6. An Explanation To Believe

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Chapter Six

~An Explanation To Believe~

The test hadn’t been that bad, I guess. The only part I was really worried about was the whole ‘rigging’ thing. It still confused me on how the others finished so quickly… Derrick had chosen it thought, wouldn’t he of tried to use my weaknesses to get to me though? Instead… He’d trained me in that area… He knew I would know the right things to say but he’d still chosen it? Did that mean he still wanted me to win? Does that mean somewhere deep within him, he still wanted to be with me? But yet again, had he only said that… said that he chose it… to get me worked up and worried about it?

I was waiting outside the library for Jessica, she didn’t know I was there but I did know here daily routine, a little too well. We hadn’t spoken in days and I was starting to wonder if the rumours had gotten around to her and she’d believed them.

When the door opened I straightened out my position, she was here.

Her hands were laced into Alexanders and her eyes glared at me. She was just going to walk past and say nothing. Not on my watch.

“Excuse me, Jess?” Her eyes snapped to mined, she stopped but she didn’t respond. “So rumours got to you, didn’t they?”

Her eyes widened before narrowing, “They’re not rumours they’re true. He was completely right.”

“Were you not there when we had that conversation about how nasty rumours were, and how people should go confront someone before they believed them?” I hissed.



“I was but, he had proof.” She said sternly.

I smiled, “What sort of proof?”

“A page of your diary, and it was in your handwriting.” She screamed, outraged.

The smiled dropped from my face, my glare had hardened. What and idiot… “You remember when that girl Anne came up to the palace that weekend?” She nodded, “And remember, how she wanted to play with only you? So she got my diary and bribed me with it?” She nodded again, “I haven’t kept one since.”

She knew that too.

She’d watched as I’d buried it outside… right in…

Both Jessica’s and my eyes widened, “There was a page. I remember you writing it in front of me, very similar to the one Sullivan had. It was when they first introduced the back-up plan.”

I laughed, “You know what’s even worse. We’d buried outside the window of Lord Sullivan’s office.



“You aren’t buying this crap, are you Jess?”


“Actually,” Jess turned to face him, “I was there when all of those events happened. So yes, I am. Anyways, friends trust on another. Evaina knows what she’s doing.”

                 I hoped I did, but there was still something bothering me…

I pounded on Derrick’s door. I was so over this. The door swung open to a very sleepy-like Derrick, ignoring his glare I stomped in. “Oh yes, Evain. Please do come in.”


“Remember when we first had an actual conversation?” I asked, “It was when you were teaching me the proper ways of being a lady.”





“You didn’t pick the test yesterday.” I spoke sternly walking closer to him as I did so, “If you had you would have chosen a topic based on my weaknesses.”

Derrick sat down and looked out the window again. “I did choose the test, but Evaina that was a suitable test. The kingdom needs a real leader, and I’m not going to let a simple falling out get in the way of that. My life doesn’t revolve around you.”



“There was a time in which I doubted you and I believed you.” I whispered, walking towards the door.

“You haven’t given me an explanation to believe.”

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