When I First Saw You [Sciles]

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When I First Saw You [Sciles]
(Scott McCall x Stiles Stilinski)
Requested from @apileoftrashwriter
A love at first sight AU where Stiles just arrived, and he has no idea about any of the supernatural stuff.
Stiles Stilinski was absolutely nervous. He was used to moving from place to place. He had never stayed in one town for very long. That was one of the reasons why he became anxious at the mention of Beacon Hills. His father said that this was the last move; Beacon Hills was supposedly permanent. He had gotten a job as a high-ranking deputy in the law enforcement.
Stiles was currently shifting the strap of his backpack awkwardly on his shoulder, biting his lip subconsciously. He was nervous about this whole new beginning here. He couldn't tell himself impressions wouldn't matter here; they were here to stay, or so he was told many times.
Stiles's steps were hesitant as he walked down the wide hallway that was line with locker after locker, top and bottom rows. He looked around, turning a corner when he saw the office area. He walked in it, chewing his bottom harder in anxiety. He would be fine. He would be fine. Well, no matter how many times he told himself this, he couldn't quite convince himself.
That was when Stiles saw him.
Stiles almost stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that absolutely gorgeous teenage boy waiting beside a stern looking woman. Stiles began to question how he looked. Did he pick the right clothes? Did he look like a slob? Oh, did he look too nervous? He probably needed to stop chewing on his lip. That probably looked weird.
"Hello, M-"
"My dad says to just call me Stiles. Everybody butchers my first name." Stiles cut her off. He didn't want the cute boy to hear his monstrosity of a name and try to pronounce it. He offered a small smile to the woman and, more importantly, the boy.
"Oh, well, Stiles, I figured you would have some trouble finding your way around. Scott McCall, here, decided to offer to show the new student around. So he'll be showing you around for today."
If there is a God, Stiles felt like he had definitely just been blessed to the upmost extent. He gets a tour around the school with the hot boy all day? He was feeling lucky now.
"You all should have the same classes according to the schedule. I'll assume you two will stay out of trouble?" She looked from Scott to Stiles, eyebrows furrowed slightly, a hand on her hip.
"Oh, yes ma'am." Stiles nodded. Little did she know, he could be a trouble maker when he wanted to be.
She nodded and walked off, her black high-heels clicking along on the white floors of the office. She had her dark hair down on her shoulders, and she had a black skirt that was a little too tight. He didn't like her already.
"Alright, so I'm going to show you to your locker. Well- I think I should introduce myself first; I'm Scott McCall, like she said. That was Ms. Blake. She's.. okay. Anyways, off to your locker we go." Scott smiled warmly. Stiles could tell he was being very warm and authentically friendly.
"Oh- okay! Well, I'm Stiles Stilinski. But she said that already to you, didn't she? I just moved here from Albany, New York." Stiles said. He was beginning to feel more energetic, falling into his old demeanor faster than he expected.
"That's cool. I've always been here in Beacon Hills with my mother." Scott said calmly but with a smile.
"What's it like here? Are the people friendly? I mean, you're really friendly, but you know." Stiles said, speaking a little fast.
"Well, it's okay. Kinda chaotic sometimes. A good bit of criminal activity in the woods." Scott said the last part quietly, as if to himself. "You just have to be careful at night, you know?" He shrugged with that small smile returning to his lips. Stiles really, really liked his smile. He wanted to see it more often.
"Do you have a lot of friends here? Oh, shit, sorry, that sounded shitty. I mean, do you know a lot of people?" Stiles asked. He wanted to figure out some things about Beacon Hills and Scott. Especially Scott.
Scott laughed slightly. Stiles quickly decided he wanted to hear that laugh a lot. It was so nice. It sounded like everything nice put into a noise. Stiles bet that Scott's smile and laugh could make flowers grow, and the sun glow brighter.
"I know a good amount of people. I have a friend named Allison. Well, sorta friend. She and I are on rocks right now. I have a friend named Lydia, too. Oh, and my really close friend Isaac." Scott informed him. "I could introduce you?" He offered.
Stiles brightened at the opportunity. "Yeah, that sounds great to me!" Stiles nodded. He immediately scolded himself afterward. He probably sounded too eager to spend more time with Scott and make more friends that are his friends. There was no doubt in his mind Scott would be the cutest out of the bunch, though.
"Okay. I'll introduce you to them at lunch today, or maybe they will be in some of our classes together." Scott nodded, before he stopped in front of a locker. "Here is your locker. Locker 134. Mine is 137, so we aren't very far apart. Huh, good luck, I guess." Scott smiled.
Did Scott just say being close to Stiles is good luck? Stiles internally shook his head. He was acting like a middle school girl obsessing over a celebrity. Well, now that he really thought about it, Scott did look handsome enough to be a celebrity. He'd made a nice underwear model.
Oh my god, Stiles, no.
He smiled to himself afterwards. There was no harm in having a crush as long as Scott didn't find out, right? Stiles hadn't felt this way about anymore before, and to be honest, it was exciting. He wondered if Scott felt it, too. He doubted it. With his luck, Scott would be straighter than two parallel lines.

When the time of lunch came, Stiles had been feeling particularly excited. He had had a wonderful day with Scott so far. He had met the friendly Allison Argent in first period, and Lydia Martin in third. The only friends he hadn't met yet were Danny Māhealani and Isaac Lahey.
He followed his new friend to the table the group apparently almost always sat at. He sat down beside Scott nervously, unsure how the others would react to him.
"Er, I believe that's my seat."
Stiles looked up at almost the speed of light. He looked at the tall curly-haired boy with blue eyes who was looking over him, hands in his pockets.
"Oh, I'm sorry-"
"No, no, it's fine." He shrugged. "I mean, as long as it's okay with Scott." He said quickly, looking at him. Stiles sensed something may be between them, but he hoped there wasn't. Isaac seemed interested in the Allison girl by the way he looked at her when he sat down beside her instead of Scott.
"So, Stiles, this is Isaac." Scott motioned to the tall, curly-haired blue-eyed boy who was seated next to Allison. Stiles nodded quickly with a smile.
"Danny usually sits over here, but he's with that guy Aiden or Ethan. It's one of the two." Scott shrugged.
"Oh- is he-"
"Yeah, he's gay. Openly, too." Scott shrugged. "I mean, that's fine here at Beacon Hills. I am, too," he shrugged again, but seemed a little flustered, blushing slightly as he began to eat.

As time passed, Stiles fell more and more in love with Scott. They became close friends, and Isaac didn't seem to like it too much. He was occupied with Allison anyways, so it didn't seem like a problem to Stiles. He was now spending every other night with Scott at either of their houses. He enjoyed every minute he spent with Scott.
Things began to change, however. Scott began leaving Stiles out of things intentionally. He would be in hushed conversation with the rest of the group, and when Stiles would walk over, they would all stop and act like they weren't whispering before.
Stiles had told Scott some personal things. He feared his new best friend and crush was spreading rumors about him. But wouldn't they already been spread by now, given how many times he's caught them whispering? He didn't know what was going on, but he felt like he was losing his only best friend.
Scott would apologize for not inviting him to their group gatherings they seemed to have every Saturday. Apparently Stiles couldn't go. Isaac had straight up told him he would never be able to go. Stiles had gotten upset to say the least, and responded in like with an angry, snide comment about Isaac. They had almost gotten into a fight, but Scott and Danny had broken it up.
Stiles was confused and sick of being pushed away.
"Okay, what the hell did I do?" Stiles said quietly to Scott as Scott shut his locker, startling him slightly.
"What do you mean, Sti?"
"You're always pushing me away, and I don't know why. I never get invited to anything, and you are always whispering when I'm not in the conversation, as if I'm not supposed to hear. What did I do wrong? If you don't want to be my friend-" Stiles was cut off by Scott's expression. Scott looked hurt.
"Stiles, no- that's- that's not what is going on. I really can't tell you. Look- I'm sorry, I just- I don't want to get you involved." Scott said, hurt.
Stiles raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really? Is that so? What can't I get involved with? Am I not good enough?" Stiles asked, authentic hurt in his voice.
Scott sighed. "Look, Stiles, I can't tell you right now. Not with so many people around. I promise I will tell you, though." Scott swore.
"You sure?"

When Stiles found out about the supernatural stuff later that day, he initially thought it was some joke. That Scott was just trying to get him off of his back about the secrecy. He had gotten really mad, up until the point Scott had grabbed him by the wrists.
"Stiles, listen to me!" Scott begged. "I don't want to lose my best friend. I- I care about you too much to lose you. I can show you. Let me show you before you leave."
Stiles hesitated. He hated the desperate sound in Scott's voice. He relented. "Okay." He said unsurely.
As claws formed from Scott's fingernails, and fangs formed from Scott's once normal teeth, Stiles began to believe him. He looked into the beautiful yellows of Scott's eyes, which had a slight glow to them. Despite Scott's kind of distorted facial features (thanks to the turning), Stiles did something he never thought he would do.
In the head of the moment and in fascination, Stiles kissed the werewolf in front of him with a passion, moving his hands to Scott's hair. To his surprise, Scott didn't push him back or fight him. Scott was kissing him back, slowly turning back into the human form Stiles had fallen in love with. Stiles continued doing this with Scott, kissing him passionately and full of love before he pulled back, a smile on his lips.

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