the sewers PT1

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You were sleeping in the sewers when you heard some foot steps coming form ahead you wake up (*Hissss* There's someone here...) you get up and stretch and crawed up the wall and in to a airduct and you wait till they walk under you . It was 2 homeless guys trying to find some where to stay I jumped down and hiss at them the guys tried to run but I caught both of them and I ate them. After my meal I walk back to my home if that's what you want to call it I heard some girls above me so I hoped up it to the airduct and made my way to the surface to see it was too girls I let them go they would make a good meal but I let them pass I went back down to my home and met my queen (my queen is there anything you want me to do?) (*The queen* no there isn't much we can do we need to blend in with the humans to repopulate we have a shortage with good and host to plant a new queen we should take to the city and use the humans DNA to make us look more like them (Y/N) . (Yes my queen.) The queen and I went up to The surface and hunted some people we found two people a man and a wife I creeped up behind them and put my razor sharp tail behind the man and I opened my mouth ready to punch a hole with my smaller mouth into the woman on three I stabbed the guy in the neck he spit up blood and gugeled his last breath then I punched a hole in the woman's head causing blood to pore out of her head I draged them back to the sewer so the queen can eat enough to be able to change I killed the last of the city. Hissss(my queen I..(queen) you don't need to call me queen now we need names to blend in  I will name my self Mary *get it because queen Mary ...*( you) yes that's a great name.

Sorry for a short chapter for this I will be work on this one not like first story hope you all like it and if you have any ideas leave a comment  so you guys BYEEEEE

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