Q & A's × 101-150

151 18 22


Q#101:Do you feel the Dylan now is compared to the Dylan then?

A:Well no. People change.

Q#102:If you could change anyway you treated someone in your past, how would you apologize to that person

A: Too much to say.

Q#103:Do you like/want tats?

A:I have one (a cross on my wrist) & yeah maybe i'll get some more.

Q#104:biggest fear?

A:Hurting people that i love.

Q#105:Anything you wish you could've had then that is too late now or cant?

A:Yeah, kinda private though.

Q#106:umm...*thinks tapping my chin* oh yea! Why is Kat so damn hyper?

A:Oh you haven't heard? She's on crack.

Q#107:Pet peeves?

A:There are way too many to count. But one of them is when girls ask you if you like them repeatively. Like calm down please. If i liked you , i would tell you or make it well knowned.

Q#108:Why you so tall -.-

A:I'm actually kinda short..i'm only 5'10.

Q#109:Quit being ratchet XD

A:I am not ratchet boo boo *snaps gum and pats weave*

Q#110:Why do you like being naked?

A:I really love feeling of being free. I just like the way i feel while being nude.

Q#111:What's your favorite movie?

A:Titantic or 21 Jump Street.

Q#112:What kind of things would you do if you were home alone?

A:Walk around naked, eat naked, watch tv naked, dance naked, sing naked, and imprace my nakedness.

Q#113:Do you love Kae?

A:*Kel voice* I do i do i DOOOOO. Kae is such a good friend. Even though she ignores me or she's late as hell in the pms (Hop to it women!) . But who doesn't love Kae?
{UPDATE; i actually hate Kae now.}

Q#114:Are you crazy?

A: Absolutely bananas.



Q#116:What's the craziest thing you have ever done?

A:I skydived once, never again will i do that shit.

Q#117:Have you lost your virginity?

A:Yes i have lost it. Where have you been?

Q#118:Have you ever been in love?

A:I have. Many times.

Q#119: What would you do if there was a zombie invasion?

A:I would hide my kids, hide my wife, because they eating everybody in this motherfucker.

Q#120:Ice cream or chocolate?

A: Ice Cream with chocolate in it? #loophole

Q#121:Why are you so ...SWAGGALICIOUS Dylan? P.s. Can we fuck ? ;)

A:I really don't know why I'm so SWAGGALICIOUS.

P.s. ....No?

Q#122:What's the weirdest thing anyone's ever said to you?

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