7. Beliefs and Rights

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This so small, and I'm so sorry for the massive wait and everything. Here's a tiny chapter because your comments motivated me. I will be working on the next one and hopefully the next time I update will be in the next week and not in the next year. Sorry.



Chapter Seven

~Beliefs and Rights~

“You haven’t given me an explanation to believe.”

Derrick’s words rung. Did I have to give an explanation? Shouldn’t it just be simple? I sighed. There is nothing to explain.

I sat up right. “There’s nothing to explain…”

My eyes widened, as I looked at the clock. It was still early. A wicked smile spread across my face. This was it. This would settle everything. “See that’s what I…” Derrick got up, he was going to leave.

“Wait no,” I gulped. Gaining all the courage I could muster, I gave him a weak smile. “Don’t you find it funny that Sullivan was sent to jail for killing my mother! Yet as soon as he’s back out the first thing he’s done is come back at me. The only member of my family left. Wow, isn’t that great. And I just don’t understand…” I closed my eyes, and then reopened them. “I just don’t understand why everyone believes him after he did that to my mother.”

Derrick had frozen his back stiffening with each word I said and then he turned around grinning. The type of grin people would kill to see. The type of grin I’d kill a hundred men to see. For this grin was not like the fake grin I had seen or the horrible smirk that seemed to have made a permanent place on his face. “That’s all you had to say.” A silent gasp left my lips as his arms wrapped around my waist. They were so familiar and I welcomed them so much. Derrick kissed my forehead. “I knew those rumours weren’t true. I was just waiting for you to tell me why I shouldn’t believe them.”

“You shouldn’t have needed them Derrick, you could have asked. You know you’re the only guy for me.” I winked giving him a nudge.

“I know.” He said through gritted teeth, and it wasn’t because he was annoyed or anything it was just simply because he felt bad.

“What about the rest of the kingdom?” I sighed resting my head on his shoulder.

“I don’t know.” He whispered and I nodded. Derrick kissed the top of my head, and squeezed my hand. “It’s going to be okay though.”

And as much as I wanted to believe him, a part of me knew it wasn’t going to be. We sat there together arm in arm for a while but thoughts were processing through my head like crazy. “Derrick?”

He hummed.

“I wish you didn’t isolate me like that.” I stared blankly.

“But I…”

“No, hear me out.” I interrupted. “This is hard for me. This whole thing, I didn’t want to be involved in this competition to begin with and you’ve come up out of nowhere with your gorgeous charm and beautiful eyes and convinced me to go on and I said I would. Then the slightest rumour crawls around and I have to tell youexplain to you why it isn’t true. You shut me out, despite ‘believing’ that I didn’t do it.”

“I…” His eyes widened, and I could now feel his heart pounding against my back.

I knew I shouldn’t have brought this up. I should’ve of stayed wrapped up in my safety net that was him, and left this to bug at me but I didn’t. There was no backing out now. I couldn’t just open it up, and close it back down. I had to go on. “You didn’t believe the rumours, did you?”

Derrick grabbed my hands and stared into my eyes, “I’m sorry, Evaina but I didn’t see a reason for him to be lying. I forgot about your mother. I always forget, hell no one even knew you were there child until recently!”

I didn’t know what was worse, the fact that he didn’t have any faith in me to trust me or the fact that he forgot about my father. How can you just forget? It wasn’t something I brought up briefly. He found out this on his own. This was how all of this started and he forgot.

I bit my lip, and looked at him trying to find the decency and the common sense that led me to fall for this man, but I just didn’t see it. “I think I better go.”

I stood up, and walked up to the door. Just as I put my hand on the knob, “Evaina…”

I gulped, and walked out, not even looking back.

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