Chapter 1 ✔️

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Chapter 1

Everyone has that one friend that is closer to them than all others.

The best friend.

They know  all the secrets you're trying to make sure no one knows. They're always there, through the thick and thin. Always. That's what makes them such a great friend.

Growing up, I always had a really hard time making friends, so the fact that I never really had a best friend probably wouldn't be too surprising. Occasionally, I would make a few regular friends. Which means that we would play during recess and talk during group projects, but we were never close enough friends to where they would ever invite me to hang out with them. I mean of course I was invited to quite a few birthday parties, but the weird kid that ate his boogers was too, and I really don't want to grouped in the same category as him.

I was considered for the most part a secondary or tertiary friend. I was a back-up friend, making me always there if they needed someone to hang out with if their actual friends were out sick or if no one was available because they were all already playing another game with their other friends. And for the most part I was fine with that.

I kept myself busy with books, with school work, and anything that just keep me busying and not make me not look like a total loser. Like I said before, I really didn't want to be grouped in the same category as booger boy. Because like I said he was disgusting.

My parents always blamed my lack of friends onme not putting myself out there enough and my attitude. They said I was too cynical, too negative, and a little too self absorbed. They thought that if I would only change a little- and by that I mean my entire outlook on life- then I would have friend lining outside the door waiting to be my bestie. So, at the ripe age of seven, they enrolled me in little league soccer. They thought that not only will it be a great way for me get exercise but also a great way to make friends. But boy were they wrong- well at least about the later part.

Playing soccer was a great idea, it gave me a new sort of focus, and a new drive towards life. I was really dedicate towards winning, and I would do anything to win. And that fact made a lot of the other kids hate me even more, because not only was I really determined to win, but I wasn't quite a team player, I would never pass the ball. Basically I pushed a lot of my teammates out the the way, and kicked a lot of balls.

I had a really hard time learning that it was a team sport. I got a lot more evil glares from the parents than I ever got from kids.

But anyway, soccer was not the answer for my friendship problems. Nope. The answer to that was a girl that moved to town about mid year during ninth grade.

She was instantly popular, and though I was popular for my own reasons, she helped me become who I am today. She encouraged me to still try out for the varsity soccer team, to take on leadership positions at school, to really put myself out there. She even dragged me out to cheerleading tryouts the month before the start of sophomore year- we made varsity together.

And now four years later we rule the school together. We finished a great fall season on the varsity football cheer season, and are about to go into the competitive cheer season as well as our spring sports. We are the dynamic duo of the school.

"Quinn, are you even listening to me?" A hand waves in front of my face, and I instantly snap out of my thoughts.

I look over at Cleo, and see a concerned look on her face, "What?"

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