Book I - Part I

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Chapter I - Change

Talios slowly got out of his small hay-filled bed like it was a huge effort. He walked over to the looking glass by the window, it was a small room, with a single round window opposite the door. He saw a wavy mop of blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a tall, thin build looking back at him. Then all of a sudden his friend Tolman walks in, Tolman, or Tom as he likes to be called, is a hobbit. He has a shaggy mop of brown hair and grey eyes, he also doesn't like people mentioning his height.

"Stop lookin' at yourself and come have breakfast, it's ten thirty." The hobbit says to him. You see Tom might be a hobbit, but Talios is an elf, a wood elf in fact, but that doesn't matter for the moment. "Well, you comin'?" The hobbit asks again.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming." Talios replies tiredly walking out the door.

The table was littered with food. Bacon, eggs, sausages, tomato, pancakes, toast, cakes and much more hobbit food. They both sat down as another 4 people came to the table, a tall elegant blonde woman, a young scruffy looking boy, a teenage girl and a hobbit, who was looking awfully starved(for a hobbit). He ate the most of all of them. Once the food was finished, Talios got up and went to his room, put on some fresh clothes and a green/grey mottled cloak, he grabbed his longbow, quiver and his short sword, which went over his left shoulder. You see Talios is left handed, so his weapon layout is a little different, but of course he shoots a bow like anyone else. Talios made his way outside.

The city of Rivendell is still as beautiful as ever, Talios thought to himself. He walked off to what used to be the Last Homely House, and the House of Elrond, but the elves fled Middle-Earth to the Grey Havens, now it is inhabited by a mixture of elves, men and hobbits. Of course any hobbit in Rivendell is looked upon as "queer" by the Shire hobbits. But they think everything is "queer". Talios walked inside the house to see none other than Arwen, the Queen of Gondor, it came as a shock to his young eyes to see the beautiful elf queen standing there, no one new of it until now.

"Do not be frightened young elf, I am just visiting my home." She says smiling sweetly. She said "home" as in she still lived here. Talios walked slowly up to her, she looked at him intently, seemingly interested but not. He reached her and she grabbed his hand.

"How old are you Talios?" She asked nicely. "If you know my name then you would surely know my years." He answered trying to see how much she knew if him. "You are seventeen, which to the elves is merely a child." She answers laughing. "Yeah, child, right." Talios says grinning. Arwen just smiles at him and let's go of his hands. "We shall see each other very soon Master Talios, very soon." She warns disappearing slowly. "She can do that" were the words running through Talios' head as he left the house.

Tolman walks over to him and grabs him by the wrist pulling him to the meeting area, the leaders of Rivendell are deciding who should be the ones to go to Mirkwood, Erebor and Minas Tirith, as no one on this side of the mountains has heard from them for nearly 7 months now.

"We need three brave people for each area, we are talking volunteers." The city Mayor announces, Tolman raises his hand yelling "I'll do it! I'll do it!" and drags Talios into the middle with him. "Well I guess I'll go too." Talios says awkwardly. There is silence for about 30 seconds when a young elf girl, about the same age as Talios calls out. "I'll go with them!" The whole crowd turns around at her shocked, everyone has heard the stories of the enemy awakening. "The world is not a place for a young girl, boy and a hobbit to be wandering around." The leader warns. "We will not be wandering, we will have our orders." Tolman calls back. The crowd is still silent, no one dares to move. "Well there we go, the first group underway, since there is no more volunteers, you three shall visit all three places, and then report back to us." He explains. "If you survive." The Mayors assistant adds. The three new companions nod and all walk off together trying to get to know each other.

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