Chapter 2 - Danika

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Uh, it was too early to be awake and yet someone was pounding on my door like the house was on fire. "Dani! If you don't wake up right now we're going to be late. Again!"

That would be Freya, my next door neighbor; Freya and I lived in the pack house with a few other teenage werewolves. Most lived with their families but after my mom and dad died at the hands of hunters when I was 6 I moved into the pack house and have lived here ever since. The others who stayed here were usually college kids who lived quite far from the university and so saved time in commuting by staying here. Freya and her brother Carlton lived here because of that very reason, though Freya and I were the only high school kids here.

"I'm coming! I just can't find my keys"

"They're with me, Matt's driving us today remember"

Right! Matt, he did say he would drive us today, which meant that I was indeed late. I flew around the room like a hurricane, pulling on a pink sweater and a pair of jeans lying on the floor. 

Quickly doing my makeup and brushing my teeth, I had perfected getting dressed in a hurry, even being able to go through my whole makeup routine in minutes. When I finished I grabbed my bag and shoved my feet into the first pair of shoes I found, black ballet flats, thankfully. I grabbed a hair tie off of my dresser and hurtled out the door, smacking straight into Matt.

"Hey babe, good morning"

"Hey, sorry I'm late, shall we go?"

"Yeah sure, Freya is already in the car"

Matt smiled at me and took my hand as he led me down the stairs. He looked so hot today, in simple jeans and a t-shirt and that hair, I knew for a fact that he didn't use any product in it and it was all natural, that messed up just got out of bed look. Matt had sandy blonde hair and puppy dog brown eyes with a straight nose and a killer jaw, he was always clean shaven and stunning and built like a footballer, he was at least 6' with a muscular physique. Just before we stepped out the door he pulled me into a spine tingling, toe curling kiss that left me breathless. He gave me a cocky smile and then pulled me out the door.

"So we going to that party tonight guys?" Freya asked as Matt and I got into the front seats of his jeep.

"What party?" Matt wasn't always very up to date on the latest party new, he used to be, but now that he was almost Alpha, well he partied a lot less. Well, then no time like the present to fill him in. "It's just that some random high school kid is throwing a party tonight, it was all last minute, just came in like 10 minutes back. You wanna go?"

"Where is it? I haven't heard of anyone on the Res throwing a party and no one's parents are out of town either" being the next alpha definitely had its perks, Matt usually knew everything going on on the Res, not that he would abuse his power, like say in telling me when a party was going to happen. Things like that I had to find out all on my own, from my other mysterious sources.

"It's not on the Res. It's in town" Freya opened her mouth before I could, here's the thing, Matt isn't fond of us visiting the town as much as we do, his upcoming permanent role of Alpha has killed all his rebellious sneaking off to the town to party ways, and now he doesn't even like me and Freya going either.

"That's not such a good idea, you guys should just skip this party, and you don't even know who's throwing it"

"Some guy called Dan something or the other, it'll be fun Matt, and you haven't come out with Dani and me in forever"

"I've been busy Freya and I still don't think you guys should go to this. Anyways we're here I'll see you after classes"

"Bye" Freya called as she jumped out the jeep; she sent me a sympathetic look as she shut the door and bounded off to class.

"I'm serious Dani, don't go to that party"

"Did you just order me to do something?"

"No no of course not, just please"

"We'll see, now I'm going to be late, I'll see you later" with that I jumped out the jeep and ran to catch up with Freya. I know Matt meant well but sometimes I just wished the old easygoing Matt was still here, not the guy who was going to become Alpha of one of the most powerful packs in the world, in some ways he had changed so much that I couldn't even recognize him anymore.

By the end of the last period, all my friends were talking about the party at Dan Heston's – that was his name apparently – place and Matt was still completely against me going. on the ride home Freya brought it up again and I really felt like smacking that girl "given any thought to coming with us Matt?" she asked, I couldn't help but cringe as Matt's hands on the wheel tightened till he was holding on for dear life. Before he could break the wheel and put us in the hospital for who knows how long, I grabbed his leg "we won't go okay. If this is really bothering you that much we won't go" Freya was shooting death glares at me through the rearview mirror but my words had definitely calmed Matt down, his grip on the wheel relaxed and he gave me a small smile.

"I'm really sorry Dani, but I just don't like you guys going out into the town and you know that things have changed now"

"Yeah, I know. I'll see you tomorrow okay"

"See you"

With that Freya and I slid out of the jeep and went on up into the pack house. "What the hell Dani, a little warning next time?" Freya turned to me as soon as we got inside and shut the door. "Chill Freya, you know how he gets about these things nowadays. Don't worry we're still very much going to this Dan person's house party tonight" I reassured her with a wicked grin but her expression got so worried, "you'll actually do that? Go against what you just promised our Alpha and your mate at that?" she asked, "This time yes, and he's not Alpha yet" I replied as I turned and headed up the stairs to my room.

At 8 o'clock that evening Freya and I were dressed and ready to go. Thankfully apart from Freya none of our other friends knew about the promise I was breaking so when we meet them they acted like their usual crazy selves but Freya still had a bit of a frown on her face.

"Relax Freya we'll get back in plenty of time, and Matt is just being paranoid" I whispered to her as we headed toward my car. It was a half hour drive into town from the Res, so by the time we reached the party it was in full scale.

Dan, the guy whose party this was, was nowhere to be seen and my friends and I just roamed around and danced till will we couldn't move our feet anymore. By the time the clock struck 12 I had probably had way too many shots but even in my inebriated state, I realized that it was time for me to head home. Freya was nowhere to be seen and the rest of my friends had somehow vanished too. 

I searched for them all over the house but when I couldn't find them anywhere and none of them were picking up their phones I had to assume that they had left already. We did this quite often, whenever any of us got bored of a party we usually left, that was why we made sure we all had plenty of cars. But I was in no state to drive, that was for sure.

Since I had no other choice, I tottered out the front door and made my way towards my car. In that state of mind all I could think about was getting home not that this was a monumentally horrendous idea.

But I reached my car and hopped in, I located my keys at the bottom of my cloth and shoved them into the keyhole and started my car up. I pulled out of my spot and sped down the highway paying careful attention to the road signs so that I wouldn't miss my turning onto the Res. somehow I did miss and had to take a sharp right. I knew that I was in trouble the minute I took that turn. In what felt like slow motion I watched the tree come closer and when the front of the car hit everything sped back to reality for a second before it all went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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