Chapter 9

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"Are you gonna tell Lexi about everything?" Hayden asked on our way to school. 

I was attempting to do my make up in the side mirror since I decided sleep was more important than showering. "Tell her about what?" I asked as we pulled up to a stop light. While my hair wasn't blowing in all directions I quickly applied mascara to one eye. "You mean the baby?" 

"And us." he said kind of quietly. 

I finished throwing mascara on my other eye and rolled the window up half way. I pursed my lips together and pondered on his question. "I didn't really think about how she would take that..." I thought for a minute longer and then sighed. "She's probably going to feel like a major third wheel. What if she's mad at us?" I was over thinking every possible reason Lexi could be mad over this. "What if she's mad at me for suckering you into raising this baby with me?" My mind was in over drive and my lungs were catching up to speed. 

"Hayley, calm down. I need you breathe babe." Hayden placed his hand on my shoulder and rubbed lightly. "She's our best friend. She is your best friend. She's not going to hate you. And she's been in Germany for the last two months, how were you supposed to talk to her?"

Today was the first time Lexi would be Skyping us since she left. She would be home in a month and part of me wondered if I should just wait and tell her in person. Or maybe I should tell her over video chat, because then she couldn't kill me. Maybe she would be so mad she would just stay in Germany.  

"What are you thinking?" Hayden asked. 

"I'm debating on if I should tell her today over Skype or if I should wait and tell her in person. About everything, the rape, the pregnancy, Jake, you. I mean a lot has happened in these last eight weeks. My life is nothing like it was when she left." 

"Uhm... did you just drop the R word?" Hayden asked. 


"The R word. Rape. Did you just say the rape?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said as convincing as I could.

"Did that sick fuck rape you?" Hayden looked at me in disbelief. 

"Hayden either way I'm pregnant. So what does it matter? We hate him already, does it really make a difference if we hate him a little bit more?" I really didn't want to make this into an even bigger deal than it already was. I just wanted to forget about everything and get on with it. 

"Huh," He just kind of shrugged. It was almost like he was mad that I wasn't upset Jake had raped me. Thankfully he accepted that I didn't want to talk about it because he changed the subject. "Well if I know Lexi, and I do, then she would be mad if she found out you knew you were pregnant and didn't tell her. So maybe save all the hairy details for when she gets back, but at least tell her she's going to be aunt."

I nodded. "You're totally right. I will tell her I'm pregnant tonight when she calls."

"Good idea," he smiled. 

As we pulled into the school parking lot I scanned the rows for Jake's black car. I didn't immediately see it so I assumed he would be missing school again today. Something told me that he wouldn't be around for a while. When his car pulled into the parking spot on the passenger side of Hayden's truck that feeling quickly faded. Hayden was already out of the truck and he was grabbing his backpack from the bed of the truck when Jake got out of his car and just stared at me through the window. I felt like I was in a house of horrors and he was an actor playing a zombie. His eyes were sunken in and his face still looked bruised and battered. 

I stared at him frozen in confusion and fear; but mostly fear. I could hear Hayden talking with someone outside the truck. He must not have seen Jake somehow and I didn't know what to do. I felt like if I moved at all the door would fly open and he would pounce on me. But I could actually feel myself losing years off my life by just by staring at him. My heart was pounding as I tried to figure out my best escape. 

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