Chapter 3: the bully

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November 13th, 2007

"C'mon Mrs.Klonda, please"

"Niall, i told you no."

"But last year you said that i could do it on my 14th birthday, and my birthday was last month!"

"Niall bleaching your hair is unhealthy"

"I don't care, I don't like my brown hair! Just let me try it and if i don't like it i'll won't do it again."

She looks at Niall for a few seconds before sighing, "alright, but don't come crying when your hair starts falling out at age twenty," Mrs.Klonda said, but Niall had already started going back to his room, yelling a thank you as he ran down the large hallway and up the stairs.

~ after class that day ~

Niall was walking back to his room, books in hand, when he heard yelling come from the end of the hall.

"Hey! Give me my sunglasses!"

A skinny kid with a bowl hair cut was against the wall, his green jumper made him stand out extremely from the light brown wall paper. In front of him, was the orphanage's biggest bully, Jason.

"What do you need them for, punk? Plan on taking a trip to the sun today?"

"Actually," Niall stepped in, " the sun is 5,778 Kelvins, and thats only its surface. No human could ever survive such drastic temperatures. "

"Well well well" Jason said, slowly turning to look at Niall with a scowl that seemed to be cemented on his face. "Looks like boring Horan came to join the fun for once."

"What your doing isn't fun, its mean, now give him back his glasses and leave him alone."

"Okay," he says, dropping the glasses to the ground, which the boy picks up and stumbles quickly down the hallway.

"What ever you say blondie." With this said, Jason snatches the books and folders out of Niall's hands and throws them to the ground. Niall can do nothing but stare as his papers scatter across the hard wood flooring.

"Its looks like you stuck your head into the washer with the whites, knuckle head."

"I-i like it this way" Niall manages to stutter.

"I think i liked it better when it was brown." Jason smirked, looking to the, or more accurately /his/ boys that were standing on either side of him and always followed him every where. "Take him to the toilets boys."

Before Niall had a chance to run away, the boys grabbed him by his arms and started dragging him towards the boys bathroom. Niall struggled as much as he could to try and break free, but it was no use, he could only pray for help.

That, is when something strange happened.

As they were passing by a light filled window, Niall felt something churn inside him, then he was suddenly dropped, the two boys that were carrying him cried out in pain and looked at their hands.

"My hand, its red!"

One cried.

"Ow, he burnt us!"

Cried the other.

Jason rolled his eyes at them, "you guys are a bunch of wimps, how could he have burnt you?"

But the two just continued to whine and ran to get Mrs.Klonda and blame Niall.

Jason groaned, "If you wanna do something, you gotta do it yourself."

He walked over and picked up Niall, who was still sitting there, by the arm. He was to confused by what had just happened to do anything at all.

Jason was just about kick open the bathroom door when the sound of high heels could be heard down the hall, followed bye a, "Jason McKeen! Put Niall down now!"

Jason groaned, but implied, there was no such thing as saying "no" to Mrs.Klonda. She motioned him to go to her office, and after he did, she went over to Niall. "Are you alright, hon?" She asked. He simply nodded and stood up, with his hands in his pockets, he continued on to his dorm room. He thought, 'What just happened?'

That, was his first glimpse at what he could do. But he didn't even know he had powers yet.

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