Seducing Chuck Bass

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I looked up to the tall figure and got on my tip toes, and leaned forward, getting my mouth close to his ear. Smirking, I began whispering into it. "If I were you," I began with a whisper, a seductive tone lacing my voice. I laid my hand onto his shoulder and breathed my hot breath onto his ear. "I would watch where you're going," I said, finishing my sentence. As I began to pull my face away, I brushed my cherry lips against his ear lightly, knowing that would have an effect on him. I took my hand off his shoulder, got off my tip toes, and leaned back. I continued walking forward, purposely bumping my hip into his side. As I sashayed away, I pulled out my new i phone and tapped onto the camera app, selfie mode on, and looked at the screen. Chuck was eye-balling me big time, obviously dumbfounded, and with a hint of blush on his face. My plan was now in motion.

 Time Skip ~~~

School went on, and I was now in Math class, with a teacher named Ms.Carr. She looked very young, brown hair and a petite body and form. On a random note, it was quite obvious, or at least I found it was, that she was checking out-er- what's his name? Ah! Daniel Humphrey. They seemed to... like each other. More than a normal teacher should with a not-so-normal student. Though, I wasn't really surprised. Daniel was quite attractive, and so was Ms.Carr.

I sat at my wooden desk, pondering and wondering on what I should do to Chuck next. Although he did sit behind me in class, which gave me many opportunities, I couldn't really do anything which was part of my plans during class time, and I would have to wait until we had to leave this classroom, 2nd period, to go to lunch, which was 3rd period. I laid my head against my palm, leaning one side of my face against my hand. Well, let's just say I wasn't that enthusiastic to hear about stuff I've already known since the middle of last year. Although this class was meant and made for Seniors, which to most people means that I, a Junior, should not be in this class. Well, I was more advanced than most. Ms.Carr, knew this, which is why she called on me so much and calling on me was what she did at that moment.

"Adrianna, would you like to work out this problem?" Ms.Carr asked. I nodded and looked at the problem.

I looked at the chalkboard, scanning the problem quickly. Easy! I thought to myself. I stood up and stepped away from my desk, and headed to the front of the classroom. Once I made it to the front, Ms.Carr handed me some chalk so I could solve the problem and write down the answer. I walked up to the board and solved the problem at a surprisingly quick speed, it only took about 15 seconds to solve. "Correct!" Ms.Carr said loudly, so the entire class could hear. Satisfied, I stepped back from the board, suddenly having an idea come to my head. I smiled and prepared my plan.

I 'accidentally' dropped the chalk, which was a new part of my new scheme. "Whoopsies!" I yelled, acting surprised that I dropped the chalk. I bent down, arse in the air, and grabbed the chalk, slowly rising up and turning back to Ms.Carr. I stepped towards her and gave back the white chalk, turning my head to my classmates, and noticing that for some strange reason, most of the boys, including Chuck, seemed red in the face and jittery, Chuck being the reddest out of them all. Smiling, I sashayed back to my desk and sat down, waiting for something to happen. Finally, Chuck shot his hand into the air, causing Ms.Carr to call on him. "Can I use the restroom?" Chuck questioned with haste, adding a slight tone of, 'I need to go, now!' The teacher nodded, signaling that he could leave. He stood up, covering up his crotch as he basically RAN out the door. Few other boys repeated the same pattern, leaving the other girls knowing what just happened. I smirked, knowing my plan had worked. For the first time, I found it in my heart to appreciate the uncomfortable uniforms and short skirts.


Lunch finally rolled around the time 1:00 in the afternoon. The sun shined bright that day as I looked around, trying to find my friends. Finally, I found them, sitting at the top of the steps, like always. Lunch in hand, I walked over and found Blair and Chuck, of course, making out, Serena on her phone, giggling because of a text from her boyfriend Aaron, Blair's minions eyeballing Nate, who sat alone on a bench about 30 feet away from them, like little kids in a candy store, and me, standing there like an idiot. 

"Hello?" I said quietly, attempting to grab their attention. No one seemed to hear, making me a bit annoyed. "Hello!" I repeated, even louder this time. Finally, they all turned to me, seemingly noticing my existence. I waved at them quickly, getting a few 'Hellos' and wave from them as a response. I walked closer and sat on a step under Blair. Since there were railings next to her, Chuck, and Serena, it seemed to block any other person from sitting. Well, unless if you wanted to be squished.  

Out of all of them, Chuck seemed to have his eyes lingering on me the longest. 'I wonder why.' I jokingly thought to myself, which brought a smile to my face. I looked at Nate, catching him looking at Chuck and Blair kissing sweetly. An obvious look of anger and sadness was on his face, making me feel bad for him. He looked at me and sadly waved. I did the 'call me' sing, saying that he should call me later. I did want to talk to him and cheer him up. He turned away from me and began eating his lunch, leaving me with the only option being t turn and talk to my friends. We all began talking about random crap, including the new dance that was coming up and clothes shopping for the dance. Lovely. 

Word count: 1054 :)

I hope you enjoyed!

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