Getting ready!

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Waking up to my dad yelling about his life but I don't give a damn. Today is the day I go around the world with my best friend, Angel.

You see its this University thing and I'm so excited. I get my things ready and I hardly say bye to my dad. He and I havn't been talking lately. My mum died 3 months ago and she and I have always dreamed of me going to Uni. Mum died of over-dose pain killers. She and my dad were fighting a lot. But now I don't have to worry about that any more.

I call up Angel to see if everything is ready. She is practically screaming on the phone. I throw my suitcases in the boot of my Mercedes Benz and hop inside.

As I drive I think about my adventure that's coming and giggle with excitement! I drive to the airport and spot Angel looking frantic as ever. "Angel what happened!" I exclaim. "Oh it's just that I lost my phone and I can't find it anyway its alright." she says. You know she always talks so fast you can't understand a word she says.

Any way as we are boarding the plane we notice some cute guys we know from school staring at us. We look at each other and giggle.

In the plane I'm sad I won't be sitting next to Angel, but her and I both sitting next to really cute guys. Maybe this won't be that bad after all.

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