would most likely be stuck in this position forever; moving forward one step to only move right back to the same place not too long later. That was, until he slipped up. When he slipped up, he really fucked up.

It was a dark night in the loft. Scott and the pack were making plans with Derek to rescue some innocent humans who had been captured by yet another supernatural creature Beacon Hills had attracted. He and Scott were getting into a squabble over if it was worth risking our lives for his version of the plan. They got into their usual ambitious debates— a bunch of tension filling the room so thick you could cut it with a knife. They would quip back and forth; their usual arguments.

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