Chamber of Secrets

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We were sitting in study hall where us four were writing down our work and such but as I kept writing I felt eyes on me. Nora was in front of me just coiled up and watching me as I went. She's a good snake if she wasn't aggravated into that situation she's very gentle too but she can be fiery at times.
I know Harry could feel eyes burning into him so we both looked around to see students looking at us and they turned back and we both looked at each other.
"Everything ok Amy?" Nora asked me.
"Everyone thinks I'm behind the attacks at this castle at the moment." I said to her and I wasn't. Nora saw this and she slithered to her mistress and coiled around my arm and I smiled.
Harry looks at Ron and he didn't look like he knew what to do and he tried to smile but couldn't. He looked at Hermione but she just smiled a bit and went back to work and looked at Angel not doing anything.
"Harry there looking at us and I can't work like this." I told him and Harry nodded knowing that feeling of people watching him.
I looked to see people staring at us and they turned back to their work. Harry then looked at Ginny but the same thing happened and us two looked at each other knowing we have the same idea and we both closed our books.
"See you back in the common room." Harry said to Hermione and Ron.
"Yeah I just can't take this with people looking at me. They are too judgemental, if they have a problem then why can't they just tell it to my face I'd be happy to answer but I'm going to go with Harry. See yah guys." I said to them and they nodded. I collected my stuff into my bag and Nora was on my arm and I put my bag on my shoulder and walked with Harry out of the room with people staring at us.
"Why can't they stop looking at us like that." Harry said to Angel. He was angry at his friends for looking at him like that. They know he wouldn't do that to people.
"Harry just forget about it. They'll get over it when the real culprit is taken care off but I feel the same as you." I told him and as we turned a corner we heard that sound again just like before the voice started. I looked at Nora and she looked at me then I looked at Harry and he looked at me.
"People must dies..." It said and me with Harry went along the wall and Nora coiled up tighter around my arm. "Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill.." It said and suddenly stopped. We went around the corner to where it led us to and in front of us was nearly headless Nick. I think he was dead again. But what got me was behind him, was Justin. Harry and I walked to him and bent down to the side of him.
"This is bad Angel, what could have done this?" Harry asked me.
"Mistress it was a snake that spoke." Nora informed me and mine with Harry's eyes widened.
"That's the monster. If it's the snake that's why only us both can hear it Harry." I said and he nodded. Harry knew it was bad then and if only they could hear it no wonder no one else could it made sense now but what was it? What sort of snake? Who's controlling it? There was just too many answers and more questions unlocked with everything solved.
I looked at Justin and Harry touched his hand when suddenly I heard footsteps and I looked to see the last person I wanted to see... Filch! Oh my Merlin are we both in trouble now.
"Caught in the act!" Filch said and Harry turned to him surprised to see him there. "I'll have you out this time Potter and Dumbledore! Mark my words." Filch said to the both of us and I had a bad feeling about this.
"No! Mr Filch! You don't understand!" Harry said and he was gone already and Harry looked down to notice spiders fleeing again.
"Angel look at this? The spiders are acting strange again." Harry said and I looked to see that it's true. We both walk to the window and we see the forbidden forest at night in the moonlight.
Then I heard footsteps approach and I look to see Filch back but he has brought my mum with him. Oh man now this isn't good at all. Mum gasped and ran to see Justin and Harry looked. Minerva looked at her daughter and Potter and then she looked at Justin. This was out of her hands now and with her daughter she could get anything.
"Professor, we swear we didn't." Harry tried to defend himself but I knew it was hopeless this time.
"This is out of my hands Potter and Dumbledore." Minerva said to her daughter and Harry.
I flinched a bit when she called me Dumbledore. Is she angry with me? Or is she just saying my last name? I just didn't know at all with my mum. Harry grabbed Angels hand for comfort and Filch took care of Nicholas and Justin while we followed my mum. Soon we came up to a big eagle type bird I knew where we were going we was bein taken to the headmasters office my dad.
"Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you both." Mum said and motioned for the steps. Minerva looked at her daughter and Amy looked at her and didn't give any emotion away to her daughter.
Harry nodded and pulled Angel with him on the statue and Minerva watched. "Sherbert Lemon." She said waving or pushing her arms forward and the statue started moving revealing stairs. I jumped on with Harry and we both let the stairs take us up to the tower. When we got to the top we got off and walked to the door of dads office. As we entered the portraits were asleep or pretending too because they are nosey as heck.
"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry called to dad.
"Dad!" I called looking around but I didn't see him at all in the office.
We entered and closed the door and walked up. The office always did fascinate me with its gizmos and the likes with the books and devices with the magic things. Especially Fawkes the Phoenix.
"Bee in your bonnet Potter and Dumbledore?" The hat asked us while it sat on the shelf.
"I - I was just wondering if you put me in the right house?" Harry asked the hat the question because he feels like he wasn't placed in the correct house at the moment.
"Yes you were particularly difficult to place. But Ms McDore here was more so than anything. But I stand by what I said last year you would of done well in Slytherin and with your parentage you could of done well too." The hat said and he looked at me and then back to Harry.
"Your wrong!" Harry said to the hat and the hat looked at him surprised then Harry heard something and saw Fawkes while he went over I stayed with the hat.
"You Dumbledore have many secrets that I won't tell. Even about Potters true heritage which we both know he'll find out later in time. I know you know of Slytherin but the rumours was spread through time he went to search for more students after an incident he changed his view about muggleborns and he accepted them with the rest and that the muggleborns needed more protecting. The founders have place securities that only the heirs will know and Salazars chamber was one one of them." The hat informed me and I nodded. I walked over to Fawkes who looked like he was dying. I knew what would happen of course though after it.
"That is Fawkes, Harry." I said to him and Fawkes looked to the two of us and suddenly set alight. To ashes into the bottom.
"Harry! Amy!" Albus said to his daughter and Harry seeing them both there.
"Professor! Sir your bird! There was nothing I could do, he just caught fire." Harry explained but I smiled and looked to the ashes. I always love seeing them come through the ashes as youngens again.
"Oh and about time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a burning day." Dad said and looked at his daughter with a smile seeing her looking at the ashes waiting. "Fawkes is a Phoenix Harry, they burst into flame when it is time for them to die and then they are reborn from the ashes. Just like my daughter is looking at them she already knew all this." Albus said coming down the steps to the perch.
"Yeah Harry. I love Phoenix' I have Jenna remember my shadow Phoenix. It's rare to get a shadow Phoenix but I love them just the same as any creature." I said to Harry and dad hugged me and I hugged back. Harry smiled at this Angel has a family that loves her he just wished he had one like hers.
The ashes rose and out came a baby Phoenix Fawkes. "Ahh fascinating creatures Phoenix's." Dad said bending down and I stroked Fawkes who cooed, at least they grow fast. "They can carry immensely heavy loads and their tears have healing powers." Albus said and looked to his daughter who had a smile on her face.
"Yeah Harry, Jenna saved me a few times from wounds I wouldn't of been able to heal myself in time and I am fully greatful. Us two are friends to the very end we save each other and protect each other from danger." I told Harry and Harry smiled at that. He would do anything for Angel.
Then suddeny the door opened and I came Hagrid. "Professor Dumbledore sir! Wait listen." Hagrid said coming forward holding a dead rooster. What the heck? Why's he carrying that around with him? "Professor Dumbledore sir, It wasn't Harry or Amy..."Hagrid said to dad.
"Ahh Hagrid." Dad said to him but he was cut off.
"I'll be prepare to swear it in front of the ministry of magic!" Hagrid rambled well at least I can always count on him.
"Hagrid!" Albus said loudly stopping Hagrid. Me and Harry looked at him. "Relax. I do not believe that Harry and Amy attacked anyone." He said putting a hand on his daughters and Harry's shoulder.
"Of course you don't..." Hagrid said and he realised what dad said. "Oh, oh right I'll 'hem just wait outside then." Hagrid said turning away.
"Yes." Albus said to his good friend.
"You don't think it was us professor." Harry said to him in shock because hardly ever does anyone believe him.
"Of course he doesn't Harry. My dad nearly knows everything that happens around here." I said and Albus looked at his daughter with a smile.
"No Harry, I do not think it was you. But I must ask you both is there something you wish to tell me?" Albus asked knowing there was something they both wanted to but they haven't.
Me and Harry looked at each other debating whether too or not. Then we both decided through the eyes of each other because it's like we just sent a message too each other. "No sir. Nothing." Harry said to him.
"Nothing dad." I said after Harry. I can't tell him anything there are a load of secrets I carry and if Voldemort got his hands on some then that could be bad.
"Very well then off you go and Amy you will be in our chambers tonight." Albus said to his daughter. He was a bit disappointed that his daughter didn't tell him but he knew that she had secrets just like he has.
Harry looked at me and smiled then he left the office.
After Harry left Hagrid came in complaining about finding all his roosters dead again and dad told him we won't get anymore til the culprit is caught. Hagrid then left after the talk with dad.
"Come on Sherbert, we can have some hot chocolate because I think we both need it." Dad said to me and I nodded, the two of us walked to our chambers and saw mum in there doing her work when she looked up.
"You two were out late." Minerva said seeing the two enter.
"Yeah we had a talk with Hagrid mum about the roosters." I informed her and dad gave me some hot chocolate with whip cream, a chocolate straw and chocolate sprinkles on top.
"Albus she could have nightmares if she drank that." Mum said but I just grinned at her and we drank it, me and dad played chess for a hour until I looked at him and grinned.
"Do you hear that dad? The fat lady's singing." I said and I knocked a piece off the board and placed mine. "Check mate daddy." I said and Severus came in to see. He was on patrol like normal.
"Looks like she beats you again dad." Severus said sitting down on the sofa with a cup of tea.
"Just like your mother I'll never win you." Albus said to his daughter smiling.
"Come on kitten it's time for bed since its getting late." Mum told me and I looked at her.
"But I'm not...(Yawn) tired mum." I told her and Minerva smiled at that. Albus picked his daughter up bridal style and takes her to her room and Minerva opens the covers of the bed and Albus placed her in. Minerva put the covers up to her daughter and they both tucked her in while Severus watched from the door.
"Goodnight Sherbert, we love you." Dad said and kissed my head.
"Goodnight my kitten, I love you." Mum told me and kissed my head goodnight and I cuddle up to the covers and drift off to sleep.
Minerva and Albus watched their daughter with smiles. It's close to the December holidays and in about six months she goes back to normal. Severus watches his sister and knows soon she'll get her memory but he wonders what she'll do. He goes to his room and gets ready for bed and falls to sleep. Minerva and Albus go to their rooms and changed into their night clothes and got into bed.
"Goodnight Tabby loves you." Albus said wrapping his arms around his wife.
"Goodnight Albus, I love you too." Minerva said cuddling into her husband and laid her head on his chest and they both drifted off to sleep.
It was finally the school holidays and there was snow everywhere. It was think too and still falling it's like a winter wonder land out there. People are getting prepared to go home and us four have prepared for the polyjuice potion because it will be ready for tonight.
At the moment we're in the great hall where the students that have stayed at Hogwarts are here and there are Christmas trees around the great hall with the sky on the ceiling is dropping snow. Me, Ron and Harry are awaiting for Hermione to come. When she gets here she sits next to me to eat.
"Everything's set. We just need about of who your changing into." I explained.
"Crabbe and Goyle." Harry said to them and me I was voted to change into Parkinson yuck.
"We also need to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy." Hermione said to the boys because she knows I know of this.
"How?" Ron asked us and me and Hermione share a look with a grin.
"Guardian here has it all worked out." Hermione said to him and grabbed the cupcakes. "Guardian filled these with a simple sleeping draught. Simple but powerful." Hermione said placing the cupcakes on the table.
"Now once their asleep hide them in the broomstick cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs and, put on their uniforms." I explained and Ron looked at Harry then too us.
"Who's hair are you both pulling out then?" Ron asked us.
"I've already got mine. Millicent Bullstrode. Slytherin. I got this of her robes." Hermione explained. They then looked to me for my answer.
"I've got mine too. Pansy Parkinson's hair Slytherin and Malfoys biggest fan who practically loves him. I'm going to get your three for this." I said and they were snorting at this with laughter they couldn't imagine Angel/Guardian in love with Malfoy. "I'm going to check on the polyjuice potion, make sure that Crabbe and Goyle find these. Hermione are you coming?" I asked and Hermione nodded and we both left the boys.
"Guardian do you think this will work? Do you think we might get found out?" Hermione asked me as we walked to the bathroom.
"We shouldn't get found out no. But the only thing we would get caught on is if our hairs were animal in which their not because we would have to go to Madame Pomfrey then and I wouldn't fancy explaining to my parents that we stole off Snape." I explained and she nodded and when we got there we made sure that the polyjuice potion was ready to take.
Soon the boys came in and we all changed into our uniforms of Slytherins and we had the glasses ready. "We have exactly an hour before we change back into ourselves." Hermione said and she was doing the glasses and I nearly puked with the brown lumpy liquid went in. Not appetising at all.
She handed each of us a glass and we weren't looking forward to this at all. I definetely wasn't and we looked at it and I gulped at the sight. "Add the hairs." Hermione told us and we did and this was just gross.
"Ugh, essence of Crabbe." Ron said disgusted about it.
"At least it's not the essence of pugface Parkinson. Do you want to trade?" I said and he shook his head quickly no.
"Cheers." Hermione said and we banged glasses and drank it together. It tasted like goblins piss. I watched the three faces and they found it disgusting too.
"I think I'm going to be sick." Ron said dropping the glass and running to a stall.
"Me too." Hermione said also dropping her glass and going to the stall. Me and Harry looked a each other and we felt the effects and we both dropped our glasses on the floor. We both went to the round sinks groaning and I looked to my hands to see them bubbling now that is very interesting but very off putting to watch, I looked into the mirror to see my face with my skin bubbling up I could of screamed but soon it was over and I was looking at no other than pug face Parkinson with her brown hair that was a bonnet and dark eyes and light skin. I looked to Harry and he was Goyle and we both looked at each other.
"Angel?" Harry asked seeing Parkinson.
"Harry?" I said to him looking in awe at him the way he looks.
Then we turned to the stalls and saw Crabbe exit looking at his hands and then he looked up to the both of us.
"Harry, Angel!" Ron said looking at us and I feel shorter.
"Ron?" Harry asked unsure.
"Bloody hell!" Ron said looking at the two of them.
"We still sound like ourselves. You need to sound more like Crabbe and Harry you need to sound like Goyle." I told them in my best Parkinson voice and they jumped looking at me in shock.
"Bloody hell." Ron said adjusting his voice.
"Lower." I instructed in Panseys voice.
"Bloody hell." Ron said lower but he sounds like he's intellegent and to us they are definetely not.
"Less intelligent." I said to him and Harry nodded agreeing with my choice.
"Bloody hell." Ron said and I smile. Brilliant.
"Excellent." Harry said.
"Brilliant! We might pull it off yet!" I said and they nodded smiling. Where's Hermione?
"Hey... Where's Hermione?" Ron asked and I shrug not having a clue where she is from running in the stall earlier.
"I -I don't think I'm going. You go on without me." Hermione said to us from the stall.
"Hermione, are you okay?" I asked. She could have done something wrong in hers since ours work but what? Oh no! Not what i'm thinking. If she got the wrong hair this could be serious.
"Just go! You're wasting time!" Hermione said to us I didn't want to go but Harry and Ron dragged me out if the bathroom. Harry knew Angel didn't want to leave Hermione but she had too do it.
We go down the marble staircase the three of us but I was just itching to go back to Hermione though.
"I think the Slytherin common room is this way." Harry said but I was looking around. I should really know this.
"Ok." Ron said to him and we just followed Harry.
Me, Harry and Ron move quickly, when... footsteps sound. Seconds later, Percy appears at the end of the corridor.
"Excuse me!" Percy said to us and we stopped and looked at him.
"What are you doing down-" He was ccut off by me elbowing him because he sounded like himself and not Crabbe.
"I mean what are you doing here?" Ron said in a lower voice thank goodness.
"I happen to be a school prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night." Percy told us. Yeah we know but we got lost here. "What're your names again?" Percy asked. Oh crap Harry and Ron don't know the difference.
"Pansey. Crabbe. Goyle. Where have you 3 been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time? And I thought you were at your parents for the holidays Pansey?" Draco asked standing in front of me and I put pugfaces smile on. "Why are you wearing glasses?" Malfoy asked Harry. He forgot to take them off.
"Ugh, umm, reading." Harry said to him. Oh no.
"Reading?" Malfoy said and Harry nodded a bit. "I didn't know you could read." Malfoy told him but Harry nodded while Ron looked clueless.
"And what are you doing down here, Weasley?" Draco asked. If I wasn't Pansey at the moment I would punch him for speaking like that.
"Mind your attitude, Malfoy." Percy replied back and Malfoy walked off holding my hand and we followed him. I didn't have a choice really in the matter.
Harry and Ron trail Draco and me inside the common room. I glance around warily at the place seeing that it's actually looks good with the black leather suits but it was cold a bit. Harry just had a bit of narrow eyes on where Draco's hand is. Harry didn't like Malfoy holding Angel like that at all. Draco sits down and puts me on his lap and I try and not look disgusted at it.
"Well sit down." Draco said to the two of them and they sit down cautiously.
"You would never know the Weasley's were pure bloods the way they behave. There an embarrassment to the wizarding world all of them." Draco said to us and I sit down on the couch and I saw Ron clench his fist and they turned white. I just hope he won't do anything reckless.
"What's up with you, Crabbe?" Draco asked Ron seeing this.
"Stomach ache." Ron replied in a low voice.
"You know, I'm surprised that The Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore and McDore's trying to hush it all up. Father always said Dumbledore and McDore was the worst thing that's ever happened to this place." He said to them and he was talking about me. He is definitely wrong about that with my farther.
"You're wrong!" Harry shouted at him. Harry was angry that he insulted Angel. I looked at him surprised that he out bursted like that and Malfoy look like he was shocked too and he sat up.
"What? Do you think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore and McDore?" Malfoy asked Harry. "Well? Do you?" Malfoy demand an answer.
Ron stiffens with worry about what Harry will say to that.
"Harry Potter/ Amy Dumbledore." Harry and I said. Harry carefully glanced at Amy like she was crazy.
"Good one, Goyle, my sweet. You're absolutely right. Saint Potter and Dumbledore. And people actually think that their the heirs of Slytherin."
"But then you must have some ideas who's behind it all Drakey." I said to him flirtingly. I could literally puke all over the place and I knew Joanne, Stacey and Rachel would be getting a kick out of this. I just didn't know that they were laughing their asses off in the office watching the three of us.
"You know I don't, Pansey. I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you?" Malfoy said to me and he picked up a present and rattles it in his ear.
"Is this yours?" Malfoy asked Harry but he shook his head. We don't know at all but he put it in his pocket.
"But my father did say this much: It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them's killed this time. As for me... I hope it's Granger." Draco said it and grins.
Me and Ron stood up but Harry stopped us both.
"What's the matter with you three? You're acting very... odd." Malfoy said and was going to kiss me. No freaking way that's  happening! I'm too old for him and he was no where near my type.
"It's his stomach ache." Harry answered him.
"Calm down." Harry told them both but he looked at Angel. He knew she wanted to beat the crap out of him for saying that about Hermione but she couldn't blow their cover.
"Scar." Ron pointed out and I looked and go wide eyed at seeing it on his forehead. Harry touched his forehead then he looks at the two of them.
"Hair." Harry said to us and I felt it to feel mine. The three of us dash out of the room so Malfoy doesn't see that it's us.
"Hey! Where are you going? Pansey remember you wanted to kiss me!" Malfoy shouted to us. No chance are we staying. Got to run for it before were caught and I don't fancy that happening to us.
Me, Ron and Harry run towards the bathroom and we just get in when we transform back into ourselves.
"That was close!" Ron said said to the two and I nodded knowing it was too close for my comfort we should of watched the time do we could of gotten out sooner.
"Hermione, come out. We've got loads to tell you!" Harry called her. I was wondering why she was still in the stall and if she was ok. I hope she's ok.
"Go away!" She shouted from the stall now something was worrying me big time and I knew something was up with her for saying that to us.
Me, Ron and Harry exchanged looks of confusion went suddenly Moaning Myrtle comes into view looking disturbingly happy about something.
"Ooh, wait till you see. It's awful!" Myrtle said to us and giggles and I looked to her with a disapproving glance and she looked down at that.
"Myrtle we don't make fun do we?" I asked her folding my hands and she shook her head.
"No Amy we don't make fun." She replied knowing she was in trouble.
"What's happened to her Myrtle?" I asked her but before she answers Harry opens the stall.
"Hermione...are you ok?" Harry asked opening the stall he was worried about her. I looked and I went into shock at what I was seeing in front of me now I knew what when wrong. Poor Hermione.
"Do you remember Amy telling us the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations...?" Hermione said to us. Even in the shadows where she was hiding we could see her and Harry put his glasses on and Hermione was covered in fur with her face and her eyes are yellow with pointed ears that was seen through her head at the top of her head and she has a tail. Oh my poor Hermione.
"It was cat hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes! Look at my face!" She said sadly to us. I approach her and I held her face in my hands and got rid of the tears falling and hugged her tightly to me. She hugged me back the best she could.
"Look at your tail." Ron said in fascinated tone and I gave him a disapproving look to him.
"Not the time or place for that Ron. We need to take her to the hospital wing." I said and they looked at me like I'm mad! But I gave them a look to not argue with me and eventually we started walking there with my arms around Hermione as we went.
"What are we going to say?" Ron asked Angel not wanting to get into trouble.
"The truth. Poppy would find out anyway. We don't have to tell her the true purpose though on why we did it." I told them and they looked at me in disbelief.
"Okay, but we will get detention for stealing right Angel?" Harry told me and I nodded. It was true and my brother will not be happy with me for stealing from him but it was for a good reason.
When we got there I sat Hermione on the bed. "Madame Pomfrey!" I called and she came out and gasped when she saw Hermione as a cat.
"What happened?" Poppy said to her goddaughter looking at Hermione. She was shocked to say the least of this.
"It's my fault Madame Pomfrey. I was making Polyjuice potion and us 4 drank it." I told her and she looked shocked. Poppy couldn't believe what she was hearing from her goddaughter. She knew it was dangerous and she broke the rules in doing it.
"Amy! I'll have to get your parents due to all 4 of you are out of bed but I will have to tell them and Severus about this." She told me and I nodded. She sent a patronus to mum and dad and they came in shock and angry towards me. I just looked down knowing I was very in deep trouble and Harry and Ron with Hermione looked at each other and they all didn't want Angel and Guardian to take the blame when they was at fault too with what happened.
"Amy! Why did you do polyjuice potion! You know your not allowed to use it inside school and that's just for making it. You don't try it out at all because that could be dangerous." Mum scolded at me and I couldn't look at her disapproval that she was giving me.
"We just wanted to try it out as an experiment mum." I answered knowing it was a lie to her.
"Luckily, Madame Pomfrey can fix the damage of what happened to Ms Granger. But you young lady are in trouble." Albus told his daughter. He couldn't believe that she had actually done this and she stole from her brother no less.
"I know dad." I said to him.
"Professor we did this as well. If your gonna punish Angel punish us too because she wasn't the only one to do this." Harry said and Ron nodded. I was in shock but not as much as dad and mum. I thought I was taking the whole blame on this thing.
"Mr Weasley, Mr Potter detention with Mr. Filch for a week and 50 points each from the 4 of you. I suggest you both go to your domitory and Amy come with us." Mum said and we left Hermione after saying goodbye and me giving her a kiss on the forehead. After we got in I sat on the sofa waiting for the lecture.
"Sherbert. You know we are disappointed in your actions. You stole from Professor Snape and you made a potion way too advanced and tried it without supervision. You are grounded for a month. We just want to know one thing is why? Why did you do it and you knew the consequences?" Dad asked. His angry and he had the right to be but I would do it again.
"Just for research." I told them and they both looked at each other and then at me.
"We know your lying Amy Louise Dumbledore! Tell us the truth!" Mum said and I sighed.
"We wanted to know who the heir of Slytherin is because it is making me and Harry angry that no one believes us. Everyone is wairy including some of the teachers. I just want the attacks to stop so none of my friends or family get hurt, petrified or dead." I said and now I was crying from that.
Albus and Minerva looked at each other. Their daughter was only trying to help stop the petrifying and to stop the danger. She was trying to protect everyone and to make the rumours stop. They turned to Amy and hugged her.
"Kitten, you know you shouldn't get involved in danger. We want to protect you and we will find out who is doing this." Mum said and I looked at her.
"I'm sorry mum and dad." I said and dad looked at me.
"Sherbert you will have to have 2 weeks detention with me and your mother. And no more stealing okay." Dad said.
"Yes daddy." I said and he hugged me.
"Okay bedtime kitten." She said and I yawned.
Albus picked her up and carried her to her room and tucked her in. When he looked she was already asleep. What was he going to do with her? He thought and kissed her head and went into his room where Minerva was in her night gown.
"What are we going to do about her Albus? She keeps going into danger." Minerva said with sad eyes.
"I don't know tabby. We will just have to watch her. Goodnight Tabby love you." Albus said to her and she hugged him close.
"Good night Albus love you too." She said and they both drifted off to sleep.
Its been a couple of days since the Polyjuice potion and I have to say it was horrible weather outside with the thundering and lighting I was sat in my chambers doing homework while my mum was at the desk watching me. Yes I'm on house arrest for now and I don't know how long either.
"Mum, it's Christmas in a few days." I said to her and she looked up at me with a raised eye brow.
"And your point is kitten?" Minerva asked she was still angry with her daughter for doing Polyjuice potion without knowing the consequences if the potion was brewed wrong. She could have been poisoned.
"Well you see, I've got to finish some Christmas shopping and since I'm on house arrest I was wondering if you could get the things for me?" I asked looking at her.
"I thought we stopped your allowance." Minerva said to her.
"Well since you've been giving me the money I've been saving up instead of spending it." I said to her.
"Oh and how much did you save? The Quidditch teams now have the brooms you donated and your uncle Filius with your Aunt Pomona are your favourite people right now because Slytherin are not winning anymore."Minerva told her daughter because that is true she saw the shocked looks on the two and she had the same shocked looks that she bought the school Quidditch teams Nimbus 2001s.
"I've got about 80 galleons saved up." I told her and she looked at me with a surprised look.
"Okay what should I get then?" Minerva asked and I smiled at mum.
"Boomslang skin and Bicorn horn to replace Severus' ingredients, with the journal that alphabetically arranges the potions you write and gives you information on the ingredients, for dad can you order lemon sherberts and maybe some wooly socks. I already have yours mum so don't worry. For Harry... Maybe some sweets and some Quidditch gloves and Ron some chocolate frogs because that's his favourite." I said and she nodded at me.
"Why don't you go out until curfew but I expect you to be here in that time if your not you know how to floo call me don't you?" Minerva said and I nodded and hugged her.
"Thanks mum." I said and ran out of the chambers to find Harry and Ron because Hermione was in the hospital wing. When I do find them I see them exiting the great hall.
"Harry! Ron!" I shouted and they saw me and smiled.
"Angel out from house arrest?" Harry asked smiling at her, he had detention with Filch which was bad with Ron.
"Parole got till curfew." I said and Ron grinned glad to have Angel out of there for a bit and we walked.
"Have you spoken to Hermione?" Ron asked the both of us.
"She should be out of hospital in a few days." Harry said to us and I nodded at least she'll get better. "Once she stops coughing up hair ball." Harry finished and I grimaced not liking the image I got.
Once we walked up the stairs I stopped them when I saw the water on the stairs. "What's this?" I asked then traveled through the water and came to the second floor.
"Yuck!" Ron said looking at all the water.
"Looks like Moaning Myrtle has flooded the bathroom." Harry said and I nodded at that they came too our ankles the water. I ran then and went into the bathroom to see the sinks running and over flowing with water. I hear moaning and us three looked to see Myrtle.
"Come to throw something else at me?" Myrtle asked crying.
"Why would we throw something at you?" I asked her. I would never hurt any ghost at Hogwarts including the troublesome poltergeist Peeves.
"Don't ask me. Here I am minding my own business and someone finds it funny to throw a book at me." Myrtle told us and I nodded at her in understanding. Even if she can't feel it, it still hurts them.
"But it can't hurt if someone throws a book at you, I mean, it'll just go right through you." Ron said to her and I looked at him.
"Insensitive Ron." I told him because that's very hurtful to a ghost well some of them and Myrtle is one of those that take those offensive to that.
Myrtle flew fast to him and stayed infront of him she was angry. "So let's all throw books at myrtle because she can't feel it. 10 points if you get it through her stomach!" Myrtle said and punched right through Rons stomach to the other side. "50 points if it goes through her head!" Myrtle shouted punching Ron through the head.
"But who threw it at you anyway?" Harry asked her.
"I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the unbend thinking about death. Uhhh and it fell on the top of my head. Hm hm." She said and cried again turning away from us. Then I looked down and noticed the book she said and me and Harry advanced on it and I picked it up from the floor shaking the water off of the cover.
"What do you think this is?" Harry asked me looking at it questionably.
I looked through it and I could feel the dark magic coursing through me. "I don't know but what ever it is has dark magic. I'll investigate tonight while in my room with it. Harry I don't want you near it because it might be dangerous." I said to him and he looked at me like yeah but what about you?
"But Angel-" Harry said trying to convince her not to.
"Harry I don't care what you say I'll look and if it's alright I'll let you near it got it?" I said sternly and he nodded. After that curfew soon came and I ran back to my quarters to see mum, dad and Severus in the room and when they saw me they nodded.
"Dad I have to ask you something?" I said to him and sat down on the sofa and Albus looked at his daughter.
"What is it Sherbert?" Albus asked.
"Do you know anything about Tom Marvalo Riddle? Because the names familiar to me but I can't place it." I said and noticed all three stiffen at the name.
"Why would you ask us that Sherbert?" Albus asked hoping that it was just a coincidence.
"Because..." I said wondering if this was such a good idea.
"Don't lie to us to kitten." Minerva said and I nodded.
"Because I found this in Myrtles bathroom..." I said and I chucked the diary in the desk and they looked at it.
"And you just chucked it in your bag?" Severus said with a raised eye brow at his sister.
"No because it's Toms Riddles that's why. Also it's blank someone tried to get rid of it in the bathroom and me, Harry and Ron found it, I know there's some sort of dark magic in it but I don't know what though." I explained to them and dad nodded.
"Aren't you clever?" Dad said. "Have you tried writing in it?"
Minerva and Severus looked at him and at Amy. "No I haven't I thought bringing it to you first would be better." I said to him and he nodded.
"Well then." Albus held out a quill. "Let's see, shall we?"
"Albus! Absolutely not." Minerva said to her husband not wanting her daughter in danger and Severus nodded with his mothers opinions.
"I agree with mother. That thing reeks of Dark magic. She shouldn't be anywhere near it!" Severus said to his father.
"Severus, Minerva, we don't know that it isn't anything other than a diary," Albus said calmly.
"Then you do it!" Minerva said to her husband because he has more experience than her daughter could at this age.
"Well, I suppose—" Albus said to them.
"No!" I said and I glared at my mother and young brother. "I didn't have to bring this to you, but I did."
"Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore, are you blackmailing me?" Minerva said to her daughter.
I met her stern gaze without responding to it.
Albus watched the proceedings, wondering if either his wife or his daughter had mind control powers he didn't know about. Severus was kind of impressed at his sister. They seemed to be talking, Minerva's emerald eyes and Amy's emerald ones locked in a battle of some kind.
"Fine ok but anything goes wrong Albus you can deal with it." Minerva said to her husband and Albus nodded he didn't like this but with this the diary might not tell him something since he knows Tom Riddle knows him well.
"Thanks mum." I said to her.
"I don't believe you gave in mum." Severus said to his mother. His sister who's 12 at the moment can get their mother to give in like that.
Minerva shook her head and turned her attention to Amy. "Use the common sense I know you have." She said quietly. "If you feel something is wrong, stop immediately."
"Don't worry, mum." I told her. Trust me I'm capable of doing just that I'm not stupid.
I turned and picked up the Quill and thought of what to write in it. I raised the quip and dropped a drop of ink on the first page, the ink was visible for a moment and then it disappeared with out a trace of being there. I looked curiously at it and I felt the page but it was dry and so I turned some pages but it wasn't there and I looked at those three looking curiously too.
I dipped the quill in ink again and then wrote. "My name is Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore." I said as I wrote and Albus looked at the diary with Severus and Minerva. Minerva had a hand on her daughter's shoulder and Severus did too because he was a bit scared of the diary. It disappeared and then a second after writing appeared underneath where I wrote.
"Hello Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore, my name is Tom Riddle." It said.
"Well this is definitely not a normal diary." Minerva said to them.
"I agree my dear." Albus said and looked at his daughter.
"I've got a question." I said and I got more ink on my quill. "Do you know anything about the chamber of secrets?" I asked it and Severus looked. Albus looked at the diary to see what it said. These words faded and it came back with its answer.
"Yes." It replied and everyone sucked in a breath at that reply.
"I think we should stop farther." Severus said to his dad he didn't want to go any further into this.
"But Sev were just getting some answers." I replied to him.
"Just a bit more and then we can stop alright." Albus said and he agreed with his daughter but he didn't want to write much more.
"Can you tell me?" I asked it writing it down and everyone waited with baited breaths.
"No." It replied and we all sighed and sat back mum held me and Severus was next to me. But then suddenly something came on the page and me and Severus leaned forward with dad and mum.
"But I can show you." It said.
"Dad what does it mean it can show me?" I asked and looked at him but he didn't know by the looks.
"No you cannot." Minerva said to the diary over her daughter's shoulder. Then the words were replaced with...
"Let me take you back 50 years ago..." It said and the pages flicked through without any of us touching it. Then it stopped and writing appeared in the top corner. "13th June." I said confused. Suddenly though through half of the book a bright light appeared and mum held me to her and the next minute a bright light consumed me and the book closed.
Next minute I appeared standing and I looked around to see everything in grey and it looked like Hogwarts. I walked ahead of me thinking that I was alone and I came to some stairs with a dark haired boy was standing at the stairs looking at the top of them.
"Excuse me? Could you tell me what's going on here?" I asked him.
"They can't hear you kitten." Someone said and I looked to see mum and I sighed and hugged her. "We're in a memory we can see what's going on but they can't see us or hear us." Minerva said seeing Hogwarts she would have only been turning 11 coming to Hogwarts after this year.
"Mum who is that?" I asked her looking at the boy.
"Tom Riddle." Minerva replied to it.
I walked up and mum followed and we both looked to see men coming down the stairs with a stretcher and a girls arm out and mum held me too her. Minerva didn't like this at all with seeing this.
"Riddle!" Someone said and I turned to see a young dad. "Come."
"Mum that's dad. He looks different and younger." I said and Minerva replied.
"Thats how he looked when I was at school. He wasn't head master in this time Armando Dippet was." Minerva filled her daughter in.
"Professor Dumbledore." Riddle said looking at dad and he went up to him.
"It is not wise to be wondering around at this late hour Tom." Dad told him.
"Yes professor." Tom replied to him. "I suppose I- I had to see for myself if the rumours were true." I could see that was a lie.
"He's lying he already knew." I said and Minerva nodded at her daughter.
"I'm afraid they are Tom." Dad replied to him. "They are true."
"And about the school as well?" Tom asked and I was confused and I looked to mum on that.
"They were deciding if they were going to close the school down." Minerva answered her daughter's confusement and it was replaced with a shocked one.
"But I don't have a home to go to. They won't really close Hogwarts would they professor?" Tom asked him.
"I understand Tom. But I'm afraid that headmaster Dippet they have no choice." Dad replied to him.
"Sir if it all stopped. If the person responsible was caught." Tom said and dad gave him a questionable look and so did I.
"Is there something you wish to tell Tom?" Dad asked him.
"I bet there's a load of things he isn't telling dad like I bet he opened the chamber." I told mum and she looked at me shocked.
"Amy do you think, that he did this?" Minerva asked her daughter.
"Yeah. He's hiding something." I replied to that.
"No sir, nothing." Tom replied and gave him a look to try again and I bet he knew he was hiding something too.
"Very well then, off you go." Dad told him.
"Goodnight sir." Tom said and he went with dad watching him.
Me and mum went after Tom and followed him where he went. I was suspicious of Tom now that he had hid something. I just knew he did.
We ran a bit after him and it looked like we came to the Hogwarts basement. Soon though we got to a room and Tom pulled out his wand and then opened the door to hear and see someone in there.
"Evening Hagrid. I'm going to have to turn you in Hagrid. I don't think you meant it to kill anyone. But-" Tom told Hagrid.
"You can't! You don't understand." Hagrid said he was younger.
"The dead girls parents will be here tomorrow at least Hogwarts can do is to make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered." Tom said with a wand up to Hagrid and Minerva pulled her daughter to her.
"He seems so familiar with the name... Like I've heard it or read it somewhere and seen him before this." I said to mum and Minerva knew her daughter might figure out who it is.
"It wasn't him. Aragog never killed no one, never." Hagrid defended.
"Monsters don't make good pets Hagrid. Now stand aside." Tom said to him.
"No!" Hagrid shouted at him.
"Stand aside Hagrid!" Tom told him again.
"No!" Hagrid shouted at him.
And then Tom said a spell quickly and a bright light hit the box and it blasted the top. Out came from the box was a spider a big one at that an acromantula! Those things can kill you but not by the way everyone is thinking!
"Ah!" I shouted as it came to me and mum pulled me too her and held me.
"Arania Eximai!" Tom shouted and nearly hit the spider.
"Aragog! Aragog!" Hagrid shouted and Tom turned his wand on Hagrid oh now I want to hurt Tom for this. Hagrid wanted to go after it.
"I can't let you go. They'll have your wand for this Hagrid. You'll be expelled." Tom told him and I was seething at him right now.
"Hagrid!" I shouted and me with mum was getting pulled back. A bright light came and we suddenly came back to our chambers.
"Ugh." I groaned and sat up to see dad and Severus looking at the two of us.
"Are you both alright?" Albus asked holding his daughter and Minerva close. He wasn't expecting that to happen.
"We're fine dad. Tom Riddle just showed us a memory of when he and Hagrid fought and his acromantula got loose and Tom saying that he was going to get Hagrid expelled. It wasn't him. I know fully well that Hagrid didn't do this but something is on the tip of my tongue about Tom Riddle and it gives me a foul taste in my mouth." I said to them and they nodded.
"Albus deal with that diary. Kitten it's time for you to go to bed. Christmas is soon remember." Mum told me and I nodded. I walked to my room and got changed into my pjamas and mum with dad came in and tucked me in like always and I fell to sleep. But what's dad gonna do with the diary?
I woke up to shaking and I opened my eyes to see my mum with a smile on her face.
"Wake up kitten it's Christmas." Minerva said to her daughter and noticed her daughter with a vacant expression.
"Mum I'm not allowed to come out on family days." I said to her and she looked at me with wide eyes.
"You most certainly are Amy, why would you say that?" Minerva asked sitting down on the bed next to her daughter and pulled the 12 year old on her lap.
"Because at the orphanage we weren't allowed and we had to clean the orphange from the windows to the floor all day until we have finished." I explained and Minerva understood but she couldn't help how her daughter grew up like this.
"Come on let's go, your brother and farther are waiting for you." Minerva said and she stood up and held her hand out which her daughter took and they both walked in the room and sat on the sofa together and Albus was on the other side of her while Severus was in the chair.
"Happy Christmas Sherbert." Albus said and hugged his daughter. "Sleepy this morning are we?"
"Yes dad." I said to him and looked at Severus.
"We were waiting for you to wake sis. It's present time." Severus said to his older sister. "Oh and merry Christmas."
"Mum?" I looked at mum sitting next to me. "Do we have breakfast on Christmas?"
Minerva chuckled. "Let your farther play Santa Clause, and I'll order food."
Soon I was surrounded by muffins, scones, and several bright packages. Albus was encouraging his daughter to open the gift.
"Sis it's not going to bite you. You act terrified of it." Severus said watching his older sister.
"I'm not terrified. I'm overwhelmed." I told him.
"Where did you learn a word like that?" Severus asked.
"Hermione." I simply answered to him and I breathed and took the first present and carefully unwrapped it.
The present was from Severus and I opened it to reveal a locket and I looked at him and I opened it to reveal the image of me and him smiling together. The locket itself was shaped as a snitch.
"Thanks Severus." I said and hugged him.
"Your welcome sis." Severus said hugging her back and both Albus and Minerva watched the scene with smiles on their faces.
"Ok open this one next." Mum said and I opened it to reveal a Transfigurations book and a charm bracelet of a tabby cat, a Phoenix, a snake and a kitten on the bracelet and I realised that this is a representation of us. I'll have to put for Harry a dragon, James, a stag, Ron a terrier, Hermione an Owl, Joanne a dog, Stacey a wolf, Rachel maybe a wolverine, Sirius a dog/grim and Remus a wolf with Moody a ram and Lily a doe.
"Thanks mum." I said and hugged her.
"Here you go Sherbert." Dad said and I opened it to reveal a photo album. I looked at dad and opened the album to see me as a baby, then at my first birthday, walking, crawling and everything then it showed Severus as a child in his teens growing up and it showed mum and dad. It showed Harry, me and Hermione this year in school together.
"Thanks dad." I said and hugged him. These are very special gifts to me.
"Why don't you three open your threes next." I told them and I gave mine to them and they looked at me.
"Ok why don't Severus go first." Minerva said knowing what he got from her.
"Fine." Severus said and he unwrapped his gift from his sister and he had 3 seperate ones. He opened the first to reveal Boomslang skin and Bicorn horn the ingredients that she stole from him and he looked at his sister and smiled.
"Thanks sis but are these to replace the ones that you stole." Severus said and I nodded at him and he hugged me. He then went onto the next one and he saw this in the advertising in the paper but how did she know?
"Trying to make me lazy are you?" He asked me with a raised an eyebrow at me.
"No I just thought you'd like it." I told him and he nodded the last one mum looked at me curiously because she doesn't know what this one is about.
"No way." Severus said as he opened it to reveal the Slytherins family crest on the front. He looked at his sister with wide eyes and he opened it to reveal potions that are lost and Salazar's notes and everything. "How'd you get Salazar's Slytherins potion journal and notes?"
"What!" Albus and Minerva said shocked and Severus passed it to them and they looked to see it true and looked at their daughter.
"It's a copy from my original one that I have and I thought you might of liked it." I told him and he hugged me tightly.
"Thank you." He said and he meant it this was very special and she gave him it.
"No problem now I think mum should go next don't you?" I said and smiled at her and she looked at the gifts there was 3 in front of her too and Minerva opened the first one to reveal a journal but it wasn't normal at all, it was Gryffindors journal. Her daughter had this journal! This is amazing! The next one she got was a necklace of a tabby and a kitten but it wasn't ordinary it was a protection charm but she didn't know what from and finally the last shocked her it was Gryffindors notes and Transfigurations.
"How'd you get all this kitten?" Minerva asked her daughter looking through the notes and the spells for Transfigurations.
"Ah now that would be telling but again they are copies I have the original." I told her and she hugged me tightly.
"Now you dad." I told him and he looked at me and opened his gifts. It was hard on which to give him so I gave a book of Rowena Ravenclaws journal a copy of course and Sherbert Lemons with Wooly socks that he wants.
"Thank you Sherbert." Dad said hugging me and after that we spent the day playing games, telling stories, and just having fun at dinner time we went down to the hall and sat on one table with the remaining students and Harry, Ron and Hermione thanked me for my gifts but that night when I went to my room I found presents from Joanne, Stacey, Rachel and some others that I might know which was filled with sweets, books and the likes. It was a good Christmas with my parents and brother.
It was spring now and the boys have forgiven me about the diary to my dad and everything and at the moment me, Harry, Ron and Hermione are talking about the chamber of secrets and about Hagrid.
It was an alright day today but it was a bit cold so I had my Gryffindor scarf around my neck like the others had.
"It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago. That's what you said Amy." Harry said to us as we walked across the courtyard.
"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be." Hermione said to them and even if Guardian saw the memory she still thinks it wasn't him.
"We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty rotten snitch to me." Ron said to us.
"I agree something about the name just puts me to where I'm on high alert, but I can't put my finger on it, but something is dangerous about that boy." I told them and they looked at me curiously.
"The monster had killed someone Ron. What would any of us have done?" Harry told us and looked at me.
"Harry an acromantula can't petrified you. They can kill you but not the way the person was killed with no wounds. They would have been a pincer mark on her skin." I said to them and they looked to me and Hermione looked at Harry then.
"Hagrids our friend. Why don't we just go and ask him about it?" Hermione suggested and I nodded at that because I want his story first before I believe this Tom Riddle.
"Oh that'll be a cheerful visit. Hello Hagrid, tell us have you been setting something mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?" Ron said sarcastically. Well you wouldn't say it like that Ron you would say it a different way.
"Mad and hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me now would ya?" Hagrid said coming from behind us.
"No." Us four said. Lying to him what have I become this year? Was I always lying to people?
Hermione looked like she wanted to ask him and I did too. "What's that you've got Hagrid?" Harry asked him coming up with it.
"Oh it's uh- flesh eating slugger pellets, for the mandrakes you know. According to professor Sprout they've still got a bit of growing up to do. But once their acnes cleared up, we will be able ta chop em up and stew em, then we'll get those people down at the hospital unptrefied." Hagrid explained to us and Hermione looked a bit shocked that they'll do that to the mandrakes. "In the meantime though you four best be lookin after yourselves. Alright?" Hagrid told us. We nodded and then he left. How could he of done it? He's so kind to everyone and even he doesn't want the kids to be petrified.
Soon though I see Severus walking up to me and he didn't say anything but grab my arm and pulled me in a hurry. "Severus! What?" I asked and Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other and chased after them.
"Amy, our chambers have been broken into. Mum and dad have asked for me to retrieve you." Severus said to her pulling her along.
"What why would someone do that?" I asked him in shock and I pulled my arm out of his grip and walked along side him with Harry, Hermione and Ron behind us.
"I don't know but it's a mess." Severus replied. He knew the golden trio was behind them but he didn't care about that now. When we got to my parents, mine and Severus' chambers we walked in to see its been ripped apart. Mum and dad was in the room looking at it.
"Dad what happened?" I asked and then I thought about it and went to where dad placed the diary and looked through all the mess.
"I don't know Amy." Albus replied looking at the mess.
"Well it had to be someone who knew the password, doesn't it?" Hermione said seeing the mess and Mcgonagall and Dumbledore turned to them and nodded. "Unless someone knew it without you lot knowing." Harry finished.
"Who ever it was must of been looking for something." Ron said looking around.
"And they've found it." I told them and everyone looked at me. "Tom Riddle's diary is gone." I told them and everyone looked at each other.
"I suggest you four go back to the Gryffindor common room for today. Amy and Harry you have Quidditch tomorrow." Dad said to us and I nodded at him. But who could have done this?
I left the chambers with the three and we walked to Gryffindor common room and sat down.
"Who knew the password?" Harry asked me and I looked at him.
"Only four people that I know about and that's me, dad, mum and Severus." I said and they looked at me with the Severus part.
"Why do you call Snape by his first name?" Ron asked me and I looked at him.
"He's my adopted little brother." I told them and they looked at me wide eyed.
"I didn't expect that Guardian." Hermione said and I nodded, we all talked about it and when it came to dinner we went down and ate and then we went back to the tower and went to sleep for Quidditch tomorrow.
The next day me and Harry was ready for the match against Hufflepuff. I couldn't wait because we had Nimbus' 2001's Slytherin hates me all the time because they don't have the advantage anymore and they have to use their skills.
I walked down to the common room to see Hermione, Harry and Ron waiting for me. "Come on Angel! We have Hufflepuff to win." Harry said to her. She was the best chaser he has seen and even his captain Wood thought that about her.
"Yes I'm coming hold your horses Harry." I told him and Ron looked confused and Harry laughed. When I got there we all walked down the staircase only to spot Ginny there, she looked sick and pale than I've ever seen her. She should really go to the hospital wing because it's not natural for her to be that colour.
"Hey Ginny! Are you going to the match?" Ron asked her and she looks up startles but she shakes her head no and she leaves quickly. What's wrong with her? She hasn't been acting herself lately at all and her brothers haven't noticed either about it but I have. I've seen it since September but I don't know what to do for her.
"I tell you, she gets weirder and weirder by the day..." Ron said to us. Nice Ron! Say that about your sister who's got something wrong with her. She's scared to death of something but what? She's pureblood so it won't attack her.
"Ron don't say that about your sister." I told him and he looks sheepishly at me knowing I don't like that kind of talk.
"I'm sorry Angel." Ron said to her.
"It's alright Ron but just don't say that ok." I told him and he nodded to me.
Then all of a sudden I hear that sound before the voice starts and me and Harry freeze with looking at each other knowing what's about to happen.
"Kill this time... Let me rip...Tear." The sickly cold voice said. Not again! It's going to petrifiy more people. I know it's a snake like Nora told me but what kind of snake I don't know but I can search it in the library about my theory on being the snake that I think it is. The king of all the snakes a basilisk.
Hermione and Ron looks at the two and they know what they've just heard and they don't like this at all.
"No... don't tell me..." Ron said warily. He didn't want another petrifying to happen.
Me and Harry turn to the wall as we always do when we heard the sound because it always seems as it is coming from the walls itself. Our fingers are touching the wall and we look around to where it's going. Hermione studied Guardian and Harry with interest, she wonders if the thing that's doing it has something to do with them touching the wall like that. The voice disappeared and the two of us shake our heads, it's gone and we don't know what it'll do now. Hermiones mind was going  miles an hour to figure out what it could be.
'Wait a minute! Sounds from the could I of been so stupid! It's using the pipes.' I thought beating myself up over this. Why couldn't I of thought of this before I could have maybe told the teachers about it and they could have known about it. Too late now though.
"Pipes... Basilisk.... Could it be that?" I mumbled to myself trying to figure it all out and Hermione looked at me with wide eyed what ever I said must of clicked in her mind about it.
"Harry, Guardian... I think I've just understood something! I've got to go to the library! Thanks Guardian!" Hermione said to us as she sprints back up the stairs.
"What do you understand!" Harry shouted. He didn't understand what Hermione knew but it must if been big.
"She understands me on what I've been trying to figure out. She's looking up my theory to see if it's correct. I was gonna go to the library after the game to see for myself but I think she can find everything to solve this." I explianed to him and he kissed me on the cheek with a smile. Harry literally loved Angel when she does this and she might not be in her adult body or her memories she was still brilliant to him.
"Your brilliant!" He said to me and I smiled.
Then we walked to meet Oliver. I just hope she finds it before that thing finds out and stops her. But I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad is going to happen but I just don't know what though.     
When we met up with Wood he was doing his annual speech again.
"Right now listen up! We play our game, Hufflepuff won't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker and smarter." Wood told us as he walked.
"And don't forget to mention their dead scared that Harry and Angel will petrify them if they fly anywhere near them." Fred said to Wood and I just smiled knowing it was all a laugh for us.
"Well that too." Oliver said to him but he knew that McDore wouldn't do that anyways.
As we were going to enter the pitch we were met up with mum. What she doing here? Now dread started to appear in my stomach and I didn't like it at all.
"Professor Mcgonagall." Oliver said to her and she looked at him and she was holding a rolled up parchment.
"This match has been cancelled." Mum told us. Now I want to know what's happened.
"You can't cancel Quidditch." Oliver said to her.
"Silence Wood." Mum told him sternly now that's something new. "You and your teammates will go to Gryffindor tower now. Potter, Amy. You two and I will go find Mr Weasley there's something the three of you have to see." Mum said and we followed her.
"Mum what about Hermione though? Shouldn't we get her too?" I asked and she looked at me with a somber look which I didn't like at all. What's happened to Hermione? Why isn't mum saying anything?
"Harry! Angel what's happening why have they cancelled Quidditch?" Ron asked as we approached.
"Mr Weasley follow me." Mum told him. Minerva knew that her daughter will react badly to it and wonders what she will do.
"What's wrong?" Ron asked as we followed mum.
"I don't know. Do you know where Hermione is?" I asked Ron and he shook his head no. Ok now I feel something bad has happened.
Soon we got to the hospital wing. "I warn you this could be a wee bit of a shock." Mum told me and we walked in. Severus was there and he looked at me. When we looked at the bed my world turned cold when I saw who was petrified it was Hermione and I think my legs gave out because I found myself in Severus's arms. Why? Why didn't I just go with her? Why didn't I tell her that it wasn't safe to go alone? Why have I failed to protect her? My head was hurting so much and flashs of memories came of my older self and it hurt but I didn't show it to the people in this room but when it finished I was back to my normal age but in a child's body. I looked at Hermione with determined eyes I was going to get whoever had been doing this!
Severus saw the look but no one else did, his older sisters memory was back. He knew that and wonders what she'll do.
"Sev I want to get aged back to my normal self." I whispered for only him to hear and he nodded slightly. I got out of his arms and I walked next to Hermione. My daughter and I held her hand. It was cold, very cold.
"She's got her memory back." Joanne told the others and they nodded.
"Yep and she wants revenge for someone doing this to the students of Hogwarts." Stacey said and she looked to her friends face and saw the hurt in her eyes.
"I wouldn't want to be them when she finds out who has done this no way would I want to be." Rachel said knowing what her friend could do if someone hurt her cubs.
"We'll go to her soon or she'll come here to us. One way or another she'll contact us for this job." Joanne said to them and wonders how Amy is feeling.
"Yeah and that means she'll take control of this situation." Stacey said and turned back to the monitor.
"Hermione." Ron breathed and I knew what he was feeling about this. I need to do something.
"She was found near the library, along with this." Mcgonagall told us and she picked up a mirror. Clever girl Hermione. She knew about the basilisk so she used it to look around corners. "Does it mean anything to either of you?"
"No." Harry said but I just nodded.
"Yes it does." I said and everyone turned to me. "Hermione is one clever girl. Fantastic I should say."
"What does it mean Amy?" Minerva asked her daughter but saw something in her eyes.
"She realised what the creature was that was attacking, and at the moment I'll fill you all in later when I get my friends involved because they love this and they hate to miss out." I said and everyone raised an eyebrow and Harry with Ron looked at Angel and realised she's back to normal but no one else has but Severus.
"Ok but I want an explanation later. Now, right now I want you three to return to the Gryffindor tower." Mcgonagall said to us and we nodded.
"Actually I need Ms Dumbledores help with something but I'll make sure that she'll return to the tower." Severus said and Minerva looked at her son and nodded. After that Harry and Ron left and me with Severus walked to the potions classroom.
"So let me get this straight. You got your memories back by seeing her? She must be important to you then Amy." Severus said as we entered the classroom.
"Believe me Harry and Hermione mean the world to me Severus." I told him and he nodded and handed me a potion. Which I knew was the potion to return me back to my age, I drank it and I felt my self grow taller and when I stopped I smirked.
"So what is the creature that Ms Granger found out about?"Severus asked me. "Also what are you going to do about everyone's memory of you this year? They know your the headmasters and Mcgonagalls daughter." Severus said.
"Don't worry I've already solved that before I de aged they'll have modified memories everyone here and no one will know they'll just think that I was an adult here pretending to be a child. Secondly it was a basilisk. I know where the chamber is Severus and I know the basilisk shouldn't be doing this only to protect Hogwarts so the other Slytherin heir has ordered Esmerelda to do this." I explained and his eyes widened.
"The basilisk has a name? What other heir is there? Who is it? Where's it located?" Severus asked loads of questions but I stopped him.
"I'll answer that soon but I need to go to my office to see my friends I'll be back soon and if mum or dad come looking for me make an excuse ok?" I said and he nodded and I apperated to my office to see no other than Joanne, Stacey and Rachel all grinning like idiots.
"Well you took your sweet time didn't you Amz." Joanne said and she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back with the rest joining in.
"Well you know me always fashionably late. Ok we need to stop the heir of Slytherin and Esmerelda which I'll tell her and how's everyone been?" I asked them and they grinned.
"Everyone has missed you dearly, Minerva has been going crazy with out you, Poseidon's crying and the grandkids they have been sad. Your sons have been doing well and everything." Stacey told me and I nodded. I walked out of the office and all the kids saw me and smiled at me and I waved. The teachers must of known because they waved and when I got in my chambers I was attacked immediately by Minerva. My now 16 nearly 17 year old daughter.
"Mummy!" Minerva hugged her mother who she had missed so much and she was scared for her mother with the attacks.
"Mina I'm fine ok. Nothing hurt all in one piece." I told her and I missed her.
"Grandma!" Ares and Athena said and I bent down and they tackled me. 4 years old now and I kissed them or smothered them more like and they giggled and kissed me. Then I saw Poseidon and he had grown with sea green eyes and black hair.
"Oh my darling boy." I cooed.
"Gran!" Posideon said to me and I kissed his head and hugged Aurora who hugged me back then my sons and Skyla.
"What have I missed?" I asked seeing Alastor who was 19 and Skyla holding hands smiling.
"We're getting married." Alastor said and saw his mum beaming.
"Oh I'm so happy for you." I said and hugged the two of them."Ok I have to get going due to I'm supposed to be a student. Come Rachel, Joanne and Stacey you'll be in disguise." I smirked and they did too. I said goodbye to them and apperated to Severus classroom. He looked up and smiled.
"About time what are you going to do about your age?" Severus asked me.
"Spell." Us four said together and casted a spell to make us 12 year old and he shook his head. He escorted the four of us to Gryffindor where I saw Harry and he smiled at me and looked confused about Joanne, Stacey and Rachel.
"Angel who are these three?" Harry asked me.
"These are my best friends Joanne, Stacey and Rachel. Don't worry their only here for a short time." I explained and they nodded suddenly though, Mcgonagall came in and us four sat down together. I still call her Mcgonagall instead of mum but soon my memory from six years old to younger with my parents will be blocked again.
"Could I have your attention please!" She said to us and us lot looked to her and quieted down to hear what she has to say. "Because of recent events, these new rules will be put in to affect immediately. All students will return to their house common rooms by 6 o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each and every lesson by a teacher. No exceptions." Minerva told them and saw her daughter with three other girls she hasn't seen before. "I should tell you this unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught it is likely the school will be closed."
"What?" Rachel whispered and looked at me.
"I wouldn't shut the school down they need my permission." I told her and they nodded.
"Professor." I said and us four ran after her and walked to her. She looked at me.
"Can we see Hagrid for one hour and then we will return please I have too." I asked pleading her and she looked at me.
"Why do you four need to see Hagrid?" Minerva asked her daughter.
"It's something important I have to talk with him. Please mum it could help with this." I begged and she looked at me and sighed.
"One hour and then come back. You better go." Minerva said hoping she would be right about the attacks. I hugged her and us four ran off to Hagrids hut.
When we got there we knocked and he answered.
"Hello Amy, what can I do you four today?" Hagrid asked and he invited the four in.
"Hagrid we need to ask you some questions and can you be completely honest with us. Please this is important?" I said to him.
"O' course ask away but first who are these three?" Hagrid asked and I smiled.
"We might as well tell him." I said and we undid the spell and became our adult selves. Hagrid looked at us shocked. "This is Joanne Black, Stacey Weasley and Rachel Grindlewald." I answered and they smiled and Hagrid nodded and smiled.
"Hagrid, we know about how the chamber of secrets being opened in 1943 and we know that, you were expelled because of it. We all know you were framed and we don't know what happened except Riddle saying it and the acromantula of yours." I said and he looked slightly pale.
"Can you please tell us?" Stacey asked the half giant.
"Look what you've got to understand is that Aragog nev'r hurt anyone." Hagrid said to them he hated this being dragged up.
"Who and what is Aragog?" Joanne asked in confusement.
"It's his acromantula Joanne." I answered and she looked at me in shock.
"I don't like spiders." Stacey muttered and us three snorted at that. Same as Ron.
"He nev'r hurt anyone he stayed in the room." Hagrid answered.
"Ok Hagrid we believe you, but next time think about this you are stronger than anyone else. You can't get hurt as easily as everyone else in Hogwarts. So next time you want an extremely dangerous creature or pet, keep it somewhere safe and not just for the creature but for the others as well. And at least tell someone so that they can help you if something goes wrong." I explained and he sighed and nodded in agreement.
"Hagrid we didn't come down here to dredge up old history. I know along with my friends that the Minister will try and use someone as a scapegoat and we know with the history of back then you will be that candidate. I'm offering you protection under my house." I told him and really I don't want my friend to go to Azkaban prison.
"But your dad will protect me." Hagrid replied to them knowing Dumbledore would try.
"I know my dad will try Hagrid but at the same time I know Fudge. He will try and go over his head and say that he can't have a say in the matter because of his personal relationship with you. Hagrid you don't have to do anything for me I just want to protect my friend and by that I want you to be protected by the Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor. I would of used my others but Gryffindor is a good one since I was sorted there and plus it has political clout and respect. It would be just extra protection Hagrid. I would hate to see one of my friends in a holding cell or worse Azkaban where one of my friends are being held for no reason."
"I'll do it. Because I don't want to go to Azkaban prison." Hagrid said to her. I smiled and hugged him and he hugged her back chuckling.
"I'll always protect you Hagrid. Always." I muttered to him.
"Here Hagrid you'll need this then." Stacey said and held out a pendant of the Gryffindor crest. "If you ever need Amy or one of us you just hold it and think of us and say I need you. Or just think it." Stacey explained.
"But right now Hagrid we need to get back. No doubt Harry and Ron will come down so you'll see me again but I have to pretend to not know any of it at first ok." I told him and he nodded.
After that the four of us ran up to the castle where we entered the common room and to Harry where they were talking.
"Angel we're going to talk to Hagrid. I can't believe it's him, but if he did set the monster loose last time, he'll know how to get inside the chamber of secrets. And that's a start." Harry explained to the four and Ron.
"But you heard Mcgonagall, we're not allowed to leave the tower except for class." Ron told Harry and he was right about that.
"I think it's time to get my dads old cloak out again." He told us and I sighed.
"Well not all of us will fit under that cloak Harry so we will make ourselves invisible another way." I told m and they nodded and after that we talked some more until Harry got his cloak and then us four casted the disulisionment charm on ourselves while they were under the cloak and we ran from the tower but we made sure that we snuck pass mum and Severus so they couldn't hear us and then we ran on the grass to Hagrids hut again.
"Rachel and Stacey. I want you to stay outside and warn me if anyone is coming ok." I said and they nodded and went round Hagrids hut. Me, Joanne, Harry and Ron went to the door and knocked on it.
"Who's there?" Hagrid asked looking at the door and he had a cross bow in his hands. He kicked the door opened to see no one.
I looked at the cross bow and wondered why he had it on him. "Hello?" He asked. He had that thing pointed straight at me. "Hello?"
Harry and Ron took the cloak of and me with Joanne did the spells to come visible to Hagrid. "Hagrid can you point that somewhere else please?" I asked and he put it to the ground.
"What's that for?" Harry asked him and I wanted to say the same why the heck has he got that? Was he expecting someone?
"Oh nothing I was expecting doesn't matter come on in. I just made a bat' tea." Hagrid told us and we sat down on a chair and his hands were shaking and I looked to him.
"Hagrid are you okay?" Harry asked his friend seeing this and the overflowed tea cup.
"I'm fine." Hagrid said to us. "I'm alright."
"Did you hear about Hermione?" Harry asked him. Well of course everyone has heard about the attacks and who has been it doesn't take long for that to spread around the castle.
"Oh yeah, I heard about that alright." Hagrid told him.
"Look we have to ask you something. Do you know who's opened the chamber of secrets?" Harry came out and I saw Hagrid shut his eyes.
"What you have to understand about that is-" Hagrid was cut off by a knock and Stacey and Rachel appertating in.
"It's the minister and Dumbledore. We need to hide." Rachel said to us and I nodded at that because we are so in trouble.
"Quick under the cloak." Hagrid told us.
"Hagrid I'll apperate out of here and then come ok?" I whispered to him and Hagrid nodded knowing that she'll come to help him.
"Don't say a word, quiet both of you." Hagrid said to Harry and Ron who stood near the fireplace and got the cloak on us four apperate out of the hut just a bit behind the others where we can see.
"Stacey and Rachel get back to Le Da and set up a room for a half giant." I told them and they looked at me but nodded and they apperated. Me and Joanne turned into our adult selves and we walked down there to see Hagrid opening the door. "Oh professor Dumbledore sir." Hagrid greeted and saw Amy but knew to call her Ms McDore.
"Good evening Hagrid." Albus greeted his friend. "I wonder could we..."
"Of course and.... Ms McDore." Hagrid said and Albus with Fudge looked to see Amy and another person with black hair, grey eyes who was lean and muscular wearing what looked like auror uniform but wasn't.
"Good evening Hagrid how are you today?" I asked with a smile and looked to dad and he knew I had my memories back.
"I've been fine governess. Please come in." Hagrid said to her with a smile on his face.
We walked in the hut.
"That's dads boss, Cornelius Fudge the Minister Of Magic." I heard Ron and I gave them a look to be quiet.
"I think Angel heard you Ron." Harry whispered seeing Angel back to normal.
"Bad business Hagrid, very bad business. Had to come three attacks on muggle borns things have gone far enough the ministry has got to act." Fudge said and I listened.
"But I never... You know I would never professor." Hagrid said looking at Amy hoping she would come in anytime but she just had a vacant expression but her friend was trying to hold back a laugh because Joanne knows what Amy is doing.
"I wanted understood Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence." Albus said to him.
"I have to say that I trust Hagrid more than anything minister." I said and Fudge turned to her.
"Albus, McDore look, Hagrids records is against him. I've got to take him." Fudge told us and I narrowed my eyes. He's forcing my hand he is.
"Take me, take me where? Not Azkaban Prison." Hagrid said outraged.
"I'm afraid we have no choice." Fudge said and I couldn't take it anymore.
"Fudge you have forced my hand this time." I said and stepped in front of Hagrid and Dumbledore with Fudge looked at me.
"What are you talking about Ms McDore?" Fudge asked. He knew she had something that she's going to say.
"Your not taking him Fudge. Where is your evidence that Hagrid has done anything unlawful?" I asked and Joanne smirked at him.
"His record is against him Ms McDore." Fudge said blustered.
"Be that as it may, where is your evidence for the so-called crime now? I'll ignore that there was no actual evidence against him before, only the word of a boy that seemed to have the staff eating out of his hands." I said to him. "Yes, headmaster. I did my research and I know him, personally. I know that the boy was very gifted and was well liked but that doesn't mean that his word should have been taken as law." I told him and sneered at Personally because I do know him.
"Also Fudge, Hagrid is the protectorate of the Gryffindor house, he can't be taken into custody without formal charges and evidence proving suspicion. His previous record does not count because there was no evidence for that arrest either." I told him. Fudge was overwhelmed of what Ms McDore said to him. Hagrid was grateful of his friend for doing this for him.
"I could have you arrested for interfering with an official investigation!" Fudge told her.
Joanne snorted at that knowing she'll get out within seconds of being put in there.
"And I could have you brought up on charges of abuse of power, threatening the Head of multiple Ancient and Noble Houses for protecting someone under my protection. Not to mention the goodies that I can find out with enough gold to the right people and a lot more Fudge. You know what I can do with the right people involved so don't push me."
"Fine I won't take him Ms McDore until I have hard evidence to convict him of the crimes." Fudge said to her she was definitely more intimidating than Dumbledore than anything and he knew not to push her or force her to do anything.
Harry and Ron was looking at each other in shock at what Angel just did and looked at the door where it swung open.
I looked to the door that was open to see the Deatheater Malfoy what's he doing here?
"Already here Fudge. Good." Lucius said and entered without permission. Joanne had a growl erupted in her throat and I made sure to keep a tight grip on her and Albus looked to the two to see the dark looks.
"What are you doing here? Get out of my house." Hagrid ordered him and I looked at Lucius with a raised eyebrow.
"Believe me, I take absolutely in no pleasure in side your..." Lucius said and walked towards where Harry and Ron was hidden. "You call this a house?"
"Well not everyone can afford a mansion without the Blacks family fortune Malfoy." I said to him and Joanne wanted to get him.
"I don't know what your talking about McDore." Malfoy sneered but I smirked knowingly to him.
"Now, I simply called at the school and they told me the headmaster was here." Malfoy said to us.
"Well what is it exactly is it that you want with me?" Albus asked him.
"The other governors and I have decided it's time for you to step aside." Malfoy said and I snorted at that and everyone turned to me.
"Malfoy that is a load of bull. You listen here right, I know the governors and they won't get rid of Dumbledore willingly unless they are threatened. And also you don't have the right without all the signatures from them. You threatened their families which I know about because they can tell me. You think your Deatheater game scares me but it doesn't, not even Voldemort can scare me anymore and you know why."I said to him standing in front of him glaring daggers at him.
"This is an order of suspension. You'll find all 12 signitures on it." Lucius said.
"You know Malfoy I know your missing one of them if you say 12." Joanne said to him. He turned with Dumbledore and Fudge.
"Oh and who am I missing Ms Grey?" Malfoy asked.
"Mine." I spoke up and they looked at me. "I'm the high governess of Hogwarts school and I know full well I didn't sign that piece of crap you've got in your hand so Albus can't be suspended duh." I explained with a smirk.
"We feel he's lost his touch so if you could sign it..." Malfoy said handing it and I gave him a look.
"Do you really think I'm going to sign that? I'm not that thick Albus hasn't lost his touch and I'm going to make sure this school will be safe again. I can promise that I will find this chamber and I will see the creature in side and destroy that pompous ass who's behind all of this unless... You already know." I told him with a smirk and he narrowed his eyes.
Albus was looking at his daughter and he with Fudge exchanged looks of surprise.
"No because with these attacks there won't be any muggleborns left or are you going to take the blame if it goes any further Ms McDore if there is any killings yet. I can only imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school." He said to me and I narrowed my eyes.
"If you can't take professor Dumbledore away, take him away the muggleborns won't stand a chance. You mark my word there'll be killings next." Hagrid said to the man and I looked at him.
"You think so?" Lucius said and looked at me.
"Hagrid, Albus is safe anyways due to Malfoy here doesn't have my signature. The muggleborns will be safe under my protection and I will try my best to not fail them. There won't be any killings next and I plan to make sure of that. If Albus wouldn't mind I'd like to make the decisions of the school and what to do. I will find out who's behind this even if I get killed, do you hear me. I will make sure this person pays or I'm not Amy McDore." I said and I looked at Albus.
"I will give you the power to take charge of the school governess McDore." Albus said to her.
"Now that is done I suggest you leave Malfoy before I force you to." I said to him and he looked livid.
"I will get you back for this McDore. Mark my words." Lucius sneered to her and then he turned and left out the door and I looked to Joanne.
"Now Joanne would like you to take Hagrid too our place and get him settled in and show him out beasties." I said and she smiled knowing about the magical creatures we have in store for him.
"Come along Hagrid." Joanne said to him and Hagrid grabbed his suitcase and looked at Fang.
"If um, if anybody was looking for some stuff all they have to do is to follow the spiders. Yep that will lead them. That's all I have to say. Oh and some one'll need to feed Fang while I'm away." Hagrid said and I knew that was a clue to what Harry and Ron asked. Joanne then apperated Hagrid to Le Da academy.
"You will find, that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." Albus said looking at Harry and Ron. He knows he always does.
"Minister if that is all." I said and he nodded and left it was just me, Albus and Harry with Ron.
"Is Hagrid safe Amy?" Albus asked wondering where is game keeper has gone.
"As safe as anyone can be at my place he'll get to experience grown dragons there now come on, let's go and see mum shall we?" I said and he nodded and I gave Ron and Harry a look and left with dad up to the castle.
When we got to the chambers we saw mum at her desk and she looked up to see Albus and me and she went wide eyed.
"Yes I'm back to my normal self and I just saved dad and Hagrid here from suspension and Azkaban go me!" I said and she smiled at me.
"How did that happen?" Minerva asked her now grown up daughter. I explained to her everything and then I got up.
"I need to get ready and be able to find the chamber which the creature I must warn is a basilisk named Esmerelda." I told them.
"A basilisk." Albus said and nodded. I exited the chamber and changed into my lioness form and ran for the forbidden forest only to see Harry and Ron surrounded by Aragog spiders and I roared and jumped in front of the boys and looked at Aragog.
"Who are you?" Aragog asked me.
I changed back to myself. "It's me Amy McDore and I have to ask Aragog to not harm the children." I asked and he looked at me but the spiders didn't stop and Ron and Harry clung to me.
"Go. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command but Amy I cannot deny them fresh meat that wonders so far willingly into our mists. Goodbye friends of Hagrids." Aragog said and I sighed and knew I was safe but not Harry or Ron but I will protect them first.
"Well then Aragog Harry and Ron are under my protection and I can't let your sons or daughters touch them then." I told Aragog.
"Can we panick now?" Ron asked Angel and Harry whacked a Acromantula with the lantern.
"Arana Examai!" I shouted and shot the spell at the spider.
"Know any spells Angel?" Ron asked panicking as we stood together back to back.
"I know a spell but I can't because it'll burn the forest down." I told him and he nodded.
"I know one but it's not powerful enough to take all of them." Harry told us and I nodded. There were hundreds of them around us.
"Where's Hermione when we need her?" Ron said to us and that was a good point.
They were closing in when suddenly I heard a revving of engines. And over the hill came the beautiful car that has just come in the nick of time I'd say. It bashed all the spiders out of the way heading too us. It stopped and the door so opened. I got in the drivers side while Ron was in the back and Harry in the passengers side. The spiders came.
"Arania Exima!" Harry shouted and then he got in. The spiders attacked me at all sides trying to get to us.
"Go!" Harry ordered and I stepped on the accelerate and drove away from there with Ron panicking. We was reversing though and we went over a hill and those two screamed. We eventually stopped and go to way in an area with no spiders.
"Glad we're out of there." Ron said to us.
"Ron don't say anything yet because we're not out of the forest yet." I told him. Ron looked at Angel and gulped she was very much so right about that.
Soon as I said that spider attacked me and I tried to get it off me.
"Ahh!" Ron was screaming.
Harry got his wand out and tried to point it at the spider to save Angel. "Arania Exima!" Harry said and the bright light shot at me but it sent the spider off and I was free.
"Thanks Harry." I said to him. That was awful if Stacey was here she'd be screaming because she hates spiders.
"Don't mention it." Harry said to her because she saved their lives many times.
I and Harry squinted into the darkness and the spiders were there. Woah that's way too many for my comfort. Ron coward and I think I'm panicking.
"Get us out of here Angel." Harry told me. "Now!"
I got the car going and reversed. "Come on! Come on!" Harry shouted. "Move faster!"
I span us around and we all screamed while it did. "Go go!"
I put the car into gear and sped forwards. The spiders after us.
"Get us in the air!" Harry shouted at me and I tried to get the car in the air.
"The rake is jammed!" Ron shouted at him.
"Come on! Pull!" Harry said panicked about this situation.
"Were trying!" Me and Ron said as us three pulled at it. The spiders were hitting the window and suddenly we unjammed the rake. We got of the ground and we hit a branch and we swayed a bit but we were in the air finally.
We flew out and hit the ground near Hagrids hut skidding in the mud as we come to a stop. We 3 got out of the car with Fang.
"Follow the spiders! Follow the spiders! When Hagrid comes back I'm going to kill him." Ron told us. The car shut its doors and it drove off into the forest.
"What was the point in sending us in there?" Ron asked us. "What did we find out?"
"We know one thing. Hagrid never opened the chamber of secrets. He was innocent." Harry said to us.
"I could of told you that. Come on we have to get in remember a curfew." I told them and all three of us walked off. I dropped them off at the tower and then I walked to my parents quarters and sat down in the chair.
"What happened to you?" Minerva asked her daughter seeing her muddy and Severus raised an eyebrow.
"The forbidden forest never ever again. Acromantula not good hundreds of them because two boys are trying to find out if Hagrid was innocent." I told them and they looked shocked.
"Who went in?" Albus asked me.
"Saint Potter and Weasley no doubt." Severus said and I glared at him.
"Yes they have been investigating like normal and they have me involved too. Now I'm going to bed I am exhausted." I told them and went in my room and got my bag Stacey packed with spare clothes and I got into bed and fell to sleep before my head hit the pillow.
Albus and Minerva saw there daughter asleep and they smile.
"At least she's ok." Minerva said and kissed her daughters head.
"That she is tabby now it's time for us to retire." Albus said tucking his daughter in and kissin her head and going to their bed to sleep.
The next day I've been busy with having teachers patrolling each of the floors in pairs and that I have informed them of what they need to expect.
Now knowing what they are up against they feel a bit less scared but scared about the basilisk. They all have mirrors to look around corners when they escort the students from classes to classes. Hagrid has contacted me and he loved the dragons that I have and I also have Nobert with us but we've renamed her as Norberta so it would sound feminine.
At the moment it's getting to sundown and I am exhausted from the loads that I'm doing and my dad has been helping me a lot with everything. But right now I have just escorted Harry and Ron to the hospital wing to visit Hermione. I feel guilty with her here and I should have protected her. Harry has got some white flowers which we have replaced with the dead ones and I wish she would wake up. I could go into the chamber of secrets but I'm waiting for just the right moment to do that.
"Wish you were here Hermione, we need you now more than ever." Harry said sitting at the side and I beckoned him and he came to me and sat on my lap. Harry looked at Angel and noticed a tear and he wiped it away and she looked at him with sad eyes.
"Yeah Hermione who's here to keep these boys in line? Because seriously something needs to be done with them. Harry here needs some one for answers and well for Ron to keep him in line and to stop eating in mouth fulls and to talk like that too." I said and the boys chuckled at that.
Harry stroked her Hermione's hand, she was like a sister too him more than anything. He just wished she was here and to help them through this. Harry though felt something in her hand and he took out a piece of scrunched up piece of parchment and opened it.
"What's that?" Ron asked and I looked to see information on the Basilisk.
"Ron, Angel, this is why Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked." Harry told us. "Come on." He said and ran with us after him.
"Many fearsome beasts roam our lands none is more deadly than the basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years instant death awaits any who meets this giants serpents eye. Spiders flee before it. Ron, Angel this is it. The monster in the chamber of secrets is a basilisk that's why I and Angel can hear it speak. It's a snake." Harry said and saw Angel not surprised.
"You knew didn't you?"
"I knew the basilisk actually personally but with the heir it's been ordered to do this and the chamber I know but I'm waiting for the right time to go down I need to wait to make sure that they are down there for who's doing this." I informed and they nodded.
"But if it kills by looking it in the eye, why is it no ones dead?" Ron asked us. I know this but I'll let them figure it out because they have the brains let them use it.
"Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly at least." Harry said to us looking at his reflection in the glass in the window.
"Correct. Colin saw it through his camera, Justin must of seen it through headless Nick. Nick got full blast of it but he's a ghost he couldn't die again. And Hermione had the mirror, I bet you anything she was using it to look around corners in case it came along." I said and we walked while the two boys looked at me.
"And Ms Norris, Angel? I'm pretty sure didn't have a camera or a mirror Angel." Ron told me and I thought about it.
"The water. There was water on the floor that night. She only sore the basilisks reflection." Harry answered and he saw Angel smile at him. We went over to the light to see the rest of the parchement.
"Spiders flee before it. It all fits." Harry told us.
"But how's the basilisk been getting around? It's a dirty great snake someone would of seen it." Ron inputted and he's right unless it's been organised.
"Pipes." I said and they looked to see it was true because Hermione wrote it on the page.
"Pipes it's been using the plumbing?" Ron said looking around the place.
"Remember what Aragog said about that girl fifty years ago? She died in a bathroom. What if she never left?" Harry said to us and I grinned clever boy.
"Moaning Myrtles Bathroom. The entrance." I said and they looked at me in shock that I said that to them.
"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately." Minerva said and I apperated while they ran and I landed on the second floor where there's Mcgonagall waiting and she looked at me and nodded. Suddenly Stacey, Joanne and Rachel appeared out of breath and looked at me.
"You cheated by apperating." Joanne said and she slapped me in the head and I gave her a look.
"Come on she might as well get here faster than the others." Stacey said and we looked to the wall and I swear Stacey's gone paler than I have this was something and we looked at Minerva.
"Which one?" Rachel asked. Minerva looked to them and whispered in her daughter's ear and I looked to Stacey when she finds out she'll scream.
"Who?" Joanne asked but I shook my head not saying but I gulped. Soon the other staff and with Severus standing next to me. Even dad came to stand next to me.
"As you can see the heir of Slytherin has left another message." Mum said and I wanted to cry but I'm going after her no matter what no one takes a child and gets away with it.
"Are worst fear has been realised a student has been taken by the basilisk into the chamber itself." Minerva told and dad said nothing yet to this. "The students must be sent home I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts." Mum said and I was angry.
"Joanne." I said and she looked at me. "I'm not leaving that student down there. I'm going after her and I'll talk to Esmerelda but she might be made insane with the cruciatus. She might not realise what she's doing and been lied too." I told her and she looked at me with Severus and dad and the other two.
"Your crazy if your going alone." She said to me she won't let her friend go alone her kids would kill her.
"I didn't say it was sane did I? But I'm going when I'm ready I know where the chamber is and I'll go down it tonight." I whispered back. Then I saw Lockheart the worst man I can think of right now and Stacey, Joanne with Rachel groaned quietly and hit their heads on the wall because they hate him too.
"So sorry dozed off what did I miss?" Lockheart said to us probably wanted to get attention to himself.
"A girl has been snatched by the basilisk Lockheart. Your moment has come at last." Severus said and us four snapped our heads his way.
"My moment?" Lockheart said now I knew what Severus was doing but he's an idiot he'll flee in a matter of seconds.
"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the chamber of secrets is?" Severus said and Albus looked to his son and he looked at Lockheart.
"Yeah you said. Enlighten me, where is the chamber then because I know and I'm going there tonight?" I taunted and he looked at me pale.
"That's settled we'll leave you two Ms McDore and Lockheart to deal with the basilisk. Your skills after all are legend and Ms McDore knows the basilisk." Minerva said and looked to her daughter.
"Very well, I'll just be in my office um...getting ready." Lockheart said and turned and walked away and my friends looked at me.
"Who is it that the basilisk has taken Minerva?" Aunt Poppy asked.
"Ginny Weasley." Minerva said and Stacey bursted into sobs and I hugged her. The teachers looked at us but I just comforted my friend and then the teachers walked off me I just went to get my gear on for a fight. But before I did that I turned to Harry and Ron. "Meet me in moaning Myrtles bathroom in half an hour." I said and they nodded and I walked off and apperated to Le Da and got my gear on.
I got dressed into this: y
I decided to take the sword and throwing knives with me into the chamber after I was ready I apperated to the second floor bathroom and I went to the sinks and opened the chamber and had a conversation with Myrtle she told me how she died and I nodded.

The Missing Daughter of McGonagall and Dumbledore (Chamber of Secrets) Where stories live. Discover now