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You sent me:

"Hey man, my mom is in bad pain and needs to have surgery next week. I was hoping you would pray to God that she will be ok... I don't want anything to happen to my mom..."

Hey, I'm really sorry to hear about all that. I love my mom, and I hate to think about what might happen if she was taken from me. Let's begin the prayer.

Dear Lord, right now I come to you asking that you'll watch over Team-JOHN105's mother. Lord, she is going through hard times, and I ask that you will be there by her side, letting her know that everything will be okay. I pray that your angels will watch over her and her family, comforting them. I pray a healing over this woman, that whatever is bothering her would be forced to leave and not return. I pray that whatever is not of you will be cast away from this family in your holy name. Whatever happens, Lord, I pray that your will be done. I pray all this in Jesus' name, Amen.

I'm really hoping this helps, and I'll be praying more over your family at home. Take care.

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