Ms McDore is Dead?!

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When I breathed again I did it very lightly and slow due to Voldemort was there and I heard someone approach and come next to me and it was Narcissa. "Is he alive? Draco, is he alive?" Narcissa asked and I nodded noticeably to her but no one else.

"Yes." I whispered to her for only her to hear.

Narcissa remains crouched and she was relieved her son was alive. She, Bellatrix, Lucius, Ruldolphus and Rabastan can come out from being a spy and they knew that but not right now they were out numbered but when they get to Hogwarts, they will. "Dead." Narcissa said and Bellatrix saw the lie but only she, her husband, brother in law and Lucius knew.

I was picked up by Hagrid and I remained still. I squinted a bit and noticed we're headed to Hogwarts and I didn't see Neville looking to the group headed towards them. Harry, Hermione and Ron join him with Luna and others. Hagrid stared forward with Amy in his arms and Voldemort magicked a giant from the bridge out of their path. A large army was behind us and I didn't like this but we'll win with me and Harry now with the Horcrouxes all gone. Fred and George came with Ginny and the other Weasleys. Neville still held the sorting hat and Nagini 2 slithers at Voldemorts side.

"Who is that Hagrid's carrying?" Ginny asked and Alastor and Albus came and went pale with Joanne, Rachel and Stacey as they saw Amy. Sirius looked shocked with Tonks and Remus with James and Lily. Ariana, Percival, Robert and Kendra were also there looking pale with the Le Da lot and Perenella and Nicolas was in tears seeing Amy who was like a granddaughter to them. However they didn't see the looks on either Alastor Moody's face with Severus has they saw their older sister and lover dead. Mason, Harry and Hermione recognised and looked crestfallen.

"Harry, who is it?" Hermione asked as she walked with Ron and she hoped it wasn't who she thinks it is.

"Amy McDore is dead!" Voldemort shouted with glee and everyone was shocked.

"NO!" Stacey shouted with Ginny as they went but Arthur held back Ginny while Fabian held his wife in comfort but Rachel was glaring with anger with Joanne and they had enough of the snake.

"Silence!" Voldmeort shouted to them. "Stupid girl and woman." He said to them and Rachel marched forward with anger but Minerva held the woman back with Gellert. "Amy McDore is dead. And Harry Potter if you don't back down you will die as well. From this day forth you put your faith in me." He said and turns to his Deatheaters. "Amy McDore is dead!" Voldemort shouted to them with glee. They laughed but Viktor and Fleur came and they have fought with the Dumstrang and Beauxbatons but they couldn't believe their Aunt Amz was dead.

"And now the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die." Voldemort said and Poppy was in tears and Slughorn was there with Pomona and Filch. I listened and I had to restrain myself and said we'd die first.

No one made a move. "Draco." Lucius said he didn't want his son to be killed and he wanted to leave with Narcissa they've done their part in this. Bellatrix, Ruldolphus and Rabastan can stay with them. Draco gulps he didn't want to run away, Amy helped him in his time of need.

"Draco..." Narcissa said to her son softly. "Come." She said to him.

'Draco, don't worry it's me Amy. Go with your parents and then when the battle resumes go with them and go home. No more fighting for you for the rest of the battle. Don't tell anyone I'm alive yet I'm giving Voldemort a shock.' I informed him and Draco sighed in relief and he starts to walk forward he could use a bath after last night and some sleep. Minerva, Isobel, Robert Jr and Malcolm watch him as he went.

"Ah. Well done, Draco. Well done." Voldemort said to him and Bellatrix looked to Amy's body discreetly. She will help her fight no matter what. "Well done." He said hugging Draco and Draco didn't like it. Severus watched his godson go and he hoped Amy had a plan but she was dead. She couldn't stop any of this from happening now and he felt a tear roll down his cheek. Narcissa looked to Severus and leads her son away and Lucius follows.

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