Chapter 2

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Hayden walked me home shortly after 1 AM. It felt like the party was at it's peak but I felt like I was ready to hit the sack. Jake hadn't come back out of his room yet and I quite frankly didn't care to check on him. "Wanna come in?" I asked Hayden as I unlocked the front door.

"You don't think your mom would mind? he asked jokingly. Hayden and I had been friends since birth. His mom and my mom were friends in high school. We were basically born in the same room and haven't been separated since. He was five days older than me and believe me I would never live that down.

I gave him a wink and a sly smile "She's gotta be asleep by now." followed by a quick "What she doesn't know wont kill her."

Hayden laughed and followed me inside and down the hallway to my room. We sat up in my bed and talked like a couple of girls. "So kid. I think its time we found you a girlfriend." I smiled kicking off my shoes and pulling off my jeans.

"Well you know there is this girl in my chemistry class that I'm kind of interested in. But she's taken."

It didn't take an FBI investigator to know that he was talking about me. I knew Hayden had been in love with me since grade school. He was always my secret Santa, always wanted to be my valentine, he would chase me at recess.

"She's dating a real jerk too, I can't quite figure out why either. The female mind, it's mind blowing really." He sat and looked like he was pondering something really hard, scratching at his chin he smiled at me. To which I responded by kicking him in the side.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed dramatically gripping at his side. "Why would you do such a cruel thing?"

"I'm tired. Are you sleeping here?" I asked climbing under the covers.

"Wow I get invited in and I get to stay the night? What a bad girl." he winked at me and stripped down to his boxers. "Your little boyfriend would kill me if he knew I was in your bed."

"Screw him," I scoffed.

"Wow," Hayden laughed. "We aren't too happy with him tonight huh? Even after he threw that great party in your honor?"

All I could do was laugh. "Hayden you know damn well that I hate my birthday. And no I don't like him tonight."

"Wow the knight in shining armor must have really messed up, we usually love him do we not?"

I was three words away from kicking him right in the nuts. I wanted to cry into his chest and at the same time I wanted to kick his ass. I hated Jake. Everyone knew that, it wasn't a secret that we weren't happy. Hayden had to pick on me he was like my older brother. I had shoved this kid 800 light-years into the friend zone many years ago. He would never quit fighting for my approval. It wasn't actually that I didn't approve of him, I would be extremely lucky to have him as my partner I just never wanted to lose him as a friend. Truthfully I think I was even more scared of crossing that boundary and realizing we didn't like each other as much as we thought.

I was madly in love with this stupid kid why couldn't I just take him up on his endless offers?

"What did prince charming do this time?" he asked again.

I did it. I sat up and punched him square in the chest as hard as I could.

"Hey?" he laughed. "What the hell?" He sat up and rubbed his peck. "That actually kind of hurt." I was just staring at my target. I wanted to punch him again and then I glanced up into his eyes. They were like deep grey pools I would never be able to pinpoint exactly what color his eye were but they made me melt. It was that split second of eye contact that broke me down. I started crying and he immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. We laid back down and I just cried while he rubbed my back. "I'm sorry kid, I didn't mean to make you cry."

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