Duelling Club

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After class me, Harry, Hermione and Ron walk through the corridors.
"D'you think it's true? D'you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?" Ron asked us.
"Yes Ron I know there is. My mum was worried just like all the other teachers are and quiet frankly they should be too with the chamber being open." I told them and they looked at me.
"But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and it's really been opened, that means..." Harry trailed of realising what it meant.
"The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts. The question is, who is it?" Hermione said to us. That's a good question. Malfoy can't be it because he's such a coward to actually do it and he wouldn't know where the chamber is, mum and dad don't know where it is and I definitely didn't do it so that leaves no don't even think about him. He's a vey distant relation to us.
"Let's think. Who do we know who thinks Muggle-borns are scum." He said to us. He's being obvious. I know he's wrong on it but he might know what's happening he could be involved in some way maybe.
Hemione eyeing Malfoy ahead "If you're talking about Malfoy..." She said
"Of course! You heard him: 'You'll be next, Mudbloods'!" Ron said to us.
"I heard him. But Malfoy? The Heir of Slytherin?" I said snickering I find it hilarious because it's no way him.
Joanne, Stacey and Rachel were laughing at that suggestion because all three knew it wasn't him.
"Please a Malfoy the heir of Slytherin!" Joanne bursted out laughing.
"I know even Amy knows it's not him." Stacey said her nephew couldn't be more wrong on it.
"True to that but Amy seems to enjoy being a kid again." Rachel said looking at her friend and they all nodded in agreement with that. They have all missed her especially Ares, Athena and Posideon with the kids.
"I heard him but Malfoy the heir of Slytherin!" Hermione said and she knew Guardian didn't believe that it was Malfoy and she had to agree with that because it wasn't right he isn't smart enough to do it.
"Maybe Ron's right, Hermione and Angel. I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries." He said to us.
"That doesn't mean anything. My family has been in Gryffindor for centuries that doesn't make me the heir of Gryffindor does it?" I said to them and they look at me. "Ok I'm admitting that one is actually true but Malfoy, seriously that doesn't mean anything even I know he isn't but he could know something." I said and they looked to me in shock that I'm the heir of Gryffindor. Believe me they don't know anything else about me.
"Crabbe and Goyle must know. Maybe we could trick them into telling..." Ron suggested. Like they are dumb enough to tell us. They wouldn't.
"No. Even they aren't that thick. But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention we'd be breaking about fifty school rules. And it would be dangerous. Very dangerous." I said to them because I have a certain potion in mind and Hermione looks at me and then she realises what I'm saying.
"You mean that way..." Hermione said she wouldn't have thought that Guardian would break the rules but then again she did jump off a train to save Harry.
"Exactly Hermione." I told her and she smiled at me and linked arms with me which I was ok with.
"When do we start?" Ron said eagerly and the other 2 nodded agreeing and I grinned oh yes adventure, danger and excitement that's me all in one.
We headed to the library where me and Hermione went in search of my idea to get the information we might get from Malfoy if he's got any that's it. Hermione finally found the book and she went through it while we headed to the boys who were waiting for us.
"Here it is... Polyjuice potion. Properly brewed the Polyjuice potion allows the drinker to transform themselves temeporarily into the physical form of another." I explained to them without looking in the book.
"You mean if me and Harry drink that stuff we'd turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron asked us.
"Yes." Hermione answered looking in the book at the recipe.
"Wicked." Rom said with a grin and Harry was smiling. "Malfoy would tell us anything."
"Exactly, but it's tricky I've never seen a more complicated potion." Hermione told them and looked at me. Hermione wondered if Guardian knew how to make it or not.
"How long will it take to make?" Harry asked and both me and Hermione looked at him. I really didn't like the answer to this at all but it's the only way.
"A month." I answered to him.
"A month. But Angel! If Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin he could attack half of the muggleborns in the school by then." Harry said to her. She must know a quicker way or else Hermione could be the target or victim of the next attack.
"I know but it's the only plan we've got." Hermione answered knowing Guardian is probably frustrated over this she normally knew what to do but with being a kid herself with her kid memories only she can't do things like her adult self could.
"I'm sorry but if there was another way we could do it quicker I would but I can't and besides we need to get some of the ingredients from Snape's stores." I told them and they gulped about the last part. Yes my brother will angry with me but it's for the best.
Today day was the first Quidditch match Gryffindor against Slytherin and I'm one of the chasers with Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. Katie Bell is the reserved one for this year and she didn't mid at all because she knows I'm only here for this season.
I woke up groggily in my bed and I got showered and changed into my Quidditch gear for the game.
After I was ready I walked out of my bedroom to see my mum, dad and Severus. My brother was scowling and shaking his head because he's Slytherins head of house.
"Sis why couldn't of you been in Slytherin?" Severus asked his older sister. He couldn't cheer her on with her being on Gryffindor.
"Because I'm a lion Severus that's why and besides Slytherin is going to lose today." I told him and he smirked.
"Oh yeah why don't we make a bet. 10 galleons say that Slytherin win." Severus betted with her and Minerva and Albus looked at their son in shock that he's betting with her.
"Fine I bet that Gryffindor win then Severus and that Harry catches the snitch." I told him and we shook on it.
"I don't believe you two are betting on the Quidditch." Minerva said shaking her head at the twos antics.
"Oh it's not like you do it mum with me all the time." Severus said and I chuckled and mum glared at him for that which made him smirk in victory.
After that I ate my breakfast and then I headed down to the stadium where I met up with Harry in which he smiled at me.
"Let's win this Harry and show Slytherin who's the best." I told him and he grinned at Angel.
"You've got it Angel." Harry replied and after that we listened to the speech that Oliver gave us and we rode out where I got introduced as the chaser for Gryffindor.
In the game though the crowds were roaring and the Nimbus 2001 were fast.
Flint tried to score and Oliver managed to batter it out of the way and he passed to me in which I speeded down to the hoops of the Slytherins but the thing was they got it off me because their brooms are unbelievably fast. Luckily I sent off for those new brooms for the houses so they won't have this advantage for too long thank goodness.
I sped forward and I batted the quaffle out of the Slytherins and I sped forward they had me on both sides and I smirked I just couldn't help feeling the excitement of it all. I looked at Angelina and she knew what the tactic was and she got ready. I jumped off my broom and everyone gasped and Minerva and Albus stood up fast. All the Slytherin and Gryffindor stopped except Angelina in which quickly as I neared the ground I landed on my broom and sped off and I got passed the quaffle again and scored.
"10 points to Gryffindor! By Amy Dumbledore and that amazing fake out." Jordan said adding ten points and the Slytherin looked mad while smirked.
"I can't believe it she did that Albus." Minerva said calming down.
"Well you used to do things like that when you were on the team Min." Albus answered to her remembering the time she was on the team at school.
"Yes but not stunts like that Albus but I would of done that if it made us win though." Minerva admitted. She was a chaser on the team in her days 1948 til she finished Hogwarts.
"I know you would." Albus said kissing her cheek and turned back to the game.
I got tackled and they scored 30 - 90 the score was because of those brooms and they are incredibly fast. Harry hasn't found the snitch yet and I was getting worried that if he doesn't then we will lose this came or more like get a thrashing within this game that even if we catch the snitch we'll lose.
Harry circled high above the pitch, searching for the Golden Snitch. Suddenly, Malfoy streaks by overhead.
"All right there, Scarhead?" He said to him. Harry was getting annoyed with Malfoy at the moment.
Harry turned, and Harry eyed him malevolently. Behind Harry, a bludger drops into frame, begins to streak toward my head.
"HARRY! WATCH OUT!" I shouted at him seeing the bludger coming to him.
Then I saw the bludger pass him and I jumped over the bludger that came for me and I watched both of them.
"Watch yourself Harry and Amy!" Oliver said to the two of them.
"Oliver/Wood watch out!" Me and Harry shouted but too late the bludger hit the broom and he spins out of control and the bludgers came back at me and Harry and we ducked and they came too us again and the two of us dart off away from them to try and lose them both. We zig zag on the pitch to lose them but it ain't working and me and Harry looked at each other in confusement. Why is this happening to the two of is?
We both look back to see it still there and I separated from Harry so we both don't get hit by either of them.
Hagrid was watching both Harry and Amy from the stands with his binoculars.
"Blimey, Harry and Amy's got 'hemselves Rogue Bludgers! Those have been tampered with those have!" Hagrid shouted and he was angry about that.
I execute a series of zigs, zags, loops and rolls, trying to shake the Bludger, but the Bludger is relentless. Why the hell won't it stop chasing me and the other one with Harry? Someone's tampered with them! But why?
Ron instinctively draws his wand, begins to point it towards one of his friends and the Bludgers. "I'll stop them!" Ron said when... Hermione's hand intercedes. She glances knowingly at his fractured wand.
"You're joking, right? Besides, even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Harry and Guardian." Hermione said to him. Ron sighed knowing she's right about that.
I frantically dip and dive away from the bludger and I saw Harry and his went through the talk teachers stands. Bloody hell those things can cause some right damage.
"Training for the ballet, Potter and Dumbledore?" Draco said to us. I wish I could smack him but I'm too busy trying to get this bludger of my tail and Harry is doing the same.
I with Harry glance at Malfoy's sneering face. Buzzing inches above Malfoy's left ear is... the Golden snitch, Harry needs to get that to win for Gryffindor. Harry looks at me and nodded slightly. We both duck the bludgers with Malfoy and Harry charges after it while I get back to the game.
I catch it and head to the hoops while the bludger came back and I ducked and I zoomed faster as my Nimbus could take me. Soon I shoot and scored but I had to get this bludger off me.
"Amy you need to get rid of the bludger!" Angelina shouted to me.
"I'm trying you know but it ain't happening." I told her back and she looked at me in concern and I speed under the stands fallowing Malfoy and Harry and he looked at me.
"Angel they keep following us!" Harry shouted as we dodged the beams.
"I know Harry but get the snitch." I told him and he nodded and we just followed Malfoy I don't care I'm protecting Harry first instead of a game.
As we race round the bludgers followed us as we went and the snitch was ahead of us. Me and Harry was behind then we over took him on it I was just trying to get farther away from the bludger than anything. The bludger was smashing through each of the wooden beams like it was nothing! Seriously if they even hit us we could die from the impact of it could give us very bad damage. As we sped forward Malfoy caught up and he hit Harry which caused him to bang into me and I brushed against the wall battling for control. Colin I could see was taking a picture of us three chasing like this why can't that kid ever stop taking pictures of us three when we're doing something. We went back under the stadium and the bludger hot on our trail. The bludgers went from wall to wall and it made us three duck from them and it went out of the Ravenclaw sign or something. Then they came back and we managed to dodge them and do did Malfoy but when he turned around he head for a wooden beam and the broom hit it sending Malfoy flying from the trench. Malfoy spirals out of the trench and...Thwump!..flat on his back in the middle of the pitch.
I came came up from the trench with Harry and I just fly away from him and his arm gets hit but while I was concerned I didn't see the bludger and......WHACK!....The bludger smashed into my side and I groaned in pain and Minerva and Albus stood up with Severus and they saw this. They knew she would be injured badly. I saw Harry get the snitch but he crashed onto the ground and on his back. The bludger came back and whack my arm went this time and I lost control and I crashed and rolled and landed next to Harry, I was in serious pain right now. Minerva and Albus looked at each other in shock and panick with the other teachers while Lucius smirked and Severus saw this and he could hit him for that. Hagrid, Hermione and Ron look concerned for their two friends.
"Come on let's go." Hermione told Ron and they left the stands.
"Ughh." I groaned. Harry saw Angel in pain and he panicked.
"Harry Potter had caught the snitch Gryffindor win!" Jordan announced and Harry smiled at me and I tried to smile but grimace in pain.
"Well done Harry." I said to him.
"Are you alright?" Harry asked Angel.
"Nope, the bludger hit my arm and side, I'm in massive pain right now." I told him and winced.
We both then look up and noticed the bludgers and we rolled out the way in which made me groaned in pain, then onto our shoulders then it smashed between our legs and they went back up.
"Finite Incantatem!" Hermione said twice and she destroyed both of them.
I and Harry sat up and Hagrid, Hermione and Ron raced too is as well as some others but I was in pain with my side and arm.
Albus and Minerva run from the stands to their daughter.
"Thank you." Me and Harry said to Hermione and I grimaced from sitting up.
"Are you both ok?" Hermione asked kneeling next to us both.
"Define ok Hermione?" I asked her and she looked at me and winced from my bloody side and disangled arm. Ron keeps me sitting up stable.
"No I don't think so I think my arm is broken." Harry replied to Hermione but he knew that Angel got it worse than him.
"Not to worry, Harry and Amy. I'll fix those arms of yours straight away." Lockheart said. Oh god please someone save me and Harry from him.
"No... no... not you." I said to him and Harry agrees with one hundred percent on this.
"Yeah...not you." Harry said to him. He knew this would end badly for  both of them.
"Poor girl and boy doesn't know what they're saying. This won't hurt a bit..." Lockheart said. Shit! Help me, dad, mum or Severus. Anybody help me from this lunatic with Harry please! "Now this won't hurt a bit." Lockheart said pushing our sleeves up and pain shot through my arm and I grit my teeth. Hagrid watched in concern of his two friends especially Amy.
"Brackiarm Armendo!" Lockheart said and our two arms glowed and when it finished Harry and me looked at each other then Hermione.
Albus and Minerva came through the crowd and they were horror stricken by what they are seeing including Severus.
Lockheart picked both mine and Harrys arms up and really no bones were in there and I could hear the liquid or blood you might say and fluids. It was disgusting and I yiped. Hermione saw the green on Guardians face and looked concerned and looked at her side.
Minerva was very angry now and Albus did too but Severus looked livid at what happened and everyone looked disgusted and looked repulsed by what happened.
"Ah. Yes. Well, that can sometimes happen. The point is, you can no longer feel any pain. And clearly the bones are not broken." Lockheart said to us and bends our hand back to our wrists, I think I'm going to puke.
"Oh please he just didn't do that!!" Minerva said looking at her mother on the pitch with her brother.
"I'm going to kill him." Albus said he was seething at this.
"I'm right behind you that idiot! Who does he think he is!?" Alastor shouted pacing the room with Stacey.
"I don't know but your grandmother looks furious." Joanne said seeing the looks on Mcgonagalls face.
"Clearly it's her daughter." Stacey said and after that the six just watched.
"Brok'n? There's no bones left!" Hagrid said furiously and mum kneels beside me as well as dad. Dad touched my arm and he looked angry at Lockheart. 'I am definitely going to get rid of him after this year. I want to kill him for doing this to my daughter!' Albus was thinking and Minerva was on the same lines as her husband. Severus looked as well and looked at me.
"Can you knock me out Sev?" I asked and my arm flopped.
"Well it's much more flexible now." Lockheart defended himself.
"Unfortunately I can't Amz." Severus answered and he was barely controlling himself as it is into not killing Lockheart
Dad picks me up to take me to the hospital and Hagrid picks Harry up and then Ron, Hermione and some other Gryffindors followed us to the hospital wing but I could of been sick.

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