Chapter 1

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Jake was tall, he had blonde shaggy hair, and he was built. When I say built I mean like chiseled out of stone. He could pick me up with such ease and he would do this too often. Everyone's dream guy right? Well not mine. Me and him had been dating for almost a year and half, I think we both thought "we're too far now to go back now" and that's what kept us together at this point. As a jock having a girlfriend just felt like something you had to do. But being the show-off was his choice and he sure did like to show off. This time he decided to throw me a party for my birthday. A huge party. Jake was everything everyone wanted to be, he had a huge house, gorgeous parents, the perfect family, a dog, a pool, he was the american dream.

I was not even close to this. My mom, my sister and I lived in a smaller house next door. My dad passed away almost three years ago in a work accident. My dad had started work in the oil fields when I was about 11 and this would die three years later. After my dad passed away Jake became a huge help. We had been neighbors all through middle school and somehow we had never really talked. He started coming over to help out with yard work and other handyman type stuff. His mom probably was forcing him but my mom was so thankful. She used to always tell me what a nice boy he was and I would be lucky to find one like him. With that we started dating. At first I really did like him, he was a perfect gentleman. It was a few months in when I realized he wasn't as nice as he appeared to be on the outside.

It was now this far into the relationship that I felt stuck. I'm not going to lie almost faked sick and no showed at my own party. I'm all for a good party, but not where I'm the center of attention. I hate being the center of attention. Jake loved to embarrass me, when my face got hot and red he must have gotten a rush because I swear he lived to make me look like a fool. I was dreading what he had in store for this party. After what felt like hours of my best friend, Lexi, begging and begging for me to go I caved. Decided I could't bail on a party in my honor no matter how bad I didn't want to attend.

If anything was holding our rocky relationship together it was the sex. I didn't particularly like sex with Jake due to the lack of attraction, but you get used to it I guess. Jake was the first real boyfriend I had. As a junior in high school most people might think that's sad, some people might gush over "high school sweethearts." I promise we were anything but.

Lexi and I walked over to Jake's twenty minutes before people were supposed to start showing up. I knocked before letting myself in. "Honey, I'm home!" I called out making my way for the kitchen. There was food and booze and cups arranged across the counter in brightly colored serving ware.

"Good hell I thought you would have been here earlier than this?" Jake yelled running into the kitchen. He looked me up and down with a disgusted hint to his face.

"What?" I laughed popping a pretzel into my mouth.

"I thought you might dress a little nicer than that for your own party, but why would I expect you to look nice?" He scoffed before turning back around.

Lexi looked at me wide eyed and confused. I shrugged it off. "I can go home and change into my evening gown if you'd like?" My remark did not help the tension.

Jake came almost running back into the kitchen to scream his remark. "I try to do something nice for you for your birthday and you show up in what you wore to school. Ripped faded jeans, and a paint stained tshirt. Your shoes are falling apart and your hair is in the messy bun it was in earlier."

"This is exactly who I am Jake. Love me or hate me." My voice remained calm as he got all rallied up. Sometimes I wondered if he was only with me because it wasn't ready to come out of the closet. And for some strange reason I was okay with being his beard. He huffed and puffed and went back to setting things up for the bash. Lexi and I just stayed in the kitchen and out of his way.

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