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Gondor - Minas Tirith

The gates of Minas Tirith opened to let a Courier inside, he was a short fellow, shaggy brown hair, bright green eyes and a fair complexion. He is running as fast as he can to the top level, he is stopped in his track by a Citadel Guard.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked the Courier. "I need to see Lord Aragorn!" The Courier replied seemingly in a hurry. The Citadel Guard gestured him inside the Throne room, he pushed open the doors and ran up to the King of Gondor, the King was dressed elegantly, with the beautiful Lady Arwen sitting beside him.

"My lord, Minas Morgul has been taken by the men of Harad!" The Courier breathlessly exclaimed. "So it has begun." Aragorn said more or less to himself.

Erebor - Dale

A young dwarf is walking through the city of Dale with a look of shock, they are preparing for war, the dwarf doesn't know why, because there has been no threats here since, well, nearly 100 years. A couple of older men started yelling and cursing at the boy and told him to hide behind his golden fortress. The dwarf walked quicker and eventually reached the dwarven city, he went inside and was just about to open his front door when there was an explosion, not just a small one like the kind all young dwarves are used to, but a major explosion. He turned around to see the gates were blown open and hundreds of men were rushing in, fully armed, the dwarves couldn't stop them, it was a slaughter to the young dwarven eyes, he turned and ran as fast as he could up to the top of the mountain and burst through the doors to see Gimli, King under the Mountain, in full battle armour with his legendary battle axe from the War of the Ring. He charged out without saying a word.

Mirkwood - Elvencity

Legolas, the Elvenking sat on his throne with a grin upon his face, the elves had a visitor, Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took and Samwise Gamgee of The Shire. There was a feast on in his hall and the three hobbits sat beside him, they feasted long into the night without stop, the music and dancing was fantastic and would have cost so much money if it wasn't for the magic of the elves. At 2:47am Gimli came bursting through the doors yelling something about traitors and Esgaroth. Legolas, Gimli and the hobbits went into a side room and locked the door.

"Legolas, it has begun, the men have been corrupted." Gimli said glancing at the hobbits. "So I have heard, Aragorn gave me word not last week." Legolas replied. "W-What has begun?" Pippin asked confused. "The War of the 4th Age." Gimli said simply.

The Lord of the Rings - War of the 4th AgeWhere stories live. Discover now