Chapter Two

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    I woke up on the hard ground with burned debris spread all about me, and even some on me. I sat up slowly and examined the wreckage all around. The Burke's house was completely destroyed, turned into a big pile of rubble and ash. Tears dropped from my eyes, leaving clean streaks on my now ash covered hands as I used them to cover my mouth in shock. It looked like the Burke's hadn't made it out. 

    What am I going to do?

    Everything was gone. I stood up and examined myself. I was dirty and bleeding here and there, but overall I was fine. I tried to brush the debris and ash off myself, and then took a deep breath. I needed to find help. I tried to think. The main part of London was only a mile or two away, maybe I could walk. I gathered my courage, pulled my coat tighter around me, and started off the the city. I made sure to avoid the destroyed house and then followed the main road to get to the city. I prepared myself for a long walk. 

                                                                   * * *

    I trudged, finally, into the city. Now where did I go. I didn't know where the police station was, and I had no money for a Taxi. I walked deeper into London and tried to look for friendly faces as people passed. I stopped and asked some people for directions to the police station, they just pointed in the general direction. I headed that way and kept an eye out for the police station. I couldn't find it. It felt like I had been walking for hours. I was lost, scared, lonely, and I'm pretty sure everyone I passed thought I was homeless because of the way I looked. And technically, that was true. The home I was staying in was blown up with the whole family inside, and now, I was left all alone. With nothing. I eventually gave up and sat down on a bench outside of a closed business store. I covered my face as I started crying again. My head hurt because of dehydration from crying so much, and my feet ached from walking. It was getting dark and I still hadn't found the police station. I wished this was a dream, that I would just wake up and be back in my bed at the Burke's, ready for another day of school. Except it wasn't. This was all real. 

    I felt a gentle hand on my arm and a deep voice spoke. 

    "Hey, it's all going to be okay." The voice soothed. I wiped my face and looked up. A young man stood in front of me. I quickly took in his appearance. He had short brown hair with ears that stuck out slightly and his dark brown eyes looked worried, but comforting. His full lips were frowning slightly at seeing me cry, and his sharp jawline outlined his face shape. "What's wrong?" He asked me gently. Another tear slipped down my cheek and I wiped it away. I didn't want to be seen as week. I let myself take a deep breath before I answered his question. 

    "My house was bombed, and... no one else made it." I said as I tried not to let more tears fall, but it didn't work, they still fell. I didn't wipe them away this time. The young man nodded sadly and bit his lip, I could see him thinking. 

    "Come on, I'll take you to the police station." He suggested kindly. I nodded and accidentally let out a hiccup. He smiled and held out his hand, I took it. He helped me up off the bench. I realized I should probably introduce myself. 

    "I'm Evelyn Nicholas." I informed him.

    "My name's Will Hartmann." He told me. "The streets are getting crowded with all the people getting off work. Hold my hand so you don't lose me." I nodded and held onto his hand tightly as we plunged into the crowded sidewalk. We weaved in and out of the people passing by, getting pushed here and there. I felt my hand start slipping out of Will's. In my panic, I didn't watch where I was going, and I ran right into someone. I lost my grip on Will's hand as I fell back onto the hard cement sidewalk. I stood back up quickly and tried to spot Will overtop of everyone else's heads, but I was just too short. I started to panic, I hated crowds, and now I was lost again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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