Chapter 1

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I was at the mall and I swear to you I didn't steal anything!

Why would I? Icould take my family's private yet and travel France or London, hell even New York!

Let's start from the beginning. It was the last day of school me and Dior were talking about going to the mall as a goodbye ritual that we do every year.
Dior is my best friend and as much as I hate to admit it she is a spoiled brat, it's like she has never heard the word "no" in her life and I am positive she hasn't. You see she's an only child and her parents don't pay any attention to her because they are so busy working and throwing fancy parties every weekend. So the way they make up for neglecting their only child is letting her do whatever she wanted.
Anyways back to my explanation see we don't see each other on the summer, I go with my mother to our five star resort in the great Canyon, where I work as the dish washer and the pastry chef (to be honest I'm mostly just in charge of ice creams) it's not that I hate it, I think it's fun but I lie every year and tell my friends ESPECIALLY Dior that I vacation there.
She doesn't believe in manual labor or how she says it "it's the middle class job to work for us big people"
She's a snob I know. How am I friends with her? I have no idea.

"You should buy something today instead of always watching Ashlee, Chanel and I shop." Dior says while trying to select the perfect macaroons from Lollie and pops.

"Why, I can just go anywhere in the world and buy what i wanted."

"You should buy something that is Chanel that way you will not forget me over the summer," winked Chanel. 

I squirm a little. It's been two weeks since she's been acting that way around me as if she had a crush on me or something.

I should of said something earlier, see I'm in a all girl school. The name is Valley academy. The school is in the middle of freaking nowhere here in Maryland. I'm originally from New York but I go to school all the way here only a five hour difference at least. I went to a Catholic private school but it wasn't enough for my parents they expected more. So they put me in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of Lesbos. I have nothing against them, I can't exactly come as a saint I've kissed Claire Gonzalez because I've never been kissed and I was dared to but she thought it was alright to throw me in a corner every time she got the chance... That was until I told her to back off.

Any who back to why I didn't steal anything. Dior saw this Michael Kors bag that she kept talking about for weeks it's not exactly expensive to her but she likes her money to last, meaning her five hundred dollars that her dad gives her about every week it's gonna go to waste. Which it does, all she does is freaking shop! Food, candy, clothes, you name it she has it. Our dorm room is full of shit she never uses and yet surprisingly it has a lot of space.

"Shit! I don't have any money," says Dior frantically.

"Then why are we here?" I ask not so sympathetic. She says things like this all the time.

"You should just take it and tell the cashier who you are," says Chanel. Going to the same school for three years and to this mall for three years AND SHE STILL DOESN'T REALIZE WE CAN'T DO THAT HERE!

"No! this is different than shopping in New York guys we can't just put it in our tab" I say more reasonably. 

"Shush Dani! I'm going up there" Dior says finally.

"Fine but I'm not getting caught up in this." Once I'm trying to walk away Dior starts sprinting... SPRINTING! The alarms go off and security guards are all over us.  When did I start running? How the hell did I got caught? It's still a pretty big mistery.
So now we're in a holding cell in the mall waiting for our parents to come and get us.
Dior, Chanel and Ashlee are laughing and reliving the scene.

"I can't believe you did it foreal this time." Ashlee says  after she stops laughing.

"Yeah you always say you will and you chicken out" Chanel says and they start laughing all over again.

" Come on Dani that was fun!" Said Dior.

"Fun? Fun! You might cause me the best summer of my life!" I'm so angry at that point that I don't care for their shocked faces.

This summer was supposed to be the best summer ever chef José was going to teach me how be a proper pastry chef, my mom was going to be around more often, my dad was going to be there this time, and my sibilings were going to get their first jobs. I tried so hard this year to keep my grades up to perfection and have a clean record with my parents and school. I'm not a bad kid, I'm a honor student and a teachers pet but sometimes I get influence by my dearest friends and do pranks and dumb shit like this so I'm always in detention.

"I'm sorry, I knew this summer meant a lot to you Dani. I just thought that maybe you wouldn't forget about us this summer since you were always busy to hang out with us this year." Dior is now crying.

Well I feel like an asshole. 

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to sound like a bitch. It's just my dad is finally going to be there and my sibilings are going to be there too. I wanted to show them how awesome they're big sister was."

Now we're all hugging and crying.

"What the hell did someone die in there?" I turn around and is my older brother Josh. 

"Josh! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Milan with dad." Now I'm crying even harder. 

"I came for the vacation. Finally I get to go to the resort after years of being stuck in Milan. I missed you brat"

Says josh while the guard is unlocking the cell. 

"Okay girls you're free and don't do it again because next time it'll be real jail" says the angry guard.

"Thank you and it won't" says josh for all of us.

I buried my face on his chest while my friends just check him out.. In their defense they haven't seen the male species since last summer let alone my tall, pure muscle, suit and tie of a brother that I have. Josh is the oldest brother and the biggest trouble maker you will ever find. Instead of looking up to him he looks up at me which is interesting having an older sibling be the one to do the admiring. It's almost flattering if it wasn't so much pressure.

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