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"Come on Dean, it's our wedding. We're supposed to dance together." Castiel tried tugging Dean out of his chair.

Dean shook his head. He had been watching everyone else dance. His brother and Gabriel were enjoying themselves. Gabe's head was resting on Sam's chest as they rocked back and forth slowly. "I don't dance."

"Yes, I know that. But it's our wedding. It's a tradition amongst humans to dance with their spouse after they are wedded." He pointed out, still tugging Dean.

The hunter reluctantly got up after a moment of silence, letting his new husband pull him over to the dance floor. He grumbled something about chick flick moments. Other than that, he remained quiet.

Dean placed his hands on his spouse's waist, while Cas wrapped his arms around Dean's neck. He gave him a smile, glad that he had at least agreed to one dance. Cas had pestered him all night to dance with him. He had expected Dean to flat out refuse, but was pleasantly surprised when he had.

Dean looked out at some of the other people dancing. Ellen and Bobby were dancing, but it looked like Bobby was in the same boat as Dean and didn't want to dance. Kevin was laughing and twirling Jo around, Charlie was dancing with her girlfriend, Donna and Jody were tripping over each other's feet (they both consumed way too much champagne), Crowley was reluctantly dancing with Rowena, and Sam and Gabe were whispering stupid jokes into each other's ears. Benny and Garth sat off to the side, making awkward small talk to each other every once in a while. Dean couldn't help but smile. These were all their friends and family that they cared about the most.

"I love you." Cas murmured, laying his head against Dean's chest.

Dean grinned down at him. "I love you too, Cas."

Even though Dean hadn't wanted to dance, they had stayed out on the dance floor for a good half an hour or so. They swayed to the music, neither of them speaking. They were both simply enjoying the other's presence.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. Dean opened his eyes, wondering when they had slipped shut. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing his brother standing there.

"Hey, just thought I'd let you know that Gabe and I are the last ones to leave. Everyone cleared out to go to bed." He said.

Dean gave a small nod. "Alright."

"By the way, congratulations, jerk." The corners of Sam's lips quieted upwards into a small smile.

Dean rolled his eyes, letting out a small chuckle. "Thanks, bitch."

And yeah, it was a lame wedding. Compared to what most people had, anyway. But for Dean and Cas, it was enough. Who gave a shit that it was held at the bunker? Who gave a shit that the dance floor was the library with the shelves and tables pushed to the side? Who gave a shit that the music was being played off a crappy little sound system Sam had set up?

Dean didn't. It was definitely a day to remember, and he wouldn't change a single thing about it.

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