Chapter 3- The Professor

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Chapter 3

My eyes open slowly and groggy as I turn over to my side so I can shut off my alarm on my phone. I press snooze just so I can lay in bed a little longer seeing how I got no sleep, due to moving all of my furniture into the apartment.

Mostly everything is where it's supposed to be except for my clothes, I still haven't hung them up because it was around two in the morning and I was already tired enough. So I'll probably just do that today after my classes. I stare at the picture frame of my mom and i when i was little, I shake my head and put it into my drawer so that I don't have to think about what happened.

I came here to forget, not to remember.

I have more of the hard classes today which is English (communication and speech). I'm surprised I actually got in because that class is only for college sophomores and college juniors, but seeing how I do pretty good in school, it doesn't surprise me at all. It's just cause I'll be the only college freshman in there.

Then I also have Human Physiology which I'll enjoy since we're identifying body parts, but I'll have to take that class very seriously if I want to become a surgeon. I get a handle of things very quickly, so hopefully that class will be easy.

Finally, my snooze button goes of which indicates to get out of bed. I groan as i get up, picking up the covers and putting them to the side.

I make my comforter neat and then put my decorative pillows on my bed so that my bed is made for when I come home.

I walk into my bathroom while putting my hair up, I turn on the shower and get undressed. I hop in, meeting the nice warm water, making me relax and quite calm seeing how I'm pretty nervous for my first day. Once I'm done washing my body, I turn the shower off and hope out.

I wrap my towel around my body and start to brush my teeth in front of the sink mirror. I spit out my toothpaste and gurgle water inside my mouth.

Now onto outfits, which is going to be a hard decision. It's the first day, so I should wear something cute.

I put on my gray leggings along with a white, silly spaghetti strap shirt. I put on socks and put my feet into my white hightop sneakers with laces.

I take my hair out of my bun and straighten it so that it's neatly straightened, even though it's already straight. I just hate some of the frizzy wavy parts of my hair that I develop from sleeping with it wet.

I apply some mascara to my long eyelashes, making my blue eyes pop. After I'm finished, i walk into the kitchen and make some coffee, pouring it into my white coffee cup.

After a few minutes I decide to leave to go to my college now, I dump the coffee in the sink and put it in the dishwasher. I then grab my black bag that has notebooks, pencil and pens, paper, and my books on English and human body parts. I also put my phone inside my black bag as well.

I walk out of my apartment, locking it on the way out, and put the elevator button to open. It immediately opens up and I walk inside, pushing the first floor which is the lobby.

I lean my back on the back of the elevator and patiently wait for it to take me down all the way. It suddenly stops to let someone in on the sixth floor.

The elevator opens and my eyes immediately lay on Bryant, my stomach feels all different kinds of feelings.

I step aside so he can come in, I try to hide my smile from embarrassment because of last night and from myself blushing because whenever he's around me I smile.

The Professor Where stories live. Discover now