Book I Part III

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Chapter V - Dol Guldur

The Witch-King marched slowly to the three foreigners. "Whoo iss thiss?" It hissed at Tamriel. "And whyy iss it heere" Tamriel froze. "Because there was nowhere else to take them my lord, I wanted you to kill them personally." The Witch-King drew his sword gracefully and brought it up, and in one quick stroke he sliced off Tamriel's head. He shifted towards them, he walked slowly closer sheathing his sword, he smelt them and said. "I do not lower mysself to these kind." He hissed. He ordered a group of goblins to execute the three of them. They raised their axe on Ebony, and just as she was going to be killed Talios drew his bow and shot the executor dead. Tolman threw his knives and then drew his sword and Ebony drew her sword. They fought off these goblins hopelessly, but after a little bit of weak fighting something flew through the sky, it swooped down and took up some orcs, it was an eagle. "Eagles!" Tom called out. The goblins screamed out in terror, the hope swelled into the three companions, but what's more, Ebony spotted something in the shadows, and then all of a sudden, thousands of giant spiders burst through the treeline dominating the goblins. The three of them pushed forwards towards the castle, with air raids coming from the sky and with the spiders at their sides. They dominated the goblin front line, and pushed past the second. They reached the door to Dol Guldur in minutes, the spiders slammed down the gates and the eagles wiped out the archers. The got through the gates in a breeze, and took the first floor, half of the spiders went down to the lower floors and half went up with the companions, they pushed through the levels of Dol Guldur, they reached the doors to the Witch-Kings room. Ebony opened it and the others ran in with the other spiders. The Witch-King killed them near instantly, Tolman threw a knife and Talios shot an arrow, but they just dissolved into the Witch-King's body, so they all drew swords and ran at the servant of Sauron. The Witch-King knocked Tolman to the ground and he was knocked unconscious. Ebony and Talios fought valiantly but they were no match for the Dark Being, Ebony was stabbed in the side and she dropped to the ground limp. Talios was cut across his chest, and a surge of anger and pain went through him, he rose slowly and attacked the Witch-King again, this time putting infinite speed and precision into his strokes, they moved over to the window and the Witch-King slammed Talios into it and he nearly fell over. The Dark Being tried to shove him but Talios moved away and stood behind the Witch-King. "Lanta a' i' mandu'!" Talios screamed plunging his sword into the Witch-King's back. The Dark One stumbled but again rose with his sword drawing, but his breathing, it was deeper, heavier, he was weakening. The fighting continued, there were near misses on both sides, Talios was thrown through a table and into some chemistry equipment. He crawled away and stood up, the Witch-King let out a cruel laugh, raising his head to the heavens. He was standing by the window. "Lle lanta au' kuruni aran." Talios said getting up, he then ran as fast as he could at the Witch-King, he slammed his sword into the body of the Dark One and tackled him out of the window, the two of them fell, Talios' sword driven into the Witch-King falling to the ground. The hit came all at a sudden, Talios felt sharp pain and then nothing.

Talios awoke in a mass of dead, orcs and spiders above and around him, and the Witch-King below him with Talios' light sword driven into it. Talios tried to get his sword out but it was wedged in, Talios gave up and tried to crawl through the mass of dead. He reached the fresh air after five minutes of struggle and the rotten smell. Talios rose to his feet and looked around, the dead was in a pile just behind him, Dol Guldur was back under goblin control and the orc banners were back up on the castle walls. Talios crept up to the ruined walls, he climbed through a gap and peered out into the courtyard. There were two orcs standing guard at the door talking to each other. Talios crept out into the open and scampered across the courtyard to a hole in the fortress. He looked inside and saw at least five orcs there talking to one another. Talios saw a one handed sword lying just ten metres in front of him, he climbed through the hole and ran for it, the orcs saw him just as he picked it up. Talios moved over to the orcs and killed one in surprise, the next two were chain movements leading to their deaths, he turned and decapitated another, spun and thrust the sword into the chest of the last. Talios noticed the stairs and bolted up them, he skipped the next floor but the third floor had non-connecting stairs, so he ran through and jammed his sword down ones throat, pulled it out and swiped at a second, it was parried and the orc countered, Talios rolled to the left and rose slicing the orc's side open. Another three orcs came running in after hearing the commotion, Talios threw a knife at one, killing him instantly. The other two charged him and there came a clashing of steel, Talios sent a ripping combination of strokes at the two small orcs, which left them lying unmoving on the floor. Talios went bolting up the next flight of stairs and running straight into a room with three orcs, but they were bigger than the usual orc, they were at least seven foot tall and were well built. They ran straight at Talios with huge maces in their hands. The first orc swung its heavy mace at Talios, he jumped to the side and slammed the blade into the side of the orc. The orc screamed but survived, wounded. Talios was now unarmed as the second orc came for him, it swung its mace in a swooping arc, Talios jumped backwards and the orc stepped forwards and swung again. Talios backed away from the three orcs, they came at him swinging their maces with hatred for him, well for his kind more like it. Talios waited for gap in the orc barrage, and as soon as it appeared he stepped in and drove his fist into and Orc's face, he then kicked another in the stomach and stole his dagger, and used that to kill the third Orc. The wounded Orc slowly rose to its feet, it had a sword stuck in him and a blow to the stomach, he walked towards Talios, raising his mace above his head. The Orc swung its mace as Talios, Talios jumped to the left and jammed the dagger into the Orcs throat. He pulled it out just in time to parry the attack of the remaining Orc, the parry knocked his dagger away. Talios turned pulled out the sword from the fallen orc and swung it in a sweeping arc at the surviving Orc, the Orc blocked his stroke and countered. Talios ducked under his foes attack and stabbed the Orc with as much force as he could muster. He let that Orc fall to the ground before running up the next two flights of stairs without stopping, he was near the top now he could tell. Four orcs came from a seperate room and noticed him instantly, these were normal sized Orcs with weak orcish armour. Talios sliced straight through the first and stabbed the second. The other two ran at im swinging wildly, Talios dealth with one quickly, swinging him out the window, the other had a little more skill. He swung at Talios' knees, Talios jumped and brought his sword down on the Orc's head, but the Orc got his sword up just in time to block the stroke. Talios then swung horizontally at the Orc, the Orc again blocked the attack, but this time coming up with its own. It swung at Talios randomly with an unknown combination. Talios parried this simply and quickly slammed his sword into the orcs chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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